My... Romeo and Juliet are... Deirdre & Naoise

in Steem For Ladies5 months ago (edited)

Love is wonderful, the recognition, a click, knowing that the other person is the one. Is love tied to age? Can he who is young not recognize the true one, and is who is old a fool in love?

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Romeo and Juliet mean nothing to me, I don't feel the connection between these two children and only see teenagers who just met. A bad idea getting out of hand, a too quick response. Death as the result af a wrongly executed plan. I understand the spirit of the times, but it just feels to me like something is missing.

The true love couple for me is found in Irish mythology.

As far as can be traced back, the story would have been told around the year 100. The warning at the birth of a girl that she will bring disaster on a king(dom), results in her being punished by being raised in isolation away from her fellow human beings.

A. Roland Holst wrote the book 'Deirde and the Sons of Uisneach' (1916), a story based on this mythology. For me, Deirdre, the girl who grew up in seclusion, and Naoise, Uisneach's eldest son, symbolize true love.

The myth is over 1,900 years old and the symbol of their love, two intertwined trees, can still be found in Irish culture and beyond.


And when Deirdre looks out from her lonely tower over the deserted plain, she sees a raven pecking at something. The blood stands out against the white sand.
She says she wants a man with raven black hair and this turns out to be Uisneach's eldest son. It is love at first sight when the three sons of Uisneach knock on the door to find shelter against the storm. A door that must remain closed until the king arrives to collect Deirdre to 'marry' her. A decision made by the king who has felt threatened by her since her birth.

In both myth and this book, Deirdre and Naoise remain together in exile and struggle for better or for worse. How often do we see, that true love or at least loyalty, faithfulness to a person, pronounced doom, is cursed by third parties? Family, society force lovers, innocents, to live in fear and give up their dreams and true love.

The book by A. Roland Holst, a symbolist, is prose and belongs to Dutch literature. I suspect that the current student no longer reads it.

When Naoise eventually dies, after being trapped again and again and sent to the battlefield by a jealous king, Deirdre does not surrender, submits to the murderous king who sees her as a threat and his downfall.

In the myth, Deirdre hangs her head from the battle chariot and it splits against the rocks. In the Dutch publication, Deirdre, who has the 3rd eye and therefore the gift of foreseeing disaster, ends the hunt for her by walking into the sea. Just like we know from the original story of the little mermaid, she turns into sea foam.

A Dutch expression is: being the foam (scum) of the earth.

Over the years, the emotional value of words has changed, just like the symbolism. Indeed I am a child of the spirit of the times in which I was born. This in combination with my rough childhood is certainly the reason why this Irish love story is my symbol of true love. The fact this couple found each other in a hostile world in war is more than just a coincidence. These two rather go down fighting than let go of each other's hand. This is what true love is about, fighting for your love, belief instead of drama and manipulative behaviour by taking a sleep liquid. Character makes a huge difference and so does the culture we are raised with.

Aspects of the love story of Deirdre and Naoise can also be found in my life, beliefs and stories as in my comment and Dream Steem Travel On The Road - No partner offers where at the end of the story the main character feels attracted to the tree after she recognizes herself saying that woman is me and nexts waits for the soulmate to free her.

I am aware that symbolism and literature are not food for thought for everyone.


This story deeply touched me as a teenager. When I see intertwined trees, I think of this loving couple how two souls intertwine in the network, a web spun by others still united and faithful for eternity.

When the sea rustles and I see its foam, I think of a strong, courageous woman who fought side by side on the battlefield, wars started by others out of envy and rage, with her lover.
Deirdre symbolizes the strong, militant woman. She is not someone who allows herself to be treated as a slave and refuses to choose the path of least resistance out of fear, laziness or convenience.

The myth of Deirdre runs like a red thread through the lives of me and my children. And I hope that my Deirdre and Naoise will always find each other in their struggle for the right to a loving life in a world full of hatred, envy and misunderstanding.

