Steemalive Engagement challenge season 2 week 2- Introducing my family

in SteemAlive2 years ago

Hello steem friends,

It's with great pleasure I engage in this week 1 of the steemit engagement challenge season 2. My special regards to @steemalive community for hosting this contest with the title Introduce your family

I would like you to read till the end to understand my family members better.



Who are your family member? Where do they live? What are their occupation?

I would like to briefly tell you what the word family means before I go on to tell you who are family members are, where they live and their occupation.

The word Family means people at which you share connection by blood, they could be distant or close connection.

My family members consist of my father( mr Josiah), my mother (Mrs Felicia), my 4 siblings which are Dr Promise, Mrs Gift, engr. Isaac, Dr Gideon and ofcourse myself. I share blood connection with all of them so they are my close family members.

My family members all live in Nigeria. Although they live in different cities of Nigeria. While growing up we lived in the same city but as time went on, we all moved to different cities of our choice.

My eldest brother (Dr Promise)

He lives in the city of Owerri in imo state Nigeria, he is the first child and first son of my parents. He is married to his beautiful wife and they are blessed with 3 children. Two girls and One boy.

He works as a lecturer in imo state university owerri.

Special qualities I like about my elders brother

  • He is a peace maker : He loves to see people living in peace, when ever there is a disagreement, he is always there to preach peace. This is one special quality I like about my brother.

  • He is a great teacher : yes my brother is a great teacher. No matter how dull a person thinks he is, when he or she comes in contact with my brother, his brains open up, no wonder he is a lecturer because he loves teaching.

My elder sister (Mrs Gift)

Mrs Gift is my elder sister, and my only sister. She lives in the northern part of Nigeria, Kaduna state. She is married and blessed with lovely children. Mrs Gift is the second child of my parents.

Mrs Gift studied nursing in school, even though she has a teaching degree. She loves to teach too. But right now she helps her husband over sea his business.

Special qualities I like about my sister

My sister has alot of special qualities but I will say just a few.

  • She is Result Oriented : when I mean result oriented I mean she is a goal getter. When she fixes her mind to get a particular thing like project, or some other thing to be done, she follows through till the end. I think I have this quality too. She always produce results and complains less.

  • A great administrator : my dear sister is a great administrator. She makes sure things are done right when they are meant to be done. She is so good with administration that her husband handed her the job of managing his business. She leaves no details out.

  • A giver : my sister can give you just anything to see you happy. I so much love this quality because I am a partaker of her giving. She might be on a shoe, and when you just complement her shoe, she can pull it off and give you since you like it. She is exceptional in giving.

Engr. Isaac
Engr.Isaac on suit

Engr. Isaac, is another elder brother I have, the one on suit in the above picture. He is the sibling directly older than me. Isaac is lives with his wife and children in the city of Enugu in Nigeria. He is married with 2 kids.

Isaac is an engineer by profession. He loves his job and is proud of it. I would also want you to know that he loves to teach too and also has a teaching degree.

Special qualities I like about my brother Isaac

  • He is an interesting teacher: I remember Isaac was my first home lesson teacher I had while growing up. He thought me how to understand clock and how to tell the time. He makes learning very interesting. He also thought me how to spell.

  • Fun to be with : Isaac is a very funny and lively person. Although he is not a loud person. Been around him is fun. He always creates environment to make people laugh or happy. How I love to spend time with him. When on a phone call with him, he makes me laugh so hard as if he is right there with me.

  • Always sees opportunity when others don't : I know how may times he has shared with me amazing ideas he has. When there is a problem, he doesn't see the problem, he finds a way to see an opportunity out either to make wealth or to grow. This man marvels me most times and this quality makes me like him alot.

Mr Gideon (younger brother)

Gideon is the last born of the house, he is my younger brother. He lives in Delta state. He is single and not married.

Gideon is a medical scientist by profession. Even though he said he wants to go into business, anyways we are waiting.

Qualities I like about my brother Gideon

  • He is vast : been vast with informations about happening and trending stuff is one quality I like about my brother. Anytime I want to know what's happening in the country either in politics, football or other things, I call him for update. He gives me news free of charge.

  • Fashion sense : he has a good fashion sense and that is another reason why I like him. He can't be caught unfresh. He always says you don't need to have all the money before you look good I think that's true.

My parents

Amazing husband and wife. My parents are so amazing that I have not seen their type before. They have been married for over 40years yet I have not seen them fighting. They are so inlove even at old age.

My parents right now are living in Kaduna state. My Dad is an electrical contractor while my mum is into business. They both love to teach no wonder they are both Sunday school teachers in church. I think we the children took their teaching skills from them.

Special qualities I like about my parents

  • My Dad is a goal getter : he is focused until he gets what he wants done.

