SEC-S16 / W4 | "The Environment and Our Health"🌍👩‍⚕️

in Healthy Steem3 months ago
What do you understand by the word "Environment"?

More simply, the term Environment is everything that surrounds us, this includes the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land we live on. The environment can also be referred to as the conditions and circumstances that surround us and affect us. It can include the natural environment like air, water, and land, as well as the built environment like buildings and cities.
The environment can change and evolve, and humans have a significant impact on it. it can also be defined as the surroundings or conditions in which a human being, animal, or plant lives and operates, it includes physical, chemical, and other natural forces.

Watching the beautiful scenery ontop of a hill

How do our surroundings impact our well-being?

Our surroundings have a huge impact on our physical, mental, and social well-being, this impact can be both positive and negative. The air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat come from our environment, if our environment is polluted, it can lead to health problems like asthma, cancer, and other dangerous diseases. but if our environment is clean and healthy, it will promote our good health and well-being.
Another way our surroundings impact our well-being is in terms of air and water, if we live in an area with clean air and water, we are likely to be healthy, but if we live in an area with polluted air and water, we are most likely likely to get sick, this can happen both in kind of food we take, for example when we don't have access to healthy food, we may not be getting the nutrient we need.
Our environment can also have a big impact on our mental health and well-being, for example, if we live in an area with a lot of violence, it can cause us to feel anxious and stressed, but if we live in an area with a strong sense of community, it can make us feel supported and connected.

keeping our environment clean

What are some ways pollution, like air or water pollution, can affect our health?

Environmental pollution can affect our health in many ways. It can cause many health problems like respiratory diseases, heart diseases, and some types of cancer in our body.
sometimes, air pollution can cause symptoms like coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath, it can also trigger asthma attacks. water pollution can affect our health by causing health problems like stomach aches and vomiting.
Air and water pollution can affect our health also by causing us long-term health diseases like health problems like heart diseases and cancer etc. They can also damage the mitochondria in our cells, which are responsible for producing energy, all these diseases can have lasting effects on our health.

What are some actions you take every day to promote environmental health?

Nevertheless, there are some actions we take every day to promote environmental health this includes cleaning and tidying our surroundings both outside and inside, making sure everywhere and everything around us is clean and has a good smell.
Another way we can promote our environmental health is by using essential oils to scent our home and surroundings, you can also consider getting an air purifier to improve the air quality in your home. Also to promote health, we should drink purified water, can also boil or filter water before drinking or using it, boiling and filtering of water helps kill most microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, and parasites in the water that will affect our health. we should not pollute our water, and air to keep our health in good condition

How can education and awareness play a role in promoting environmental health?

properly disposing waste

Education can play a role in promoting environmental health by educating people about the importance of protecting the environment and the impact that human activities have on it. Educating people about the link between the environment and human health can be done through schools, community groups, campaigns, and mass media.
Also, awareness can be raised through some events like All People Day creating awareness of the simple changes people can make in their daily lives to reduce environmental effects.

I am honoured that you read my post, do well to drop a comment and I will be grateful. I invite @zekanem, @comfortpeter and @bossj23 to participate in this contest.

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Hallo teman senang bisa membaca artikel yang anda bagikan kepada kami di sini, dan Terimakasih sudah mengikuti kompetisi ini kawanku.

Melihat postingan anda saya sangat senang karena kata-kata yang anda bagikan, membuat kami semua di sini merasa malu dengan keadaan kami sendiri.karena anda sangat pandai dalam menjaga polusi udara di sekitar anda.

Dan anda sangat peduli terhadapat kesehatan pulusi udara dan air.
Terimakasih sudah berantisipasi dalam kontes ini dan semoga sukses dalam kompetisi minggu ini temanku.

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Curated by - @wilmer1988

 3 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Hi friend as a newbies you have really given a quality post,I wish you success, caring for our surrounding is very important, also by going to school we can acquire wisdom to keep our surrounding clean. Wish you success..

This post has been upvoted through Steemcurator09

Newcomer Team Curation Guidelines For March 2024
Curated by - @wilmer1988

  • We invite all newcomers from 0 to 3 months of existence in steemit to use hashtags #newcomer and #country.

 3 months ago 

Thank you @wilmer1988

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 3 months ago 

Greetings friend, the best school to teach how to maintain a pollution free environment is our home, from childhood talk to them about the importance of keeping it free of pollution.
Success in the

 3 months ago 

Welcome! You clearly and sensitively stated the importance of the environment to our well-being and how our daily actions can contribute to its preservation. In fact, by taking simple steps like keeping our surroundings clean and choosing eco-friendly alternatives, we can all play a role in promoting environmental health. By making others aware of the connections between our actions and our environmental impacts, we can create positive change on a large scale. Keep sharing these inspiring and encouraging thoughts!

 3 months ago 

Thank you for your comment
I appreciate

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