Steemit Engagement Challenge, S9w1 : "Women Are Always Right

in Steem For Ladieslast year
Women are 99,9% right!

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Okay, I just had to put my fingers on the keyboard after what happened to me this morning.

It all started with the first question of the contest.

Are women always right or do men rather give in?

At the crack of dawn, hubby and I were debating this issue.

I am of the meaning, and also for most of the posts I have read so far, that women are not always right. However, for me, women are right 99,9% of the time.
As for the rest of the remaining 1%, we allow men to experience how it feels to be always right.

I call it… CONFIDENCE!
He calls it… ARROGANCE!

Now this is where my husband disagrees with me. He believes that men are right most of the time. As for the percentages. He wouldn’t give them to me.

I call it… CLEVER!
He calls it… WAR! (Women Are Right)

I will leave it to you, my fellow Steemains, to decide who is right.

Should women get away with “being always right”?

Of course, they should!

♀ We are the ones who still have all our ribs. It was Adam that gave his rib away and not Eve.

♀ We are the ones that have to carry those extra estrogen hormones.

♀ We are the ones with the “extra eye in the back of our heads” or the 6th sense.

♀ We are the ones that must be mind readers, knowing that you are looking for your keys when you walk up and down.

♀ We are the ones with the supernatural abilities, “Ask mom”.

♀ We are the ones that stay at home, looking after the children, cleaning the house, doing the cooking, and often the ones that have two jobs. Those “caregivers” as we are called lately.

♀ We are the ones that can multitask.

♀ We are the ones in the family that must be the “mind readers”.

♀ We are the ones that must search for things that men have already searched for.

♀ We are the ones they referred to when they say, “Behind every successful man stands a woman.”

My dear men, this leaves very little for arguing from your side.

3 Things that women are always right about


A woman knows when she is in love. When she tells you that she loves you, trust her. A woman’s love is far deeper than her stomach.


Trust the woman in your life when she tells you this. Her gut is always right


Women know when you are not dressed for the occasion and trust me she is not going to let go of it. Rather go and change.

This morning…

The holiday chalet is not booked for the weekend.
I am so eager to fill it that when a referral came in from one of the WhatsApp groups I immediately phoned the people. I put the call on speakerphone.

Hubby was with me in the study and when I put the phone down he told me it was the same guests (two men) we previously had in the unit and who we battled to get out.

No ways. This is not the same two men. The message refer clearly to; "Please call Mr and Mrs. De Cora"

I send them a message that they can book in at 10:00.

I rushed to make sure that everything is clean, the amenities are correct, the fridge and geyser were in, and packed out clean towels. There was just enough time for me to jump in the shower and make myself decent…10:00 no guests, 10:30 no guests.

At 11:30 there was a car at the gate and in the car.. the exact same men.

Hubby was right! He earned his 1% for the year today.

Did I let them in? Nope! Women don’t make the same mistake twice. Or do they?

My advice

Let me address the male gender.

Men and women are different. They handle situations differently.
What might work for a man doesn’t always work for women.

What I do know is having a relationship with someone should be fun and not be complicated.

Let me share my TOP 10 tips with the men of Steemit

  1. Have a “red telephone”, an open line for conversations
  2. Never say “Just now.” Get up and do it.
  3. Always say “I am sorry”
  4. Don’t try to understand a woman as we are complicated
  5. Never call her “silly”
  6. Stay away from “I told you so”
  7. If a woman says “It is okay” don’t believe her
  8. Never, ever, ever mention your ex
  9. Pay attention to detail like a new haircut or dress
  10. Look at her and listen when she speaks

In the end, it all boils down to respect and… acceptance of that 1%

Good luck!

