Suggestions For Splinterland Leagues (Tournament Suggestions As Well)

in SteemLeo4 years ago (edited)

It looks like the devs and team of Splinterlands will be applying changes to the league format and Splinterland players were asked for feedback in the form of a post.

What is Splinterlands?

Splinterlands (also known as Steemmonsters) is a digital card game created by @aggroed and @yabapmatt. Early game release has launched and prizes are already up for grabs. You can start investing in or playing Splinterlands by clicking here.

Suggestion ... Multi Leagues!

Being the best Bronze/Silver/Gold and Diamond players would be a great achievement to brag about but sadly we don't have a way to find out who is the best in each respective division. Multi Leagues will provide us with such information.

How to implement

  • (1) Create a league for each division (Novice-Champion). Allow players to pick which league to join before starting their journey in the league. Once an active season ends and a new season starts, players can once again pick which league to join.


  • We get to find out who the best players in each division are
  • Creates more winners
  • Such a format will cut back on the amount of Champion players a Novice player will have to battle
  • Will keep players playing longer (currently some stop playing to avoid ranking too high and facing opponents they have no chance against)
  • Competition, friendly and fun rivalries made between those trying to best each other to be the best in each division.
  • Most who play this game can't/won't spend thousands. Allowing them to be the best in X league (bronze) may encourage them to take the leap to play the next higher up league (Silver). When they decide to take that leap they will need to level their cards to be competitive which is good for everyone.
  • Other?


  • Possibly none existent prizes in the lowest of leagues (novice)
  • Current league prizes likely will be spread out across multi leagues
  • Our player base might not be able to sustain a league for each division
  • Other?

Other League Ideas with a similar premise

  • (2) As noted our player base might not be able to sustain a league for each "division" (Novice-Champion). To combat this we can combine some of the divisions in one league. For example Novice and Bronze can be a league of its own, Diamond and Champion can also be combined to have a league of its own.

  • (3) Piggybacking of what was just said, we can do away with the mindset of finding the best Novice, Bronze, Silver champions and create a beginners / ammeture and a pro league. The pro league is where the majority of the prizes will be awarded.

Using the current league prizes and spreading them accross three different leagues as follows:

(A) Beginners League: 10% of current prizes
(B) Ammeture Leauge:40% of current prizes
(C) Pro League: 60% of current prizes

The beginners league has a very small portion of prizes for a reason and one of those reasons is to keep the prizes in the league unappealing to those who like to squeeze every penny they can out of this game thus helping keep the beginners league played among beginners.

Admittedly I have been pro multi league for sometime so I'm sure there's some cons I'm forgetting to mention. I also typed this up in a hurry and there's likely some pros in which I left out of the list above as well.

Tournament Suggestion

Since I'm tossing out suggestions and we recentlly got introduced a new tournament format in which allows us to create and play tournaments using just the UNTAMED collection I figured I toss some tournament suggestions in the mix here as well. These new tournament changes (I believe) will be good for the game and current player base but .....

.....This is not good ....

From 3/4/2020 to 3/6/2020 (10 Tournaments) Beta collectors only have one game in which we can play. Alpha collectors only have two in which they can play. I'm hoping this is an oversight and will be adjusted. Not everyone wants to have full collections of each edition in order to play tournaments daily. There should be a sufficient amount of games on offer each day in which all editions are able to play. Currently it looks like UNTAMED is taken over the tournament schedual when instead the games that only allow UNTAMED (or any other edition) should be the minority.

Other Tournament Suggestions

Lets mix things up a little. Splinterlands is lots of fun to play but the same tournament format can get stale. Things can be mixed up a little in various ways.

(1) Turbo tournaments in which players get 30-60 seconds to pick their team. This is not a suggestion to replace the current format but to add some other variants.

(2) Sudden death format in which a player has XX seconds to finish picking their team after their opponent has submited theirs. Again not to replace the current format but to add in as some one off games so there's more than on tournament variant.

What Do You Think Of My Suggestions?

Have Some Suggestions Of Your Own?

