A Game within A Game | A Solution for the first-comers profit the most problem?

in SteemLeo4 years ago (edited)

Crypto gaming is becoming more and more a thing and now we see games coming out on the blockchains. It looks like a logical thing and probably one of the things that will lead to crypto mass adoption. Steem is not excluded from this process and the social media platform is also seeing more activities on the gaming side, using its custom jsons and free and fast transactions.



Games have tendency to reward first-comers the most!

Yes, usually the ones that are first to the party profit the most. More skilled player may come later, and they will be probably be doing fine, but just fine, somewhere in the middle. If they want to clime the ladder, they will need to put some resources (investments) in. Doing this they will be buying the old players bags making them even richer in the process. That is how things usually are in the virtual world.

Funny enough this is more or less true in real life, the physical world. The older generations are usually the ones with more resources than the young once. The young once need to create their own resources (wealth). From time to time new technologies and economies appears and that gives people a chance.

What can be a solution for this?

Usually there are two options if you don’t like how things stand in the system/game where you are:

  • Run away
  • Fight

This comes down to the basic fight or flea instinct.

But now we have this blockchains, new technologies etc. Can they do something about it? Is there other option than the two above?

The best thing that may be out there is the principle of game within a game.

What this means is to have a possibility to easily create a new layer in the current game that will start from zero and provide new players a better chance for making on their own. This will mean that you will not run away from the game, or fight at the base level, but just create a new corner in it that will suit you better. If more players join that corner and start using the resources there, it will go up and be valuable. It may grow even bigger than the base layer of the game. Who knows!

For things like this to happen the base layer of the game should be designed in that way to provide easily creation of new game layers. Provide the freedom to create new systems in it, not just the predetermined that will always be in favor of the ones who started first.

How will things look in such an environment where everyone can create their own games and rules?

It will be an extremely competitive environment, that for sure. Each different layer of the game will compete for the players and new once will come up all the time treating the current once.

Will this be like sort of madness where players will just jump from one game to another, trying to take as much as they can at the beginning and then carry on for the next hot thing?

Well maybe. But most likely after some time some balance will be found and the effort to jump and go to another system, learn the new rules there, will be bigger than just stay at the current one that most likely treats you well in this competitive environment. The new comers however will be probably try and build new system and attracting new players. That's why the current systems will need to offer benefits for the new comers if they want to sustain their system. Basically to make it easier for new comers to start in their system, than build a new one, even if that is also easy.

How does Steem fits in this game within a game concept?

From what we have seen in these two years here it fits pretty well. Steem-Engine has provided the secondary layer solution and now everyone can create a tribe and start monetizing it. There is some low barrier like ENG payments and have some basic level of tech understanding but it is still pretty simple.

SMTs and communities are now coming, and they are also step in this direction. The cost to create SMT will be even smaller, I think. This is from the blogging aspect of the platform.

One other thing that is happening besides SMTs and communities is the creation of new games that use the custom json transaction. There are now NFTs on Steem-Engine and this makes things even easier. Have some gaming concept, create your in-game assets as NFT and off you go. With a basic understanding of programing this can be done. Having more turnkey solutions in the future for creating games, games graphics etc. will boost this even more.

As more and more development is happening we will have more and more semi-products that can be converted in something else with some small edits and adjustments. This will lower the barrier even more and it will be easier to create new systems on the Steem blockchain. Easily create a game with assets in it, start selling the assets to the lovely Steem community and of you go.

All the best

Posted via Steemleo


A great article and certainly true. Of course, step back a bit further and we see a much larger perspective providing great insight about the future.

Posted via Steemleo

In most cases changes also takes time :)
But the digital world, combined with crypto can certainly speed things up!

Posted via Steemleo

love seeing the introspection about steem.

Also Looking forward to when you can cross-post that over into the steem think tank community or something like that.

Thanks @jarvie!

Havent thought about the cross posting between communities ... interesting that posting in comminities will be diferent from tribes posting since posts will appear only in the commuinyy where they are posted.

Communities will have to decide what they allow with cross-postings
I'd like to think they'll be ok with them as long as the original author is the primary beneficiary which will be the default for the SteemPeak interface to make the original author the primary beneficiary... like 90-100% beneficiary. Not sure what people will want.

On one hand there should be a way for the content creator to state what they expect if they are ok with their post being cross-posted. like: "To cross-post my post you must make me 94% beneficiary" Then steempeak and other interfaces do their best to make the interface cognicent of this wish.

Then on the other hand the community could state a rule where outside news type content must be 100% beneficiary or will be removed from the community.

There are a few things going on there that will be interesting... It's pretty cool we get to have the opportunity for the community to make it's own decisions and respect them instead of pushing down our mandates on them. Then also respecting the will of original authors.

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Hi @dalz

I just had a pleasure to read publication posted by @taskmaster4450 and he shared link to your post.

Correct me if I'm wrong - however based on my experience, most games on steem do not allow users to join if they do not have already an account on steem. And all games I've tried do not allow to create new account without going through extreme difficult process.

now everyone can create a tribe and start monetizing it

Indeed, it's possible for everyone to create tribe (it does require huge skills). However monetizing tribes is something that noone managed to achieve (at least not to my knowledge).

I wish SMTs would be more expensive than SE tokens. It's a huge mistake to create expensive tool, and sell it for so little. It does look like this tool have very little value and on top of that serious projects will be hard to find. It's a terrible strategy. If SMTs will not bring revenue back to STINC, then how would we ever expect that there will be budget to improve and work on those SMTs.

Solid read. upvoted already :) Enjoy upcoming weekend,
Yours, Piotr

 4 years ago (edited)

most games on steem do not allow users to join if they do not have already an account on steem

Splinterlands is creating account with a simple click of a button process for new players.
It is not free, just as the game itself is not a free to play. The starter pack is 10$ and it comes with account if you dont have one.

I wish SMTs would be more expensive than SE tokens. It's a huge mistake to create expensive tool, and sell it for so little.

SMTs to my knowledge will be even cheaper the SE... creating a community will cost somewhere around 3 STEEM, (unofficial) not sure about the price of creating a token. The Steem design is for mass media and if we want to have millions of communities that is why the cost is low.

Cant say much about STINC revenues. Its their own businesses :).If we want a true decentralization we should aim to depend less and less on them. Running full nodes from communities members and making the development on the blcockhain from the SPS system. At some point SPS should probably take up even larger share from the inflation. Also STINC selling STEEM is good in my view as long as it is done right.

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