  • My Mum has great ability to save : my mum can save for the world. She is not extravagant so she saves so much. I really need to learn this from her. I like this quality so much.

  • My mum is so much fun : I love spending time with my mum because she is fun. She knows how to gist and tell stories of past events. I have missed her gist so much. Most times when talking to her on phone the calls are unending because she has so much to say to me.

  • My Dad is a great giver : oh how I love my Dad for this. He does not withhold anything. He just wants to share every he has with people. When ever we travel to my home town for Christmas, you need to see the way he shares the food stuff he came back with to other relatives. My Dad is exceptional in giving.


Have you ever been helped by a family member? Tell us your story

Yes I have been helped by several of my family members. Am going to share my story now.

Years back while in the university, I needed some money to pay my fees. At that time Dad could not come up with my fees.

Exams was close by, and the rules of the school says No school fees, no exam I didn't know what to do. Naturally, I don't like to border people with my issues, if God can't solve it then I won't tell you about it. I think it was my Dad that told me brother(eldest brother),

Then I was Schooling in the same city where my brother resides. I had given up that I won't write the exams, on the day my exam started I was in my hostel, I didn't go to school.

My brother called me that morning, he asked me to meet him in front of a bank. I wondered why? My course exam was starting in the afternoon. I just wore my clothes without even having my bath. I walked down to the bank, my brother came there, used his atm card, withdrew some money and handed it over to me as my school fees. I was amazed! I thanked him and ran to school that instance to pay my fees. That was how I was able to write my exams in the afternoon. My brother helped me out.


Who in the family is the funniest?

Well I have some funny members of my family but the one that is the funniest is Engr.Isaac.


Even though he is married with kids, he has a childlike heart. Very funny man and he is my favorite. We are so close that sometimes people think we are twin.

He makes everyone laugh with his jokes and comments. He acts drama alot for us in the house. Last year when we all traveled for Christmas, he made my stay sweet with his funny nature.



I would like to say family is great. Family gives you a sense of belonging, gives protection too. If you have a family where you come from, protect it, don't let anyone destroy the bond. Make peace with that sibling of yours. You should not be angry with family member for a long time. My family is my everything!

Thank you for reading.


You have a wonderful family sis, you have many teachers in your family, I believe that helps you a lot. Family is the best supporter and lover one can ever get. More of God's grace in your family sis.

Thank you so much for your sy and kind words

You are welcome

Great post dear friend. Nice to meet your family. From the picture of your parents, your dad is a good lover and your mum must be very supportive. I see love everywhere. Kudos to you

Thank you dear. Yes my Dad is really a good lover. Hahaha

Thank you so much for stopping by

 2 years ago 

What an amazing family. Hmmmm your mom and dad still plays love like Roemio and Juliet. You have sweet brothers too. I can see Why you traveled home last year December. To have a good moment with your funniest brother Mr Isaac.

Thanks for your eldest brother, who paid your fees, and you took your exams.

Yes o I have one of the most amazing family ever.

Thank you for your visist

 2 years ago 

Families are like back bone to everyone and when one has a lovely family just as you have the person will be proud of them always

Yes you are so right!

Family is backbone. That's why I don't joke with them.

Thank you

Wow. Ruth your family is fill with Doctors. Are they academic doctors or medical doctors bc i can see your first born is a lecturer.

You do have a diverse family, from Doctor, business woman engineer etc. It was God reading about your family. I wish you luck in the contest..

You can also engage with me through My link

Academic doctor and medical doctor.

Thank you for visiting, I appreciate


My dear you were fortunate to have good brother who cared about your education and had to step in to help with your fees.

I always thought engineers are serious workaholic and do not have time to crack jokes. Your engineer brother has proven me wrong today😂😂. Thanks for sharing with us.

Hello @ruthjoe

Your description about your family shows that they are good and quality people. I felt one thing, that no one can measure up to the sacrifices that ones family has done for one.


Woow your family is doing well mom.. I see your family are living at different places Just like my own family. However it's good because I see you people care for one another because even when your dad couldn't afford your fees at certain point In the University, your brother stood up and help your out so that you can pay your fee. This is what I love to hear, you got a good and caring family my dear

Good to know that Eng. Isaac is the funniest in your family, looking at his picture, I believe he can be very funny 🤣

I'm glad you took out time in introducing your family to us. Thanks so much and my regards to them

 2 years ago 

I must say that it took you hours to make this post, your parents love for each other is amazing.
They are Sunday school teachers and all their children learn the teaching skill from them because you mentioned that one of your brother here thought you how to check time.

You see Dr Isaac is the funniest and @ruthjeo is the..........
What a lovely a happy and lovely family.

Hahaha yes oo my family is filled with teachers..even me na teacher.

 2 years ago 

Wow, teacher plus teachers equals to intelligence 👍

That's right!!

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