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RE: ¡Es el Día de la Mujer!

in Steem For Ladies4 months ago

Greetings friend,
You are very correct, my friend. Throughout history, women have faced intolerance and discrimination, being excluded or even banished from certain social roles. Although progress has been made in respecting women's rights since the 18th century, there is still a long way to go.

Education plays a crucial role in ending attacks and exclusion against women. We need educational policies that emphasize non-discrimination and encourage women to pursue their dreams and careers. It's also important to raise awareness in society about the importance of a life free from abuse and violence.

Both genders contribute equally to social development, so no one should be excluded. Creating and enforcing laws that protect women from violence is also crucial. Let's work together to make a positive change.

 4 months ago 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Así es... Ambos roles aportan desde su trinchera y, aquí no se trata de quien es mejor que otro así como nos han hecho actuar sino, que todos tenemos derechos y, en este caso es indispensable que se reconozcan los de las mujeres porque, aún con el avance que se tiene, se sigue viendo el atropello.

Agradezco mucho tu apoyo, un fuerte abrazo💚

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