Steemit Engagement Challenge, S9w1: "Women Are Always Right!”

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Welcome to my blog, great friends of steemit and most importantly, Steem for Ladies who has been nominated to participate in the steemit engagement challenge season 9. Just as expected, the topic should be a little skewed to the female gender which brings about the uniqueness of the gender in review, and hence the topic titled, Women are always Right. Let's get started, friends.

Are women always right or do men rather give in? Give us your opinion and give us your reasons why you say so

The first impression about this topic is that no human is perfect or always seen as right. Hence this invalidates that women are always right. Even when this statement is used, that does not necessarily give the meaning of perfection in all circumstances. There are circumstances that come with understanding and concern for peaceful coexistence, this does not now mean this assertion is correct. It allows for understanding between both parties.

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The same phrase "Women are always right" can be likened to what is said in the cooperate and commercial wing of buying and selling, "Customers are always right". This statement does not necessarily mean that they are correct but gives them a sense of value and appreciation for their continued patronage. At this time, the essence to know if they are correct or incorrect is immaterial but rather, a peaceful resolution for whatsoever is at stake and a continued relationship.

In simple terms, women are not always right. What happens is that sometimes, the opposite gender usually gives in to their opinions for a lasting relationship and peaceful coexistence at that moment and thereafter. One thing about the average female gender is that they are perceived to have reasoning and understanding levels lower than that of the male gender. However, this does not remove the fact that there is also a certain percentage with higher mental fitness than the male gender.

This singular reasoning sometimes allows the male gender to believe they needed to be given the impression that whatever they do is right in some circumstances but this wouldn't be accepted where the damage it brings outweighs the peace it would ordinarily bring to the table.

Do you think women should get away with “being always right”?

Just as I have narrated above, we should not continue to give a pass to an ideology that does not represent the true situation or reality at hand. My take is No on this as this may be abused and hence bring an issue for both parties if it continues. However, we should be able to create a balance between what we should tolerate and what they are able to get away with.

A situation where the female gender has this perception that whatever they do is acceptable may not be unconnected with the fact that the male folk would understand and allow for peaceful coexistence. However, this intuition from this gender is very wrong. The male folk needs to sometimes and surprisingly resist that always "right syndrome" so as not to start what cannot be finished.

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Name 3 things that women are always right about

Women are uniquely important in the home. We cannot dispute the fact that they play key roles in taking decisions that are right and most importantly in these key paths listed below;

  • The women are usually right about the domestic path of their homes. They are well knowledgeable about all facts, requirements, and day-by-day running of their homes on this path. We the male folk may hardly have a successful discussion in this path that favors us anytime we engage them. They happen to be in charge of this path and this perception gives them leverage by default.

  • The Children's welfare: Women are naturally more attached to their children than men folk who are distracted by the concerns bothering on how best to fend for the home. Their suggestions are usually tailored for the best upbringing of the kids and hence make it near perfect and right in their suggestions and decisions in this regard.

  • Women are always right in their decent regulations of who visits and stays in the house. We have to give it to them or seek their attention on it as they know the basics and also understand what plays out when we the male folk are out of the home. Their decision is usually correct in giving consent as well as the daily running of the home.

We have to be deliberate about knowing that these are the key paths that we must have to give to these women for correctness. Their assertion on issues on these listed paths usually turns out more positively than negatively. However, this does not mean that our opinions do not matter at all.

If you've experienced an incident where a woman was right or wrong, share it with us.

Let me share one of the most incidents that happened. One of my little female family friends in church who was sitting close to me whispered to me asking the name of the preacher so she could take note of it during the sermon. Funnily I told her the name of this preacher just as she asked. But she disputed what I said and told me what she feels was correct. I laughed and said that this isn't the name of the preacher but what I just said but she insisted and didn't feel convinced.


She even went to the extent that we should ask someone else. I began to imagine her pressing request and intuition of why she felt she was so correct and right about her own choice of name. At this time, I now told her that since she was not convinced, whoever fails will remit 1000NGN (5.2 Steem) to the other correct individual. And just as were done with this little interaction, the name was flashed by the media unit on the screen when the preacher came on stage for the day's sermon.

Behold, she was not right. She looked at me in disappointment. But it is what it is as she had to remit the money to me for always feeling right about issues or making pressing her assertions as if they were correct. For this moment, it was all in my favor and she was wrong.

Do you have any advice (women for the men or men for women?)

We have to know that no one is an Ireland and there is no perfect being under the sun. We have to know this and have peace. This simply suggests that we should be considered and create a balance system while coexistence amongst ourselves. Our assertions need to be flexible enough to give room for others to thrive and reach a consensus. Even when we are wrong, we need to correct with love and not with despair. We also need to disabuse our minds that whatever we do is right and perfect to the detriment of the other. The conception that we live for others should be paramount.


Women are always right should be seen to be limited to an extent rather than perceived in totality. An exception to this would relatively bring peace and coexistence between both genders rather than fight for sainthood. We should at some time give in to some assertions not because they are right but because of the understanding we have and the value created amongst ourselves.

Thank you, friends, for reading through my thoughts here.


This post was selected for Curación Manual (Manual Curation)

@tipu curate

Un diálogo armonioso y equilibrado estaría entre las posibles soluciones a evitar un conflicto sobre quién tiene la razón. El ser humano tiende a equivocarse con mucha frecuencia cuando deja el control de su vida al ego y mente imaginativa; de hecho, en ocasiones puede suceder que ciertas personas escuchen un mensaje distorsionado que nada tiene que ver con la literal expresión emitida por su interlocutor.

Valiosas reflexiones, bien argumentadas, con analogías y anécdotas propias. Gracias por compartir este excelente contenido.

Exactly, friend. Always creating a balance between parties is the ideal thing to do to avoid the supremacy of who's right or not. Thanks for engaging

 last year 

I agree with you even though women should not claim all the time they are right.But when it comes to taking care of the home and kids they are right .They have more dedication time and always know what is going right or wrong inthe house

Yes, i give them the supremacy in all domestic affairs. They are grassroots in that path of life.


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