SteemAlive Presents: Our Community RoadMap for 2022 - See our strategies, plans and goals!

in SteemAlive3 years ago



You probably hear people exclaim - How time flies!!! For sure, time flies really fast especially when you have something doing. The year 2021 has been such a momentous year for SteemAlive community. We cannot simply count every milestone we have have achieved. The road has not been smooth, but we kept on going! Now the year has come to an end. We look back with pride at our gradual, consistent progress. We equally look forward to the year 2022 with great optimism and determination to consolidate on our little successes here and there. So this is our roadmap for 2022. By this time next year, we can use this post to analyze how far we have achieved, or come close to achieving our goals.


1. Building Our SteemPower

From day 1, we have always acknowledged the importance of community economy. Having a community that can support its teeming members with votes cannot be done without have some reasonable amount of Steem Power. Right now, SteemAlive has reached 30k SP. That is some great progress, since we got to this point by building the community SP on our own.

We have used a few Steem Power building models such as powering up our earnings weekly. Not too long again, we had asked our members to set steemalive as beneficiary of their posts, and that has brought in some increased earnings which we power up. These efforts have been worthwhile seeing how much we have rown our Sp. Now going forward and thinking of growing our SP faster, we will look into other avenues to grow our community SP.

From tomorrow, 1st January 2022, we will start to experiment with some other models for building community Sp. Yes, it would be an experiment. We will see how the ideas and proposals that we will put forward would be seen and supported by our community members. Everyone in the community would love our SP to grow very fast. So we are confident that the new strategies that we will propose would be accepted by most, if not all our members.

We will set an ambitious, by realizable target as follows:

By december 31st 2022, SteemAlive should have at least 250k SP.

We thank our community members for always supporting us. We are eager to achieve this target with the support of everyone. We will make proposals starting from tomorrow. We wish to thank you in advance for supporting our SP target for 2022.


2. Increasing our Trail Followers


As you can see above, we still own the most popular curation trail on Steemit with 828 members. That is because of our exceptional promotion and recruitment efforts. Now we want to grow more from this number. Our curation trial votes with a value of $3 to $5 at the current price of Steem. We would like to continue growing our curation trail and do so at a faster rate.

So by 31st December 2022, SteemAlive wants to still be the most popular curation trail with at least 2000 followers

This is realizable and would would require complete team work from all members. We would expand our promotion, recruitment and mentorship efforts to hit this target. Again, our hardworking promoters - more than 100 actively creating awareness through the roadshow and other methods - will be instrumental in our achieving this huge target.


3. Strategic Partnerships through Smatkontrat

The Smatkontrat is a project we created few months ago to enable us reach out to our local communities and partner with organizations in a beneficial way. Through this project, we hope to connect Steem to local organizations and form mutually beneficial partnerships. These organizations have large customers or workforce that will likely join Steemit. On the other hand, we will offer something to them in return such as bringing them more customers, helping their brand to sell more, or offering some beneficial services to their customers.

We were not able to fully kickoff SmatKontrat iin 2021, although promotion teams such as those in Uyo led by @ijelady, were able to make efforts to reach out to some organizations. But come 2022, we will launch a nationwide coordinated effort under SmatKontrat to partner interested firms and organizations in a way to benefit both Steem and those our partners. We will launch the first SmatKontrat likely before the end of January 2022.


4. Promotions

We are 100% a Steem Promotion Community. We are probably the first. In 2021, we did terrific promotion work. We went to Radio regularly in some cities to do live broadcasts. We started the Steem Road Show which is probably the most successful project we have run. In more than 7 cities in Nigeria, our promoters regularly hit busy roads and talk to people about Steemit. We did well in 2021. This 2022 promises to bring more efforts, strategies and results for promotion.

We will look into ways to enhance the methods we are already using. We will improve the Steem Road Show and make it more productive. We will try to sponsor more media appearances for steemit such as Radio broadcasts, hosting events and conferences. Social media marketing is also an effective way to reach may people today. Facebook Promotions and other sponsored campaigns would be considered too. Overall, we are going to tap into new opportunities for Promoting Steem, while enhancing the ones we are already using.