I invite:
@nadiaturrina @dederanggayoni


Vote @pennsif.witness for growth across the Steemit platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available. Vote here

 last year 

Hola, me imagino ese debate entre usted y su esposo y claro que tienes mucha razón nosotras las mujeres tenemos un sexto sentido muy desarrollado y sabemos cuando algo no anda bien. Al convertirnos en madres siento que lo desarrollamos aún más, porque nosotras tenemos esa conexión con nuestro hijo y podemos saber si se siente mal o no y siempre vamos a tener razón.

 last year 

Yes!!! I got a woman that agrees with me!
Best I go and tell my hubby straight away. (•ิ‿•ิ)
PS: Thanks for the visit and the engagement.
It is appreciated!

 last year 

Jajajaja que risa con lo de los porcentajes, e imagino como es ese debate entre su esposo y usted querida amiga.

Valiosos consejos nos das todos son excelentes.

Al final su esposo tenia ese 1% de razón, jajaja

Saludos y suerte en el desafio!

 last year 

Yip he got is 1% and now he is done for the year (•ิ‿•ิ)
Thank you for the visit! 🎕

I call it… CLEVER!
He calls it… WAR! (Women Are Right)

Generally men are different from our thoughts, they never think of our importance and do not accept our opinion. I thought men are like this only in our country but men are like this in all countries.

I really enjoyed reading your posts. I totally agree with the saying that a woman's gut feeling is often true, because I have felt that way myself. In life I always feel a hunch and it often happens. And the second words that interest me is that what women say is fine is actually not necessarily good. Thank you for inviting me to this contest, success always for you.

 last year 

It is for me to say thank you to you for the visit to my post and the engagement.
I hope I am going to see your entry (•ิ‿•ิ)

I think the 1% you gave is more than enough. 😊 There is no chance of arguing with an intelligent woman like you. 🤣
When women say "I'm fine," that's where women make mistakes. That's what you mean by 1%?. hahahaha.. 😇

Saya berharap bahwa saya tidak melakukan kesalahan 99% ketika memberikan komentar ini 🤭😅
Good luck and good health always mother 👌

 last year 

You better don't argue with me. You will come second.
Have you watched the movie Mrs. Doubtfire with Robin Williams and what he had to say about Porky Pig? (•ิ‿•ิ)

Jokes to aside. Thank you for the visit and the engagement AND for being the only man to respond on the 1% even though you were typical male that can never get it right. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Regardless of the truth and wrongs I have committed, at least I have the guts to comment and try to give an opinion 😅🤭
It's the last one, and I don't think it will work 😁

 last year 

Thank you for putting a smile on my face! (•ิ‿•ิ)

 last year 

I loved your write-up and your points on why women are right, but the only thing I disagree with is your suggestion --"Never, ever, ever mention your ex". My opinion is exes can be mentioned, as s/he or they were a part of the life of my partner. his exes contributed to his growth as a person. They were not only there in his life for romance, they shared feelings and memories. I love to hear about all the aspects of my partner's life. The only thing no one should do in my opinion is comparing the current partner or spouse with an ex. That would be really horrible.

 last year 

I agree 100% with you.
I mention my ex all the time and so does my hubby with his. In fact both of them worked for us in our company before we sold it. There should always be an "open" relationship.

The post was written in light manner. Just to put smiles on the faces of our fellow Steemians. (•ิ‿•ิ)
As admin we can actually not enter the contest.

I appreciate your visit and engagement. 🎕

 last year 

Despite not being able to enter the contest, you wrote and I loved your writing as always. Thank you for your post.

I feel glad that you share the same opinion as me.

I totally enjoyed reading your post and the “Ask mom” supernatural ability actually got me rolling on the floor😄because it is very true. Women are endowed with that supernatural abilities amongst many others
Thank you so much for sharing such an interesting post
I wish you all the best in this contest😌

 last year 

Thank you for the visit! The engagement! And the kind words!
Unfortunately I only wrote this post for the fun of it.
As admin and contest organizer I cannot participate.
However, I hope I've put a few smiles on faces with this post.
PS: Thank you for supporting the Steem For Ladies Community!

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