Contest! The Diary Game – #40| Heat Intense 43° & Enjoyed Ice Cream

in Steem For Ladies29 days ago


Hi, Dear Greetings All Beautiful Ladies !!!

Hopefully everyone will be great here. After a short break , I have come to take part in diary game contest. Summer Season is on going e where. Intense of heat is increasing incredibly day by day. Today , In Lahore , Pakistan , the temperature of heat was 43° and the forecasters predicted that it will be reached approximately 50° in summer Season. May Allah Almighty protect innocent children and all the people in every house who do not have facilities to avoid the heat intense in this summer season.


My eldest daughter is having a grand test for a nursery class and because she has to get a good test preparation. Healthy Breakfast and lunch is necessary on time. I take good care of my little son after sending to my daughter for school. going. I give him proper time and attention and then I do the needful chores of my house. Today the heat was too much and then I cleaned the house and washed the clothes. My house is small and that's why there is no lawn in my house but I like plants very much that's why I have kept there are some indoor plants and there are some out door plants and I also save them from the sun and keep watering according to the pickup.


In the afternoon I have made Chicken Palau in lunch because my daughter and son like rice very much and Chicken Palau is their favorite. She comes back from school. She rested for a while after eating lunch. I have done AC in at 16 degrees and when the room is cold then I keep it at 26 degrees so that the room temperature is normal, the children do not feel much cold and stay asleep . The light also closes more in the summer season and the electricity bill also comes higher so the summer season is difficult to pass. In the evening the children get up and play with each others for a while and then I get my daughter to do school work because she has grand tests and after the grand test, Her exams will be started.

In the night, the children's fathers return home from the office and bring ice cream for the children and for me. We are all very happy because the heat was also very high all day today and we also did a lot of work and we are very happy to see the ice cream and we all ate together with joy and happiness.



The children's grandfather went to Northern Areas to enjoy the coldness by saying goodbye to summer intense with his friends . It was really fun for them to enjoy the life in his age. I wish they will enjoy their travel and get beck to home safe. Kids were sleeping to get up next day early for school. Have a good day and really hot day spent . Take care your self and kids especially.

10% beneficiary to @steemladies
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Club Status#club75
 29 days ago 

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Club Status#Club75
Steem Exclusive
Plagiarism Free
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Voting CSI19.5 ( 1.85 % self, 176 upvotes, 147 accounts last 7d )
Steemladies10 %
AI contentHuman
Word count512
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participatingbin the diary contest of our community.
Have planted your indoor plants in your house. They add to the beauty of the house. You all enjoyed ice cream. Feeling cool in summer.
Enjoy your icecream dear 🍦🍧

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