Steemit Engagement Challenge, S9W6: "Men Vs Women"


Hallo steemians all...
Unrealized that we have entered the 6th week of the 9th season in the Steemit Engagement Challenge contest, today is the first day of posting a contest notification posted via the @steemitblog account, for the first post I wrote it from the steem for ladies community with the theme the very good one is male versus female

Who had more fun, men or women?

Men are creatures who prefer to spend their time having fun with their friends or playing games, traveling with their male friends and more often doing certain activities such as football, futsal and so on because a man has a freer spirit than a woman and also a woman. men have no restrictions on socializing, are not tied to the house, meaning men are more liberated than women, for example, if a man is traveling, there is no time limit and with whom a man is traveling, does the man come home late, of course, that is something men usually do.


Who is the better cook, boy or girl?

For a better cook, of course, also belongs to a man because a man is physically stronger in processing large quantities of food which of course must have a large enough energy, for example in a cafe, usually he must cook fried rice in large quantities and must be fast and also but it's not that a woman is not good at cooking but a woman is better suited to cooking small amounts of food and a man can be more consistent than a woman in order to produce quality food. We see a lot in well-known restaurants, of course there are more male cooks or chefs than women because cooking in the professional world has to work long hours, stand for a long time and also have to wear protection.


Who is the best in the competition, boy of girl?

Men are also the best in competition because a man's intelligence is higher than a woman's and also a man's thinking is more precise and does not doubt or a man is more swift in taking an action unlike a woman who thinks too much in making decisions and doubts quickly if people say it is different from men, and also a man is proven to be superior to women in completing visual-spatial tasks

Who is the better leader, male or female?

Being a leader means having to be mentally and physically strong and quick in making decisions, of course this is more suitable for a man to be a better leader because in Islam it is also explained that men are leaders for women, therefore God gives them more. Male leaders also give higher marks for making difficult decisions and handling controversial issues or crises calmly and confidently.


Who falls in love first, boy or girl?

Often we meet men who fall in love first because men tend to be braver in taking risks than women. If a man is already in love, he will not think twice about expressing his feelings to women, while women are more careful fall in love and don't openly show their feelings, or conditions like this have become a culture in romance, but we often see a woman who says love first

so for my contest post this time thank you for everything, in this case I invite my friends @ikwan ,@abialfatih,@waterjoe and @irawandedy to participate here, thanks for everything.

CC @stephenkendal @visionaer3003


Best regards


 last year 

Dear friend greetings

I agree with your point of view, men have more time to spent with friends and enjoy the fun. Perhaps mom and women has less time to enjoy as they all the time engaged in different home tasks.

Wish you success

that's right friend, indeed men spend more time than men, as you explained in the comments, thank you for coming to my post

 last year 

Yeah you are right

@realworld23 It is important to recognize that perspectives on leadership can vary across cultures, religions, and individuals. While some may believe that men are inherently better leaders, it is important to approach the issue with an open mind and consider alternative viewpoints.

but in the religion of Islam, the religion that I profess is the one who has the right to be a leader is a man

In Islam, traditionally, men have held leadership roles in various aspects of society, including religious leadership. This belief is based on the interpretation of religious texts and historical practice. However, it is important to note that Islamic teachings emphasize the equality of men and women in the eyes of God and the value of their contribution to society.

yes, you are absolutely right

Yes I'm Always right 👍

Saya setuju bahwa pria lebih mudah jatuh cinta,terutama pada pandangan pertama, ini lumrah terjadi pada diri kita sebagai laki-laki. Sedangkan wanita cenderung lebih hati-hati dalam hal cinta dan perasaan mereka.

Sukses selalu untuk anda 👍

maybe the first sight in human eyes is never forgotten heheh, is that right, brother?


Great post,@realworld23! I appreciate your perspective on men's preferences and characteristics. It's true that many men enjoy spending time with friends, engaging in activities like games, travel, and sports such as football or futsal. Your mention of men having a freer spirit and fewer social restrictions resonates with the idea of them being more liberated. Additionally, your insights about men excelling in competition due to higher intelligence, precise thinking, and swift decision-making are interesting. The mention of their proficiency in visual-spatial tasks adds another layer to the discussion. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this topic!

"Being a leader means having to be mentally and physically strong and quick in making decisions, of course this is more suitable for a man to be a better leader because in Islam it is also explained that men are leaders for women, therefore God gives them more. Male leaders also give higher marks for making difficult decisions and handling controversial issues or crises calmly and confidently."

Pandangan yg keren bg, semoga sukses 👍🏻👍🏻

Benar sekali bg, terima kasih sudah mau datang ke postingan saya bg

 last year 

Excelente participación amigo, aunque mencionas que los hombres se divierten más que las mujeres yo considero que cada género se divierte a su manera. Por ejemplo a los hombres les da vergüenza divertirse como niños en una piscina, en un parque en algún lugar público porque intentan mantener una postura recta, en cambio las mujeres no tienen límite de lugar, dónde sea y como sea se divierten y más si están en grupo. Hablo todo esto de las mujeres de mi país, quizá en tu país las mujeres actúan de manera distinta

thank you for coming to my place, sis

Great post @realworld23, though it seem we differ a lot on many points there. You made mention of the man most times. Well, it seemed like the women have little to offer but i dont think so. Good luck

Thank you friend

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