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RE: # 731 - Native American Dollar - Part 1

in SteemLeo4 years ago

Ahhh... yes, the system of symbiotic agriculture! The Three Sisters is a combination of three plants working together:

Sister bean fixes, or makes available in plant form, nitrogen from the air. Sister corn provides the support for Sister Bean’s trailing vine. Sister squash provides ground cover to hold moisture and maintain healthy soil environment while deterring animal invaders with its spiny stems. The fourth sister can be Sister Sunflower or Sister Bee Balm (aka Bergamot, Horsemint and Oswego Tea). This sister supports the beans, lures birds from the corn with her seeds, and attracts insect pollinators.

Posted via Steemleo


I learned about this method when researching for the article. I don't know anything about agriculture...

Posted via Steemleo

You sure know your Agricultural Sciences Sis.
Ever wish you had a nice garden plot to plant some veggies?
🌺 💝 🌹 💓 🌸

Posted via Steemleo

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