Steemit Engagement Challenge / S11W2 - The Worst Enemy, Sugar

in Healthy Steem10 months ago

Greetings steemians!

Welcome to another wonderful week of Steemit Engagement Challenge season 11. I will begin my entry in this community (Healthy Steem) where I will be sharing my thoughts on sugar the worst enemy.

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Do You Know the Quantity of Sugar You Consume Per Day


Honestly, I have never track the amount of sugar I have consumed in a day. I consume a lot of sugar daily through foods, drinks and snacks. Fruits like; pears, mangoes, bananas, berries and oranges contain sugar and I eat them often but still I don't have any idea of the amount of sugar taken into my system per day. Apart from natural sugar consumption, I also eat a lot of foods that are processed with artificial sweeteners.

Do You Have a Family Member Who Has Diabetes Issue


I don't have any family members who is suffering from diabetes. That's one thing I am always grateful for; sound health. I have come across some friends who has diabetes and they sometimes feel uncomfortable but try to take care of themselves. Each time we go for check up, the result always read that we are free from diabetes as a family. For those friends that has diabetes, they are advised to reduce the intake of sugary foods and drinks.

Have You Had an Issue with Sugar Before


I have never had any problem with sugar in my entire life before. My sugar level has always been on a normal scale. Although, I am clueless about the amount of sugar I consumed daily but I don't eat sugar overdose. I always try to balance it up by taking part in activities that will balance the sugar level and also reduce/avoid sugary substance.

Generally, sugar plays a very good vital roles in our body which means that it's important to eat it, so I try to not to totally avoid it.

What are Your Thoughts About Sugar as The Worst Enemy


In as much as sugar is good for the body, taking excess is very bad to the healthy because it's leads to a lot of damages like; diabetes, fatty liver disease, high blood pressure, unnecessary weight gain, heart disease, tooth decay and skin wrinkles/sagging. All these negative effects listed above directly explains that sugar is our enemy but not worst because it has positive effects too.

For the fact that sugar leads to different forms of illness, I see it as an enemy no matter how good it has contributed to the health.

I will invite my friends ( @eliany, @pandora2010 and @f2i5 ) to participate in the contest as well. Thank you!

Please note: all the pictures are owned by @adylinah.

 10 months ago 

What happiness it gives me to know that both you and your family are healthy because it means that you are eating very well, I wish you always enjoy good health.

I'm about to finish my participation only that there is no good sign to place the images.

Success in the challenge 🤞🏻
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

 10 months ago 

Thank you very much for your support and comment. I hope to read from you soon 🤗

 10 months ago 

Es muy bueno que jamás haya tenido problemas con el azúcar y que se encuentre consciente, además, de los problemas de salud que esta puede generar cuando la consumimos en exceso. Lo ideal es mantener un equilibrio que modere la ingesta de este alimento y no erradicarlo por completo de nuestra dieta, ya que es innegable que su dulzura siempre será un factor que nos atrae. Éxitos, amiga...



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 10 months ago 

Thank you for the support

 10 months ago 

It is good you don't experience anything such but then it is good to also be alert on the food you consume as it won't trigger it. Thank you for inviting in wishing you success in your entry

 10 months ago 

Yes, I am being careful. Thank you for your comment

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