“Steemit Engagement Challenge, S9w1 : "Women Are Always Right!”

Greetings, dear Steemians. Thanks to steem for ladies for arranging such a beautiful engagement challenge.Here is my entry.

“Steemit Engagement Challenge, S9w1 : "Women Are Always Right!”

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Men and women are created to complement each other. The National Poet of Bangladesh, Kazi Nazrul Islam, has said in his Poem “Nari” or “Woman”

“I sing the song of equity—
I do not discriminate between women and men!
Whatever is great and beneficial,
Half is done by men and the other half by women.
Whatever sin, turbulence, and sorrow exist in the world,
Half has been brought by men and the other half by women.”


✅ Are women always right or do men rather give in? Give us your opinion and give us your reasons why you say so.


Both men and women indeed make errors; it's just part of being human. Women and men both don't always have it right. In my opinion, all sexes are capable of making blunders. That rules out ever making a gender-based accusation. There is no place for a gendered approach.
Men have greater physical strength than women, while women have more cerebral power, according to the wonder of creation. The combination of these two faculties, if channeled well, might be very potent. However, throughout history, people have placed an emphasis on physical prowess alone in order to advance in society, hence equality between the sexes has never been achieved. In many cultures, women have not achieved equality merely because they exist.There haven't been many doors opened for women to utilize their skills and influence.

Are women always right?


First of all, no man or woman can be right all the time. But women are always right in some areas which they know best. Women are right about many things, starting with women's anatomy. Their intuitive power, sense power, ability to understand human nature, and character are almost hundred percent accurate.
In reality, it has been centuries since women were granted access to education. In a patriarchal culture, it seems to reason that women will fall further behind. So they have fallen behind in many countries due to some natural and mainly social reasons. Nevertheless, in reality, women have a lot of experience. Because they have seen both the hard and soft forms of ‘Purusha’ and ‘Prakriti’, which means the male and female principle respectively. So it can be said that women are capable of making the right decisions most of the time even though they are kept backward, but we must also remember that it is not possible for anyone except God to be 100% correct.

Does men rather give in?


Men are actually going through a strange mindset. At the end of the day, he needs a soft bed to talk to and someone to love. Again, in the daylight, he does not hesitate to neglect those things and people that he needs at night. Physical strength and physical prowess have prevailed since the beginning of creation. Most men still have no clear idea about women's freedom. So most men become misogynists either due to the pressure of society or because of inferiority complex.
But the reason for the creation of men and women is for each other. Increasing the population is not the real objective. Then society would not have been civilized, rather human beings would have lived like apes and the like. In my view, men accept women's words, although they do not accept them, when there is no opportunity to refute women's words with logic and knowledge, then he accepts them in a way halfheartedly. Often real acceptance and respect are missing.
Also sometimes, many men accept many wrong words for fear of disturbing the relationship. Often men tend to support women when the words women use resonates with the bad intention men already had. Then blame women afterward. For example, in Shakespeare’s play Macbeth, Macbeth followed Lady Macbeth’s words and committed murder because he wanted to, but many will argue that Macbeth ruined himself because of Lady Macbeth.
I have also seen many men accept all the words of women temporarily for their physical needs. Most guys are misogynists under pressure, after all. Men view spouses' comments with seriousness, even if not in agreement.
However, they are just half-truths at best. Most males in patriarchal societies are not used to doing domestic tasks. When a guy like him has a family, he needs to play the role of the woman since he lacks expertise in the housework department. In this case, the lady is still correct, since the male is inexperienced.

Or is it both?


Neither man nor woman is complete without each other. So both are wrong until they respect each other's knowledge and use it to benefit themselves and society. A woman is right in the field in which she has the knowledge and a Man is bound to accept that knowledge if he is ignorant.

✅Do you think women should get away with “being always right”?


It is my belief that a "I am right" attitude is always counterproductive. Therefore, this attitude is unacceptable among both sexes. If they communicate with one another and maintain an approach that is mutually respectful, there shouldn't be any issues.

✅Name 3 things that women are always right about.


The woman is right about three things that I have seen.

1. Subtle analysis: Women's analytical ability is deadly sharp. I have always found women to be right about their views and their penetrating analysis of any subject.

2. In decisions about cleanliness: No matter how great a man thinks he is, he is often totally incompetent in decisions about cleanliness. Women are always aware and correct about this.

3. Decisions about children: Women are always right in all management and decisions, including the care and education of their children and even the children of others.

Apart from this, in the context of my country, I have always seen women making progress and making the right decisions about saving money. Men behave like spendthrifts and lose money, but women keep money safe for future use.

✅If you've experienced an incident where a woman was right or wrong, share it with us.


I have personal experience this. For the most part, I have found that women are their own worst enemy.A woman's poor judgment caused the breakdown of a family I knew. I refuse to support the harmful custom of dowry in my nation.
Many women I know are ruining their homes and tormenting their daughters-in-law because they refuse to budge from their support of the dowry system. A lady who believes in dowry and actively participates in the destruction of another woman's life and family is unjust.
Again, I've witnessed numerous female friends and family members rally behind depressed male loved ones. Women also contribute financially and to family pride by working outside the home. Women are also known to support one another. Such ladies deserve admiration. They are upper level members of society who serve to educate others.

✅Do you have any advice (women for the men or men for women?)


Men and women should adapt to changing social norms and treat each other with dignity and compassion by using "we" and "our" instead of "I" and "mine," respectively.

Thanks for reading.
💗I am inviting @goodybest & @promah

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