Steemit Engagement Challenge, S9w4: "What is your niche?"

in Steem For Ladieslast year

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Hi friends ❤️!

It's my delight to join this week's contest and the topic is interesting! I mean we all have areas we are so good at, yeah activities we can comfortably carry out with joy, success, and fulfillment.

I enjoyed cooking and art/craft making in my free time, it normally helps me to be focused and to live my best most meaningful life, yes the sense of fulfillment I normally derived from making something beautiful is immeasurable and the joy of cooking something different and delicious is incomparable! You know "variety is the spice of Life" and the "way to a man's heart is through his belly". Wink 😜


Apart from the engagement challenge contests, we all have different blog niches in this prestigious platform, yes a specialized topic we are focusing on writing, some focus on art and craft, DIY, food/drinks, relationship, news, movie reviews, fitness blog health (both men and women health blog) business, finance, cryptocurrencies, lifestyle, travel make-ups, games, technology, and entertainment, etc.

My niche is food and drinks and art/craft, I used to write on these topics, and I even used to organize contests on the topics so that I can learn from others too. Art/craft, collaging give me opportunity to spend quality time with my kids, and they really love it! The used to asked me to do art with them, Haha.


I'm passionate about these topics, including kids content, relationship tips, family and health. I'm good at business too, it's my area of specialization though sometimes I've dived into news and photography. I'm not a professional photographer but I like taking photos and sometimes I normally used the pictures to create some educative content for my town in 10pics.


I know so many health tips for women and how to stay fit too, but I don't really write on this, but I want to start, I know some workable relationship tips too, family and love so I'll start writing frequently on this topic.


I would like to become very good at knitting and sewing, It will give me Joy to knit 🧶 socks 🧦, caps, shoes, cardigans, and dresses for my kids and loved ones. I would love to sew my dress and also sew for my loved ones too these things will add to my happiness.

I admire @eliany's so much for being passionate about health, and this is her niche her blog is full of health posts, she's a pharmacist and she loves her work not only in the platform but people around her can note it, and she's good at creativity too so I like her.

Thank you for reading me, I would like to invite my friends @okere-blessing and @josepha to take part in this contest.

 last year 

Wow it's nice to see that you can meet caps socks at home and I have read so many post you are different among all that you can make socks knitting at home and this is the best thing I ever seen on this place I love to see your art and craft work and the kids looks amazing while enjoying your art and this is the best ever I seen on this platform I wish you bright future and I wish you best of luck for this contest thank you

 last year 

Oh my goodness @iqrarana786 you've made me emotional, and I'm just speechless by your wonderful commendation, thank you so much for your moral support, it means a lot for me, and I appreciate you 💕

First of all your kids are really adorable! Now if I talk about niche which are cooking , craft , sewing etc have many potential to do something in big level. Your smiles say million words that you are optimistic person and want to do something big in life. I saw some samples of craft which are in handy if kids , are really amazing and appreciated 👍. I wish you all best for this contest and I have posted my entry too on same contest, if you have time so can come on my post and leave your feedback too , you are our senior if you will give me advice so it means a lot to me.

Thanks 🙏


 last year 

I feel appreciated thank you!

I am so happy to see that cooking is your number one niche which is equally my first niche. Cooking for myself is what I enjoy most. Art/craft are also good niches that I admire. I wish you best of luck.

 last year 

Yaya bro, I couldn't help but smiling all through while reading your niche, you know I was like seriously? We're having the same niche. Thanks for visiting me I appreciate your nice comment.

 last year 

Interesting 🤓 to know how much you admire me thank you so much I appreciate. Your niche craft work is Beautiful as for cooking I can testify keep up the good work.

I wish you success 👍👍

 last year 

Thanks dear ❤️ and you know I heart you less!

Qué buenas recetas tiene, seguro que sus manualidades son muy buenas también, sobre todo se ve que los niños las disfrutan.

Incursionar en áreas donde uno tiene algo de dominio es salir de la zona de confort y es algo especial, hacerlo es un reto, para el cual hay que prepararse adecuadamente.

Éxitos en el desafío.

Saludos. SLPS

 last year 

Thank you so much for your nice commendations and good wishes! I appreciate and yes my children really like the art.

 last year 

Que buen nicho de hacér variedades en la cocina, tanto comidas como bebidas, también las diversas manualidades que sirve como pasatiempo y entretenimiento.
Tejer no es tan difícil,a mi no me gustaba pero ese es mi nicho.
Le deseo éxitos en el concurso

 last year 

Knitting is not that difficult, I didn't like it but that is my niche.

You got a great niche then! I wish you're near to teach me. Thanks for coming around, and I appreciate your good wishes.

মা করছে রান্না
খেলাধুলা আর না
চল গিয়ে দেখি
মা রাধছে কি?
পুরোনো এই কথা গুলো মনে পড়ে গেলো। খাবার ও শিল্প আসলেই অসাধারন কম্বিনেশন। নিজের শহরের সৌন্দর্য উপভোগও অনেকটা বিনোদন দেয়। পোস্টটি পড়ে ভালো লাগলো। আপনার রান্না আমাকে লোভী করে তুলছে। অনেক সুন্দর লেগেছে আমার। আপনার দুই রাজপুত্র ও রাজকন্যার জন্যে অনেক অনেক ভালোবাসা। আপনার প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা ও শুভকামনা।

 last year 

Your cooking makes me greedy. I like very beautiful. Much love to your two princes and princesses. Respect and best wishes to you.

Wow! I appreciate your warm commendations and sincere wishes. Thanks my friend.

 last year 

Hi dear friend greetings

What a lovely niches you have, art craft and cooking these are also mine super favorite and onthing more you are good in photography its mind blowing. Wish you success

 last year 

Thanks dear ❤️ I'm glad to learn that we share the same niche. I wish you success too!

 last year 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 9, Week 4, in the Steem For Ladies Community.

What a variety of things that you are good at! Well done! You have clearly found your niche in life.
Knitting, gosh, it is also not my forte. We had to knit baby socks when I was in school. In the end it landed up fitting me. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Good luck with the next contest.

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 last year 

We had to knit baby socks when I was in school. In the end it landed up fitting me. (•ิ‿•ิ)

Haha 😂😂😂 but at least you're far more better than me who doesn't know how to turn hand. I appreciate your wonderful commendations and good wishes. Thank you ❤️

 last year 

The pleasure is all mine! 🎕

I really like your niche choices. I would include arts and craft as one of my favorite niches as well, but I would say business, branding and marketing are my strongest niches as i enjoy writing about them and educating people.

One more thing, have you seen the recent initiative by project hope community?, I think it is an amazing initiative... You can check it out, maybe you might consider the initiative valuable. Here is the post

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