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RE: Concurso: Mujeres con historias de novela. Edición "In memoriam"

in Steem For Ladieslast year
Club Status#Club75
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Voting CSI4.7 ( 5.36 % self, 108 upvotes, 50 accounts, last 7d )
Verification date2023-04-05
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What a beautiful post to enter the competition with!
Thank you for sharing your beloved mother with us. Mothers are indeed specials therefore we have to treasure them for as long as we can building those memories that we can keep with us forever.
Tip: Kindly increase your voting CSI. All you have to do is to vote 10 posts every day at 100% or 20 posts at 50%. You can do it!
Keep on sharing, voting, commenting and powering up!

Vote @pennsif.witness for growth across the Steemit platform through robust communication at all levels and targeted high yield developments with the resources available. Vote here

 last year 

Thank you for such a kind comment on my publication, which I consider special because it is about my mother. I am grateful to the community for it, as well as for your observations to improve.

 last year 

The pleasure is all mine! 🎕

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