SEC-S16 / W3 |" Your personal Care Products.💈 🧴 🧼 🪒"

Well, when I turned on steem and went to the healthy steam community, I saw this challenge. chose.
Today I will tell you about my personal care products and explain their benefits and why I use them.

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Daily routine.
Today I will introduce you to my daily routine and also tell you what products I use for my personal care and why I use these products and their benefits.I brush my teeth first thing in the morning when I wake up. I will tell you which brand of brush and which brand of paste I use to clean my teeth.I use
Coalgate brush and paste
to clean my teeth. Now let me tell you its benefits.Toothpaste is not only used to clean the teeth but also helps to make many things shiny and clean.This paste has many benefits, it makes the teeth strong and clean and shiny. After using this paste, our mouth smells good and we feel like we are breathing fresh and cool breath.It helps me with cleaning my teeth and many other things. ## For example.

Toothpaste is not only used to clean the teeth but also helps to make many things

shiny and clean.

Treatment of nail acne on face

:Shine shoes:

Shine the ring:

Remove odors from baby feeders:

Wall Cleaning:

I use a brush from the Coolgate company because it is of very good quality. Its fibers are very soft and delicate. We feel very comfortable when we brush with it. Because of its soft and delicate fibers. Our gums do not bleed.After brushing I shower. Below are the products I use for bathing.

The product I use for bathing.

First of all let me tell you which soap I use for bathing and what is its benefit.
I use Dettol soap for bathing.There are many benefits of this soap that I share with you. Dettol soap is a popular antibacterial soap that contains chloroxylenol, an antiseptic property that effectively kills germs and bacteria. This is a strong, hospital-grade soap that is especially useful for small cuts, skin infections, and insect bites. That's why I use this soap.
I went to the market and bought these specially for this task.
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What kind of hair conditioner should be used?

Hair conditioner should be chosen based on whether your scalp is dry or oily. If your hair is already weak then it is better not to use conditioner but serum can be used instead of conditioner.
If your scalp gets sticky again shortly after showering, it means it has oily skin. In such a case, choose a shampoo and conditioner and consult a skin specialist.
I use Head and Shoulders shampoo for bathing.
This conditioner has many benefits. First of all it removes the dryness of the scalp and makes our hair soft and delicate that's why I use this conditioner.

The razor I use for my undershave.

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I use Hygiene razor for my undershave. Because it is very good quality. We don't get cut from sharing with it. It gives a very comfortable shave.Shaving with it does not present any problems, it works like water flowing over our body.I also use the same razor to style my beard, from the same company.
After that I go out of the washroom.

The oil I use to apply on the head.

I use mustard oil to apply on my scalp.
Mustard oil is something that is very commonly used in Pakistan, most people use it for cooking while it is also beneficial for scalp massage and other purposes.It strengthens the hair and increases its growth. It also removes the dryness in our scalp.That's why I use this oil. Following are some of its benefits.
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Beneficial for heart health...
Protection from infection...
Improve blood circulation...
Best for skin...
Improves hair growth...
Shine the teeth...
Heal chapped lips.

What body spray do I use?

I use Fogg body spray.Enjoy a royal fragrance experience with this sexy scented body spray and charm everyone around you.
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Product details
No gas fragrance body spray
Hold 10-15 cm (4 to 6 inches) away from skin, avoiding eye contact, spray all over body/clothes after bathing. This is a great body spray, so I use this company's spray. I do. I love the smell of it.

Do you take care of your personal hygiene?

Yes, I take full care of this thing because I believe that cleanliness is half of faith. And it is very important to take care of it.
Yes Alhamdulillah I take full care of this thing as I clean all the excess hair from my body once a week.
And I keep my body completely clean. And if possible, I also massage my entire body with mustard oil once a week. It is very important for our body. It is our body's muscles, bones and their Also benefits vans inside.
I pay full attention to my food and drink and eat and use things according to my health so that I do not face any disease in the future.I must go for daily walk and do all my work on time.This is my little simple life, this is how I take care of my things.

Do you feel that you need to spend a lot of money to maintain good hygiene and/or appearance?

I don't think we need to spend much money to maintain this thing. Because it is our duty to take care of health and we need it. Can imagine.For example, avoid the expensive things that you need to take care of this thing. And instead of these things, you choose cheap things. So that you don't feel like you have to take care of this thing. Need to spend more money to think.
If you don't have the strength to use toothpaste to keep your teeth clean, you can use a toothbrush instead, for example.
I hope you understand what I am trying to convey.

What is the price of your hygiene products on Steem and approximately how long will it take to fill them?

For us, the cost of these things on Steam is very high and it can take a lot of our time.
When it comes to health we can't compromise on anything. Steam is a great platform. I can't tell you enough about it. I don't have words to describe it.
Regards @abdulhakeem786

 3 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 3 months ago 

I use Dettol soap for bathing. There are many benefits of this soap that I share with you.

Using Dettol soap is a good choice for bathing because it has many benefits, and it's great that you're sharing those benefits to help others understand why it's a preferred option.

Mustard oil is something that is very commonly used in Pakistan, most people use it for cooking while it is also beneficial for scalp massage and other purposes.

It's interesting to know that mustard oil, commonly used in Pakistan for cooking, has additional benefits like scalp massage. This dual purpose makes it a versatile and valuable product for daily use.

don't think we need to spend much money to maintain this thing. Because it is our duty to take care of health and we need it. Can im

Your perspective on not needing to spend a lot on personal care is sensible. Prioritizing health is indeed a duty, and it's great that you encourage others to consider affordable options for maintaining well-being.


A good toothbrush doesn't just clean your teeth. But it also takes care of the gums. I also choose the toothbrush product I use.

 3 months ago 

Hello @abdulhakeem786 ،hope your day is going well.Wow, I love how you've shared your daily personal care routine in such detail.Using Colgate toothpaste for its multiple benefits and Dettol soap for its antibacterial properties are smart choices. And your insight on choosing the right conditioner based on scalp type is helpful. Mustard oil for scalp massage is refreshing and beneficial too. It's good to see you prioritize hygiene without breaking the bank.

 3 months ago 

I hope you are well. I saw your post. I like your post very much. I am very happy to see that you have managed your post well and I hope others will do the same for a minute. Good job and I would like to say. We should take good care of our health and we should keep ourselves away from dirt and we should maintain our health by ourselves we should eat good food good diet good exercise

I saw your post is well made and I am very happy that you use good stuff Dettol which kills germs we should use it in our normal routine in our lives.

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