If you made it this far, thank you for trying to read me. I'm fine if you do not leave a long #comment

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A tragic romantic story that always gets us carried away by the storyline and makes us drift away. In life, there are always Romeo Juliet stories that don't have a happy ending. In one of the Ramayana stories in Java, it is also known that there is a story that ends with suicide or. Dewi Sundari's love for Abimanyu made her commit suicide when she learned of her husband's death. She asked to be cremated with her husband. Kaklau in Indian belief is known as SATI.
In folk tales that originate from reality, there are also love stories that end in suicide too. The love story between Rara Mendut and Pranacitra who love each other. Rara Mendut was used as war reparations by Tumenggung Wiroguno who chose to commit suicide near Pranacitra's grave.
There are many moral values that we can learn and we also need education, whether love only relies on emotions or must there be reason to consider?

 5 months ago 

If you ask me a true love story only shows if their are hardships to overcome, if the coiple fight together and refuses to give up. If one doesn't sell or betraits the other and they show respect for each other's differences.

Your story, mine and the one @ibesso mentioned are all proof of that.
I don't think 5 days between meeting and dying is proof of love. Loves needs time to grow, meet, greet, respect, fight, survive and has faith that together each storm can be survived. Love is about the inner, the soul, not about looks, money, fame or how to live an easy life.


You right true love not just about short way to cut the life with couole but. Need long time to o4ove the the couole can keep each other in close or far away. Need proof that they Will keep the love..
I am so sorry to beeing late. #comment because now I am with family are gathering and only use cellphone and I have trouble because I can use it for posting. Now I use it again.
Hereby my posting about it.

 5 months ago 

Do never apologize for being with friends and living life. All that counts is you are happy and alive.

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But come to think of it.. why is it that the villains never dies always the two parties in love…

Down to Romeo and Juliet, Deirdre & Naoise and the one @rokhani talked about in comment section, the two love birds always die. Is high time the narrative is changed.

Funny enough, the ones that have “happily ever after”, is not as popular as the stories you guys just told us..

 5 months ago 

there's no 'happily ever after' Disney made that up and changed most stories. You should read the old tales... girls chopping off legs and arms because they don't want to get married with the old guy, the little mermaid died, never married the prince plus with every step she took her feet bled. Most tales are cruel and a lesson but today they are changed and every dram king and queen breaking promises is suddenly "right".
It's kind of annoying but remembers me of a tale writer I do like. It's not that he's my hero but I know how happy I was as I finally read tales told from the opposite. Someone with a brain like me, which is a relief.

Let's be honest Cinderella did not get the prince because she listened to her mother but ignored the order meaning you only get if you go for it even if they beat you up and treat you worse than a dog.

Read @germanbava his Romeo and J story and you'll have proof there's no happy end.. for sure not if you meet and get married within 24, most likely 12 hours, one turns into a serial killer and the other is a 14-year-old. There are many fish in the sea, my father once told me, and being in love is not the same as "love". Love goes for the inside, the would, being in love for looks and never counts with being fat, pregnant, sick and old.

Share your happily ever after with me, I am happy to read it although... to me are our stories a happily ever after because of two lovers who fight, live, laugh and love till eternity. There's no greater, truer, deeper love than this.

I believe souls live on, it's just the body we drop at a certain point and next it is on to the next life (if you like or need to learn more) or helping others and doing so with your soulmate or twin soul.


I agree with the fact, that Cinderella despite all odds being against her, she still went for her Prince Charming!! But you are forgetting the “god mother” factor in the story!! If it wasn’t for the god mother, Cinderella had already given up to go for that ball party!!

my father once told me, and being in love is not the same as "love"

I love how your dad narrated it.. this days, love is now looking like a disaster.. you see people going as far using charm all in the name of keeping their spouse loyal and you would be wondering what kind of love is that!!

 5 months ago (edited)

It's no love if we have to force ourselves to be different out of fear to lose ... What exactly? The love we think we had?

