Loving yourself is the essence of our lives. Only then will you be able to love someone else with an open heart?
has dicho la esencia principal del gran mandamiento de Dios: amarnos a nosotros mismos para luego amar a los demás
veo que tu hogar es muy cómodo y placentero, encualquier cultura y continente desearían vivir con tu confort; mas allá de eso, se trata de saberlo apreciar y disfrutar porque eso es vivir la vida al máximo
excelente post querido @dove11 son un gran escritor
Thank you so much for your great observation, I wanted to keep it simple so I have shown only a part of my house and kept it simple because I did not want to brag about my house and living style. I am grateful to you because it all started after, you encouraged me from the very beginning. Thank you so much once again.