LOOKING BACK 3 YEARS AGO (May - July 2018): LAST DAYS AT MSG HIGH SCHOOL // BY @thebeloved001 // #CLUB5050

in SteemAlive3 years ago



Hello everyone here on Steemit, my fellow Steemians, I'm forever @thebeloved001.

It is with Joy and happiness I Join this contest hosted by the @steemalive community titled Looking Back

This contest is all about reflecting on a special period of our past life.




In this contest I'll be writing about my last days experience at my secondary school Mount Saint Gabriel's Secondary School, Makurdi, Benue State.

The title Last Days At MSG High School was given by SET 2016 graduands when they registered for JAMB and the book/novel given for that year was- Last Days At Forcados High School.

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I graduated from MSG Sec. Sch. on the 10th of July, 2018 and it was a whole experience for me especially spending such amount of years as a Boarding Student.

We concluded our WAEC in May 2018 and we had a month break before writing our NECO.

It's a culture for all clubs and societies in the school to do their annual day celebration and handover during this period of space since SS3 who are mostly in charge and are heading it are done with their main Exam with is WAEC.



... journalism without fear or favour!

I was a member of the Press Club then in school and it was that time of the session where handover and celebration should be done.

The press club was a highly rated club in the school and they were treated with care and soft.

Every year the Club runs a contest in Conjunction with the school authority to have for that year-

  • Mr. MSG
  • Face of MSG
  • Most Fly (Famous)

I decided to register through the club's president and run for Face of MSG.



25th May, 2018 was the day of the annual day celebration and contest. The Contest is being pulled up in 3 outings from the contestants from all category-
1st outing- School Uniform
2nd outing- Sport
3rd outing- [Cooperate for Mr. MSG], [Traditional for Face of MSG], & [Free style Afro Outfit for Most Fly].

All contestants in their 3rd and last outing & myself in my Igala Cultural clothing (one shinning majorly yellow)

1st outing was a run way modeling outing, 2nd outing is to display any sport activity on stage and 3rd outing is also a run way modeling outing and you stay back on stage till all are done and the winners announced by the Judges.

Session with well wishers a day after the event

It was a tough decision but yet a winner must emerge and to the doings of God I was badged winner as the Face of MSG 2018 where I was given an award and a sash as a winner and other dignitary recognition by the school and other clubs.

Myself flexing my Sash 😃😃😃



June 2018 came inn and ended on a terrible flow.

It's a culture for all clubs and societies in the school to do their annual day celebration and handover during this period of space since SS3 who are mostly in charge and are heading it are done with their main Exam with is WAEC.

This time around it was Young Catholic Student's (YCS) Annual Sectional Day Celebration and it was done on the 24th of June, 2018.

As the Face of MSG I came around to observe and grace the event. By this time I was mostly staying in the house and not in the school no more as it was near time for graduation and I needed to prepare myself while I was still writing NECO.

After the event myself and our press club president were stopped on our way home by two cultists under the Sunday Sun at gun point and my phone was received.

It was the first time I had to experience something like that where two guns were removed from beneath and cracked to pointing our heads.

I had to humbly submit the phone without receiving my Memory card or Sim card. I was down through out the day when I got home which resulted to me being phoneless for several months (this happened 16 days to my graduation).





My graduation jotter

10th of July, 2018 was the day I said "BYE" to secondary school and the mostly painful part was saying 'bye' to my mates whom till date I've not seen some. Sharing such huge years together closed in restricted corners where we had to leave childhood and embrace adolescence and then seperating was a painful feeling and experience at that.

The images I took in the studio and used on the jotter too were lost as I lost I phone after YCS's Annual Sectional Day.

I ensured I enjoyed every bit of that day from morning to night as it was the last time of sharing such bond as a Set and Family. We are now members of the Old Boys Association (OBA) as it was an all boys secondary school.

Today we answer- MSG OBA '18



We ended with a Thanksgiving Service on the 15th of July, 2018 where we gathered together for the last time to thank God for the just concluded journey of Six Years joint with an awesome WAEC result of which mine was- 4 distinction & 4 credits.



Images of myself and Basil from thanksgiving service













Engaging in this contest has brought back memories upon memories that has broughttear to my eyes, broken my heart, filled my soul with life, smile on my face and thanksgiving from my lips.

Thank you so much @steemalive for such a beautiful contest as this. I love my Community.

Thank you so much Pastor P sir @peterabagi, you inspire an motivate me sir.



Thanks very much @thebeloved001, you did well in your detailed write up. Your memory is still intact and you arranged them in proper sequence starting from the beginning of your school contests, the WAECS, NECO, your various clubs involvements down to your graduation and finally your thanksgiving.
Incidentally, it was very pity that you lost your phone to "good for nothing individuals" as you related in your experience. This is something that are occuring even more frequent today than in the past. And as we come closer to the end of Satan's old system, this problem of insecurity will continue to happen.
This is from,

Thank you so much Daddy for reading through and commenting..

Appreciate every kind words you've said...
Thank you so much sir

You were really a legend in your school during your high school days and i'm sure your parents must be so proud of having you as their son.

Keep up the good work and don't allow your light to get dim!
Keep it shinging brighter and brighter!

Everything needed for life and Godliness

Thank you so much @niglys8 for the kind words, I appreciate you big 💙

You're welcome dear!

You are great. The spirit of a fight.... your win was wonderful. Well done.

Thank you for your kind words...
I appreciate you much 😊

Wow you are still looking as handsome or should I say more handsome than before.

I thank am looking at the new face of @steemalive community 2021🤭

Hahahahahah, always gloriously handsome
Hi @patience-otis
I'm sure to win the Face of @steemalive Community you know right!! 😊

Thank you for reading through
Bless up 🙌

Wow you really have memorable exprienced of school lifes, I wish you all the best and more.

Thank you much, appreciate you

 3 years ago 

Nice entry and we will organize Mr @steemalive here you can also run for that position cos it's seems modelling is your calling base on your flexing
I wish you more success as you further your Education and best of luck in this contest .
And I love your pictures alignment.

I'm sure I'll win both the Mr. @steemalive and also the Mrs. @steemalive combined 😇😋😁😁😊

Thank you so much for the kind words and obvious love.
I appreciate you big 👏🙌

Dear @thebeloved001 what a masterpiece of a write up! Not only was it precise, it was concise as well. You have taken me back to memory line.

Besides the fact that you lost your phone at gun point, which I believe would have given us more pictures of your treasured moments and memories, you still did enough in showing us what it meant for you to be and to miss you alma mater.

I am greatly impressed! I personally score you a 100%! Keep it up dear.

Ops!! You just left me speechless

Hahahah, than you for the kind words.
To my lost phone came something better and now something great, all things that the enemy has meant for evil God has turned it for my good..

I appreciate and Celebrate you 100% too 😊😋👏

Thank you so much my good friend.

Thank God you were not hurt by the cultist except for your phone they took. I believe you got another phone afterwards. I'm happy the ugly experience didn't ruin the previous memorious ones you had

I sure did a get even a far much better one.

Thank you for the kind words
Bless up🙌


 3 years ago 

Wow, that is great, school life is the best, thanks for sharing

Thank you for reading right!!
Appreciate you

Your memory is so insightful and detailed.

Thank you for the kind words...
Appreciate you

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