SEC16W1: “It is Women’s Day!”

in Steem For Ladies4 months ago

Outing of the Day

Hello friends, it is another beautiful day to make my entry. It is all about women and I am proud to be from this gender. Women are one special breed that has to be treated very well. We are unique beings that are sensitive, soft, rugged, and long-suffering. It is another International Women's Week and we just have to celebrate it with all the zealousness it requires.

For this year and like every other year, we have always participated in lucrative engagements and that bonded us as women in my place of worship. We participate in several events and all of these come with a prize to help encourage the winners in listed categories. Our activities this time started quite early in anticipation of this very week's event.

Maybe I will have to specify some of the events we do. During the event period celebrated in commemoration of Women's Day, there are arrays of varieties done to fly the flag of women high. There is Matching Competition; This was another great highlight for us in this year's women's outing. A gathering that allows other local churches to display what they could show through matching competition. In all, we were ranked third in this variety.

Marching Display

Another in our variety was Cooking Competition; Women are known for their high affinity for kitchen matters all over the world though there are tendencies of men still doing some of this role.

During a selected day, women are asked to present a meal and this does not matter if they are the same or not. What mattered was to any meal of their choice. This was prepared by each local church in the diocese. We were able to prepare Abacha (cassava flakes) which was garnished in a porridge form with red oil, crayfish, dry fish, pepper, etc. We were able to come to our 3rd position among eight-size competitors.

Coral Speech Display

We also engaged in Coral speech; this is another scriptural display that involves members reciting some portion of the holy book with demonstration done while reciting them. My team was able to diligently do this. One thing has been amazing so far, we've not taken the lead in any of the varieties or categories.

Another category we saw that made a flamboyant view was the Fashion. parade and Choir [Singing] Competition. It was glamorous for some who appreciate good gatherings with high decency of organization and coordination.

Filing out for Singing Competition

Sunday the 10th day of March would be a Thanksgiving service to mark the international women's day for the year. We hope to also make some of these displays on this said date as well to entertain members and make it fun.

Women are the light and salt of the world. An empowerment of these genders means a thousand liberation. Empowering women in any field endeavor means total liberation therein.

I believe liberating women by empowering them to be self-dependent is one way to shine this light brighter. Ways to do this is to engage them in skills acquisition, agriculture, and other trade services.

Group Picture of the Day

Thanks to all readers of my submission.

Happy International Women's Day to All women.

I'm inviting @eveetim and @hisgenral.

PS: All images used were generated from my mobile phone.


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;) Holisss...

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 4 months ago 
MOD's Observations/suggestions

Thank you for participating in the Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 16 in the Steem For Ladies Community.

Hello friend, you have presented some very nice ideas for investing in women as examples. Which is indeed commendable. You shared a great picture of women outing on women's day in your country. Thank you very much for participating in the engagement.

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 4 months ago 

Thank you, boss

 4 months ago 

Awesome! Women I hail una oooo. Thank you for the invitation, lemme try and make my entry.

Best wishes dear.

That sounds like an amazing celebration for International Women's Week. Women truly are unique beings with a mix of qualities like being sensitive, soft, rugged, and long-suffering. It's great to hear that you and the women in your place of worship participate in lucrative engagements and bond together.

The variety of events you mentioned for Women's Day sounds exciting! The Matching Competition must have been a highlight, allowing local churches to showcase their talents. Congratulations on ranking third!

And the meal presentation sounds delicious. It doesn't matter if the meals are the same or different, what matters is the effort and choice. Your preparation of Abacha (cassava flakes) in a porridge form with red oil, crayfish, dry fish, and pepper sounds mouthwatering. Coming in third position is still a great achievement!

Keep celebrating and empowering women with all the zealousness this special week requires.

 4 months ago 


I like your post very .You've done very well, I'm glad to see that you've done a lot of activity and I like this poster, you've talked about woman and you've done your really too. What have you been up to all day, so I thought it was pretty cool that you told us a bit about yourself and showed us what you do.

 4 months ago 

Saludos bella amiga, mas que tu excelente publicación, me encantan tus imagnes, sobrerodo la de pirtada y despedida donde se reflejan esos rostros empoderados, alegres y con tanto que dar en todos los ambitos de su vida. Éxitos en tu estupenda entrada.

 4 months ago 

I must say that you have presented Avery beautifully pictures of women and their celebration and the need for them to be celebrated. Women’s re very important part of the society who deserves all the love and support and encouragement they should get from everyone around them and beyond.

I do look forward to reading from you again. Success in the engagement and sending my best regards to you.

 4 months ago 

I totally agree with you that women are the light and salt of the Nation. They empowerment means total liberation because it make them to think highly of themselves and also have equal opportunity as men in the job sector.

Haloo temanku yang budiman... ☺☺
Anda telah menuliskan sebuah artikel yang luar biasa di dalam postingan ini, saya sangat sangat menghormati postingan yang anda tuliskan ini, jujur saya sebagai seseorang lelaki sangat bangga dengan adanya sebuah hari untuk perempuan, akan tetapi menurut saya semua hari adalah hari perempuan ,benar yang anda katakan wanita adalah sesosok manusia yang menerangi bumi ini, saya sangat setuju dengan pernyataan anda, semoga sukses di kontes ini kawan

Salam kenal sobat ku

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