ProWritersHub | Week 1 | Three Reasons Why I Do Not Smoke!

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)

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One of the three boys swung "happily" on the Air swing while the other two rode the stationary bikes. That would have been a common sight, but seeing them stick a well-positioned cigarette in between their lips and watching them pull out the wrap stylishly and then exhale the carbon dioxide confidently was enough to tell onlookers that these young teenage boys could only gain this much expertise with consistent practice. If you are wondering if this is fiction then allow me to burst some of your bubbles. This is just a snippet of an event that occurred earlier this week which inspired me to join this contest.

This article will focus on:
🔹What smoking is
🔹How common it is in my area
🔹Which group of people mostly smoke
🔹What makes people start smoking
🔹The health implications of smoking
🔹3 reasons why you do not smoke

What is smoking?

This is primarily considered to be an act of inhaling or exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug. Some types of tobacco commonly smoked include cigarettes, cigars, bidis and kretek. Marijuana (i.e. pot) and weed are other drugs consumed by burning and inhaling.


Smoking, binge drinking and promiscuity are behaviours commonly frowned at in most African societies. The habit of smoking is not just condemned because of its addictiveness or adverse effect on one's health but mainly because people who engage in this act are known for committing atrocities. Contrary to popular belief, the burning and inhalation of harmful substances like tobacco (cigarette, cigar and pipe) and marijuana are not only common amongst youths and adults living in a ghetto — some consider this place to be a hub for criminals and other nefarious activities. In suburban areas like where my home is situated or metropolises, it has become a common practice among some people irrespective of their age grade, social class, gender or ethnicity and race.

Which Group of People Mostly Smoke



It might interest you to know that I have graded these people into categories based on my observations of society.

  1. Beginners: These are little kids or teens that try mimicking smokers. You will find them whispering amongst themselves, staring at you suspiciously as if they want to see if you can sense their next line of action. Once their leader gives them a sign which could be a mysterious glance or body language you will likely miss, they will walk like soldiers into the backyard. One of them will be assigned the role of wrapping the empty papers while the other, probably the real child of the owner of the house, will upset the mom's fireplace. Once they can light it with the burning coal, just forget it. They will give up after two futile efforts to puff out air like the MVPs.

  2. The MVPs: You must have come across this set of smokers. They are the ones who decided to move further. Give them a stick of cigarettes and you will become their real buddies, offer them a whole pack and they will automatically become loyal to you and your family. Exchange a "smoke of understanding" with them and you will be loved by them, their friends and their loved ones forever. Thank you. Don't mention.:) People who fall under this category are everyday people and some police officers.

  3. The intermediates: Smokers of soft drugs like marijuana. If you watch Nollywood, then you will agree that a rebellious child in an affluent home, the new CEO taking after the father, and young boys who cannot eat rice without adding an extra addictive make up this category.

  4. The amateurs: Their eyes are not bloodshot as usually believed because they have studied the hacks to disguise this by using eye drops, air fresheners etc. They are not only fierce but can be easy-going sometimes. A large number of rappers, sport-persons and students fall under this category. They consume hard drugs like cigars, bidis, weed and kretek.

  5. The Lords: This grade is my favourite. It is comprised of a percentage of stinking rich business tycoons, pimps, prime ministers, presidents and some other occupants of top public offices. This class take loose tobacco from a pipe. They look like real Lords.:)

What Makes People Start Smoking



Looking at the calibre of people mentioned above, one will be forced to wonder why they smoke. I'll share my thoughts on this with you.

Social Influence
Most smokers engage in the act due to different environmental factors such as some content and ads broadcasted on TV channels, social media, the internet and most importantly, the people they come in contact with. A case study is the aforementioned Beginners category. This group of smokers are usually school-aged children who have celebrity models who engage in this act. Studies have shown that children mimic the behaviours they observe around them. They tend to get influenced by watching mostly public figures and powerful people indulge in this act. Have you ever seen the rap videos kids and teens watch?

Psychological issues
Stress, family issues, low self-esteem, as well as, anxiety have their roles to play. When a person encounters most of these challenges, there is a high possibility that they will seek something to calm or soothe their minds. Public speakers who get high before mounting the podium are popular examples.

Sport and Physical Activities
Year after year, sporters get disqualified based on their intake of illicit drugs. What this demonstrates is that most people who engage in physical activities could also engage in smoking these drugs to induce agility and increase stamina.

Ignorance and Peer Pressure
Teenagers who smoke pot are mostly influenced negatively by their peers, role models and other responsible adults in the environs. Also, they indulge in this act to look tough — which is a facade. Take a look at the aforementioned young boys.

Other reasons could be culture, weather, personal choice and addiction.

What are the Health Implications of Smoking?



The deleterious effect smoking has on health can never be overemphasized. They include:

  • Lung cancer
  • Stained teeth
  • Decayed gums
  • Diabetes
  • Pale and grey skin due to the decrease in blood flow and not enough circulation of oxygen.
  • Addiction: Tobacco contains a poisonous alkaloid known as nicotine. When this gets to the brain, it releases dopamine (a feel-good chemical). This subsequently leads to addiction.
  • Consuming these products can result in the breakdown of cells and tissues. When collagen and elastin are damaged, the skin becomes hardened and less elastic, leading to deeper wrinkles and premature ageing.
  • Death: Struggling with lung cancer and diabetes can be quite challenging. Without adequate health care and management, the affected persons will likely lose their lives in the process.

Do I smoke? NO. Why?

  1. Moral codes: In every given society, there are laid down rules, norms and values that should be upheld as such, it will be unethical for me to indulge in this act.
  2. Health Choice: The outlined effects of smoking on one's health are enough to discourage me from engaging in this act.
  3. The woman factor: Biologically, a woman is created to nurture a human foetus for 9 months before delivery. Smoking affects fertility and sometimes results in early menopause and irregular or painful menstruation. Females who desire a hitch-free pregnancy are advised to abstain from smoking so it does not cause complications for both the baby and the health of the mother.

Final Thoughts

The cigarette pack clearly states that “smokers are liable to die young”. There is no valid reason to smoke, as such it is advisable to desist from the act and seek professional help when need be.

Photo Credit: Gettyimages

About Me | 10% payout to @steemalive | Nigeria



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For: Steemalive

 2 years ago 

Thank you for the honour. I will do as you have instructed.

 2 years ago 

Hello @ukpono,thank you for creating the educative post and also didving it in many categories on the stages of smoking,the worst one is the beginners because they don't know the exact consequences of smoking.

 2 years ago 

I agree with you and most parents are not aware of this so they could help them.

 2 years ago 

You have done a great job @ukpono you described smoking in its simplest term, mentioned the categories of smokers and the reasons why people choose to smoke.Ofcourse,your reasons for not smoking is very justified.

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 2 years ago 

Thank you for your kind words.

 2 years ago 

The habit of smoking is not just condemned because of its addictiveness or adverse effect on one's health but mainly because people who engage in this act are known for committing atrocities.

This is so true, majority of them after getting high as they use to say doesn't feel or have emotions and so, they go ahead to do some bad things.

 2 years ago 

Very think. And the highness is just an irony.

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