Share Them Below In The Comment Section.

Posted via Steemleo


I like it @rentmoney! Good thought and very good suggestions. I particularly like the mixed up tourney formats. Also I agree, that the vast majority of tourneys should be mixed and not just a single edition of anything.

Thanks for stopping by and voicing your opinion @davemccoy.

Its an interesting time to be a Splinterlands player on the Steem blockchain.


Of course @rentmoney and I agree about Splinterlands... Lots of fun ahead I think. Of course we will have bumps from time to time, but it truely is an amazing game :)

ps... thanks for the tip of engage! (I'll hodl it) ;)

Good to see you around still Dave! Love the ideas @rentmoney. I hope they will he discussed by the team.

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Personally, I HATE tournaments here. A: the bot armies, B: the whales who run a dozen+ accounts and mass-populate each tourney, C: the oddest of schedules and time blocks for each one.... w.. t...h??? Sure someone on the globe is awake at that freakishly odd hour for that... but not me! haha And then D: watching the Champions absolutely shred everything in the Novice league.

Ever raise fish? Ya... big fish EAT the littler ones. WHY!!!!!??? Why would you deliberately put the small players in the same pool as the big ones and think they had even the slightest of chances? Horribly macabre amusement???

I like your idea of choosing a league to pursue. But take it one step further. Lock tournaments to specific card levels: Bronze uses level 1 cards. Everyone in Bronze is locked to that level cap. Regardless of weather your gold foil Julian is capped out at max. Silver is level 2-3, Gold 4-5, Diamond and champ etc, etc....

If you don't meet the minimum card level, you can not play or pursue that league. Want to get into the next league? Level up your cards and jump in! But if you want to pursue a lower league, you do so knowing your cards are going to be capped at the appropriate league bracket.

I dislike many of the things you listed as well ..... those trying to get every penny they can might be costing themselves dollars down the road. A game needs new players to survive, new players don't want to get stomped by pro players constantly.

I don't like locking tournaments to card levels as I veiw tournaments (Novice to Champion) as different levels of the game. If someone attains Champion level cards then to me they unlocked the full game and should get to play the full game in all its variants from Novice to Champion. I do think something needs to be done to offer tournaments that are for Newbies and Newbies only.

I dislike bots just as much as anyone else. For me, Splinterlands without bots and without multi-accounts is the way to go.

Thanks for the well thoughtout comment.

One of the biggest things that keeps me playing, is the amount of updates that the game keeps getting. Sure, not all of them are super popular, but the devs are at least doing something! I imagine sooner or later they might even convince me to get into tournaments.... somehow. Until then, ... it's about a half hour to season end... and one of my family members managed to reach Gold2 on their account.. Curious to see what they get in their goody bag tonight. I only managed to hit Silver 1 just last night after 2 weeks of slogging it out with the masses. lol

The devs certainly work hard, as you noted that is evident by the amount of updates they put out. Good luck to you and your family member with hitting some nice cards in your season end rewards.


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They need to fix something with the tournaments or just give all the DEC to the Lambos.


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I agree, its not good for the games longevity to have the same players winning most of the prize money.


I am not playing tournament for long because I considered them too time consuming. Make them fast and short.

Devs are putting more update but I am not sure whether they are really good or not for game (sfter reading j6969 post).

Regarding rewards, if they decided to cut down rewards significantly , no problem but why I am not able to sell my potions or transfer them?

Look like they are putting very aggressive goals but not able to get revenue (new players) for it and I guess it is hurting the current player base.

Thanks for your input @r1s2g3.

I agree, potions should be transferable.

Good morning @rentmoney, I have two weeks playing Splinterland. Because I didn't know how it was to play; I was reading with my brother and we saw what this game is based on. And I am active from that moment, if I have realized that the rivals that have touched me in some fights are very, very much higher than the level I am in, and the fights become very uneven.

It can be hard as a newbie playing against those who have full decks and been playing longer.

I sent you a couple cards that should help you in battle.

Good luck!

Thank you very much @rentmoney, for the gift

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