Another thing we will do more this 2022 is to reward the Promoters more. For example the Steem Roadshow is not easy work. Our Promoters make efforts during the Steem Road Show, often spending hours talking to people about Steem. They stand sometimes under the sun talking to people, they make calls with their airtime, and even share data with newbies. These are financial and physical efforts that promoters make for Steemit. So we will device some means to reward them more apart from votes. We will launch SteProMA, our monthly awards project for rewarding outstanding promoters. In this way, we will be able to making Steem promotion more rewarding and get the best out of our promoters.


5. Attracting Investors

Investors are badly needed to sponsor communities and help them grow faster. Through our promotions, we have come across investors that are ready to put in money in Steem, although the challenge has been how to determine a lucrative ROI. In-house, we have been think about creating a system that will effectively guarantee a good ROI so that investors would be convinced to invest in Steem.

This 2022, we will hopefully come up with some strategies to guarantee ROI for investors that are not ready to write. We will continue to work on some of the strategies we have been designing to see if it will be workable. Before the half of next year, we hope to bring in investors and utilize their idle funds to grow the community faster


6. Engagements

Engagement is something very important to our community and wehave taken it serious from a long time now. We have a post promotion group on Telegram where members can drop their posts for comments. But before they do so, they must comment on other people's post. We have a strict rule of 2 comments before an author can drop their own post. That has helped us boost engagement.

We also have a rule that a user must have engaged with community posts at least in the last two days before they get community support. Also for all our contests, engagement is a big winning factor. Not too long ago we started a project called SteemALive Engagement League (SEL) where the top commenting members of the community receive some Steem rewards at the end of the week. With all these strategies, we encourage engagement. But 2022 must be better with regards to engagement.

We will bring back SEL and make it more attractive. One of the things we will do is to give SEL participants additional rewards such as votes, and steem rewards. We will make sure they are happily engaging with community posts. We may even think about giving monthly awards to top 3 most engaging members of the community. In this way, we are able reward members that engage more with community posts,

We will try to push the number of active users in SteemALive as this number has gone done across all communities probably due to Christmas. But from this 2022,

From 2022, we will like to move our active poster count to at least 200 at all times



7. Some Previous Projects

There are many nice projects we have initiated in SteemALive community. Many of them are still working well as designed. However, there are some that we discontinued as a result of lack of resources or time to sustain them. We will be looking at our inactive projects again to determine if they will be needed again in 2022. Some of them will definitely make a comeback like:

  • Talking Point: A weekend talk show where we discuss contemporary issues or Steem related subjects.
  • Open Happiness: Originally a weekly project aimed at encouraging generosity among members. It was later modified and re-designed to reward crypto academy students that did not do too well.
  • Others: We will go back to our projects gallery and look at some projects we could restart in 2022. If there are any projects you would like us to start again, you can include them in the comment section of this post. If we review them and find them worthy of a return, we will wont waste time to kick start them again


8.Conclusion and recommendations

2021 has been such an amazing year for SteemAlive Community. We recorded big wins in various projects and activities. As it came to an end, we are really excited to look forward to great things in 2022. From the depth of our hearts, we thank @steemitblog for the amazing support they gave to us to reach this height.

To our leaders, the state representatives and coordinators in various cities and states, we appreciate the enormous work you are doing. Its really what has taken us to this point. Our members are simply phenomenal. You have supported us through thin and thick. We thank you for all the amazing things you do to promote our community.

If you have any idea, strategy, or plans that will take this community to the next level, feel free to share with us. We value your input. We crowd-source ideas for growth. We will look into your suggestions and implement whatever the community believes is in their best interests.

Thank you all friends for being simply amazing! Lets embrace 2022 with open arms and work for the good of the community and our personal growth. Thank you so much everyone.