True love is like, respect the other including what we dislike or can't understand just because we know if it comes to it that person shows up and be around as long as needed to stand on own feet again. To achieve that takes time.

My father said too: Forever is a very long time and since the average person gets older than 32, think before you get married (he didn't think himself since he divorced at least twice).

On the other hand the old General i lived with said: You can only love one person for real.

It made me sad that he didn't feel that way about his second wife, the former nanny, he married to safe her from gossips. She raised his children and cared for the man who was 25 years older. She was my friend, both were, she slept on the floor next to his bed just to be there if he needed her help. This was love from her side.

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Life can be so cruel at times..

I just feel what the nanny must have been through to win his love!!

Well, such is life!

 5 months ago 

I hope she loved him enough to live with that fact. Those children were the worst after he died she became homeless.

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In my mind narrative not only with happy ending. We can learn many thing for what we don't like it. and did you know some stories come from the history and now still alive as a lesson for everyone. i like when the story will tak us go far away and out of box as my story Let me know how about your #comment

❤️! That force narrated through the centuries, how could I not reflect on the tragic and passionate story of Paolo and Francesca, told in the "Divine Comedy"? Their love, intense and challenging the very boundaries of existence, led them to confront social conventions and, tragically, to pay the ultimate price for their passion. Their eternal dance in the second circle of hell, tormented by an endless storm, symbolizes not only the destructive nature of forbidden love but also its indomitable beauty and purity, which knows no reason or limit.
This story, soaked in passion and tragedy, speaks to me deeply, just as Deirdre's loyalty to Naoise's fate, and Dewi Sundari's choice to join Abimanyu beyond death, (👋@rokhani) highlight a recurring theme: love that transcends earthly life, reaching a form of cosmic union that goes beyond death itself.❤️!

 5 months ago (edited)

With you I am more often speachless. It feels as the first day I joined this platform and had no idea what to write for a comment.

This time it is because my words are meaningless in comparison to what you said.

Did you join and reflect on the love couple impressing you so much? @rokhani already made clear we all have more impressive examples than Romeo & J. Their story was short anyway, 5 days from the moment they met till they were dead. Only in @germanbava's story the couple lived longer and turned out to be a bad match although they stayed together. Irony, worth the read.

I should shower you with a special comment tag buy for now it's this one (again). You are the first I sent it too.

Did you join the photo-chain?


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I am so proud to read this #comment, but I haven't join yet. May be after have spare time I Will try it. No I want to check and repply comment.
even @wakeupkitty make me helmet th comment. I do know if I can answer all of then
How about you @ibesso?

 5 months ago (edited)

You can always join even if the contest is over. You can post where ever you like. I am behind if it comes to writing too... So many thought I need to do, the 7 or art & writing first. Perhaps time for a freewrite?

I agree that love stories, while they can end in tragedy, are essential experiences that reveal the power and uniqueness of love. That moment in which love radiates all its energy is a unique experience in the universe, which is worth living, even at the cost of one's life.

The story of Paolo and Francesca fascinates me as it explores tragic love, showing how forbidden passions can lead to devastating consequences. This tale raises questions about personal responsibility and the eternal quest for love, remaining one of the most touching examples of how love can irrevocably influence our lives.

I have yet to join the photo chain, I can't get away from the comment chain😅

 5 months ago 

I always wonder what forbidden passions are? Does it exist, is it one of the 7 sins or a human thing?

Bunnies don't care they simply hop on and off and enjoy the passion of spring-time.

I think I am out of bunnies ... Hoppy Eastern!


Ps a small tip: if you write only write
If you reply do not everything at once... mentions only or replies, another day reading...


Yes flood of #commen5 make you can't gi anywhere and just answer or response them

yes true I'm nailed to the keyboard😅
Thank you very much for the advice! I'm sorry you had these issues, but I'm relieved to hear that you managed to resolve them.


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 5 months ago 
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