Fully Autonomous Self Driving Cars Might Never HappensteemCreated with Sketch.

in SteemLeo4 years ago

The world is planning on major changes when we see the introduction of fully autonomous self-driving vehicles. It only makes sense since this would be revolutionary technology. It would change everything and destroy a lot of jobs.

Of course, this all presumes that we do reach Level 5 autonomy. The scenario changes if we never see this level of advancement.

This is an idea posed by the CEO of Volkswagon's autonomous driving division. After 5 years of hype, this threw some reality into the equation.

Sitting down with WardsAuto at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last week, VW Autonomy's Alex Hitzinger said Level 4 might be the realistic limit for what automakers can build. He wasn’t shy in pointing out the relative difficulty of trying for full Level 5 autonomy.

It is an idea that goes counter to what Elon Musk has stated. He claimed that Tesla is near fully autonomy with its system. However, it must be noted that nothing close to that is seen from Tesla at this point. So far, the company was able to achieve Level 2, a state where the driver much pay attention under all conditions.

Despite that, he's confident in VW's ability to make a Level 4 autonomous vehicle, saying that the upcoming I.D. Buzz electric van will be the first VW to receive the technology. That makes sense given the van's potential as a commercial vehicle; other automakers have pointed to those as a natural starting place for autonomous efforts since they generally follow fixed driving routes.


Of course, all of this could be splitting hairs. While Level 4 is vastly different from Level 5 capabilities, the disruption would still be enormous. Vehicles that can operate on their own from start to finish with only virtual safeguards in place would equally upset society. Most vehicles travel within a reasonably defined area of a few hundred miles.

Whether we see Level 4 as compared to Level 5, in my opinion, we see the same impact. There is no way for society not to be radically changed when the driving of most vehicles goes from humans to computers. Even if there is an individual in a control room monitoring, this will only be a stopgap in the event of a problem.

The percentage of the driving done, especially commercially, is rather routine and mapped out. We are already seeing progress with autonomous trucking, taking over the highway while leaving the around town stuff to humans.

This will probably how things unfold in that arena. We could see something similar in the world of individual vehicles.

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Posted via Steemleo | A Decentralized Community for Investors

Well the Tesla experience with auto-drive is mixed, if you don't mind getting burned up in a crash.

We'll see if tractor trailer driver less trucks take off in the future, replacing drivers

Posted via Steemleo | A Decentralized Community for Investors

How do you get burned up in a crash when there is no gas tank?

Federal probe launched into Tesla for possible battery defects after 'alarming number of car fires' - November 2019
Spontaneous Combustion in many cases

Posted via Steemleo | A Decentralized Community for Investors

snip snap. you showed me :D

Parking Garage

Posted via Steemleo | A Decentralized Community for Investors

Level 0: is no automation whatsoever.
Level 1: is partial assistance with certain aspects of driving, like lane keep assist or adaptive cruise control.
Level 2: is a step up to systems that can take control of the vehicle in certain situations, like Tesla's Autopilot or Cadillac's Super Cruise, while still requiring the driver to pay attention. Get past that and we enter the realm of speculation:
Level 3: promises full computer control under defined conditions during a journey,
Level 4: expands that to start-to-finish autonomous tech limited only by virtual safeguards like a geofence, and
Level 5: is the total hands-off, go-anywhere-at-the-push-of-a-button experience.

Level 2 is where we are at, but it also seems highly redundant. What's the point if the driver has to be paying attention? In all likelihood, it incentivizes the driver to stop paying attention. We are at a place where the technology is either redundant or dangerous depending on the whims of the driver. I guess people are going to text and drive no matter what, so it makes that situation less dangerous? Strange times.

The question is going to be what happens when autonomous vehicles are safer than humans. They don't have to be perfect, but if a human cause in an accident 5 of every 1000 miles driven and an autonomous car only causes an accident 1 out of every 1000 miles, is that good enough.

To me that's good enough as they will only become safer, while we as humans will continue to be ... well humans.

What I find interesting is when we get to that point what will happen? Will humans driving cars to become illegal, or will we be allowed to continue to drive vehicles if we want to and if we do decide to keep driving, what happens when we cause an accident?

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