Written by: @focusnow
for: SteemALive community


:::Telegram :::join trail


This is a very good goal - but very ambitious...

By december 31st 2022, SteemAlive should have at least 250k SP.

That is over 18K SP per month.

We will look forward to following progress.

Saya sangat setuju dengan rencana @steemalive yang begitu bersemangat dalam mengembangkan Platform ini.
Namun demikian, perlu anda membantu @elrazi dangan pengembangan SP di tahun 2022 dalam pencapaian #clubdolphin
Terima kasih, salam hanyat dari saya!

By our standards, 250k SP is really high. But we believe that impossible is nothing. Its achievable. Thanks for reading our 2022 RoadMap @steemcurator01

Maybe publish a table of targets for each month to reach the 250K SP by the end of the year.

We can give votes as you hit each target...

will try to begin.

Hello sir. I want you to visit my profile. I follow all the rules but I can't get votes from you. I wonder why. thanks🙏🏻

Dear @steemcurator01 ,i know i irritate you a lot but i am desperate to get your votes😊.Sorry sir but i really want to accumulate a lot of sp.

@steemcurator01 I am powering up continuously to have some positive impact on myself as well as my friends who are on steemit because of me.Sir ,i need your upvotes to gain some more sp.I need your upvotes.I really need them.

Dear @steemcurator01 sir I participated in #Club5050 four times in total and did not get any votes. I have given a lot of Sp power off but I am not getting any support. Please sir I am participating in #club75 again now and I have given power off. Sir, please give me some support. My financial situation is very bad.

This is My Power Up post:


Reading this made me exited already...
The vision is plain and transparent and now can be achieved...
Thank you so much @steemalive..
Greater hits...

 3 years ago 

Wow.... Interesting!
The contest is much and Interesting, I must say. With the Vision of @steemalive, I believe we're heading somewhere great. After learning about the mission I believe we all need to work hard to achieve these together.

We'll go there in Unity. We win together.

I love the strategy because it's absolutely leading to total success.

 3 years ago 

Wow, wow, wow, honestly, the 2022 roadmap is what any outstanding Community should have, SteemAlive, we your members are strongly with you to rach all your goals and targets come 2022, as for team goal-getters,

forward ever, backward never

 3 years ago 

We will launch SteProMA, our monthly awards project for rewarding outstanding promoters. In this way, we will be able to making Steem promotion more rewarding and get the best out of our promoters.

This is very good idea and project from @steemalive. Thanks so much for having the interest of all your members and your outstanding Promoters at heart. If I may say, bringing back our talking point will be of very good.

Wow! This is nice. Without a resolution or target one may relent in his or her activities.
Steemalive as a community, it is very good that we have a target for the year, and this will make us to sit up as a community to work towards our target. I love this idea very very well. well done @steemalive @focusnow.

Wow! These plans are simply amazing and my morale for activeness is already activated. I do understand that we will hit it real big in 2022.

Thanks to;

Wow this is absolutely beautiful. Thanks @steemalive for this. On my own part I will make sure that this goal is been achieved no dull moments this coming year.

Building our steempower, getting up to at least 250k sp before december 2022, increasing our curation trial and attracting investors are all a nice idea. We can do it come 2022 by Gods grace but we need to work as a team. We need encouragement too and this is the most important aspect i think. I won't be here if not the encouragement i got from @focusnow @samuel20 and many others.

We shouldn't make the mistake of recruiting new ones and forget to retain and put a smile on the face of the old members.

Our new recruits needs encouragement too through vote. Its not easy but Steemalive is really trying and i appreciate that.

Another thing we will do more this 2022 is to reward the Promoters more.

Am looking forward to this too and i can't wait for this to happen

But come 2022, we will launch a nationwide coordinated effort under SmatKontrat to partner interested firms and organizations in a way to benefit both Steem and those our partners. We will launch the first SmatKontrat likely before the end of January 2022.

Thank you @focusnow and your team, you guys are truly the BEST.

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