in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)

Hey my people. How are you all doing? I welcome you to my corner: our moment of meditation.



Many of us especially the youths are living lives written by our parents in education, career, skill, etc. Only a few are living their own lives... doing what gives them joy and happiness. It's my meditation of how parents tend to be in control of the wheel of their children's lives that gave birth to this article.

As one of the Creations of God, as a matter of fact, man is the SUPER Creature of Great God, we are all born with gifts, talents, professional inclinations, callings, etc. of which are to help direct or to keep us in track in order to arrive to our Destinies. It's unfortunate that many Parents, or Guildians and families, have taken it upon themselves to be the driver of their children's/ wards futures by choosing their careers for them even when it contradicts with what they wish or want to be or study.

Many of us went to higher schools/ University to study courses against our will; some came out victorious while majority only managed/ struggled out of school to their own detriment. Many couldn't manage. They couldn't even pass through their core courses or master them. They carry the certificate back to their parents or whoever they are trying to please. Some of them will dump that certificate and dive into what they actually wanted and to tell you the truth, they do far better than parading certificates they cannot defend.

There are many factors that compel a child to forcefully accept to follow the lead of his/her parents in career/ skill choices. They are:

  • Threats
  • Family name/ Business
  • Available resources
  • Labour market
  • Trust
  • Viability of the course/ skill
  • Environmental factors,etc.



A child may choose to follow the lead of the parents because he/ she is being threatened to be disowned or be dealt with if not complied. Why must you, as a parent threaten your own child just to do what you want? You are damaging the child order than building him/ her. Many, due to this threat, live in fear of what the future holds for them because they are in fear or loosing inheritance or family.



What I mean by this is a child trying to maintain the family name or continue the family business even when he/ she knows such business is not his/ her calling. In order to save the family face, she/ he is compelled to study or do as the family wants. Just to make them happy.


A child may choose to study medicine, or any other course for that matter or attending University when the family/ parents don't have the resources to help him/ her. In this case, he/ she may be asked to do a lesser skill of which they can afford. In this, no one will blame them because as the saying goes, " half bread is better than none".



Labour market here, I mean, courses/ skills that can sell well and fast in the labour market. There are skills or courses that one will study but it will take ages for that person to get employed or engaged...starts making money. Example, it will be easier for someone that studied any educational courses to get a teaching job than a Geology graduate even with masters in Nigeria. So, you won't blame a child that follows the Parents lead because of this . Though, we can as well trust God for favours and connection.



Some kids trust their parents' judgement in most decision. Even when it concerns their future, they allow their parents to have the final say; even when it doesn't go down well with them. They let that trust overshadow their reasoning.



Here, some ask..." Will the outcome of this course/ skill be well?" , " Will it sustain me and famiIy?" , "If it sustains me, then, for how long?", and other questions.
Some courses/ skill have longer viability than others- economically, financially and commercially. So, the child that sees this light will follow the parents lead.



It's unfortunate that some people give more credit to some profession than others. No profession is better than the other; each is serving its purpose and it's very important in its own way. Medicine is serving its purpose, while law, engineering, etc are serving theirs. Don't look down on a Teacher because they are important in the environment. As a matter of fact, many 'minor' courses have proven to be viable in our society than all those bigger courses.

The commedians / Masters of ceremony, ITC gurus, masters of different skills,
the fashion designser, etc see money more these days. Some just want to answer Mama/ papa doctor not knowing if their son/ daughter is happy in that environment.

Funny enough, no one will blame the Parents for choosing their kids/ child's career. Many atimes, the parents mostly have seen the child's performance in the area of their choice than in the child's choice. They then decide to direct the child in other for him/ her to do better and succeed. But I will advice, when doing this, don't do it forcefully so it won't go bad for the child.


🌲 Low self-esteem:
This happens when the child

  • Sees his/ herself as not good enough for anything or to compete with others.
  • Tries everything possible to please others or look down on what he/ she can do...his / her weaknesses over-rides his strength.
  • Cannot stand up or for him/ herself or defend him/herself.
  • Seeks for whom to lean on for success even when he/she can succeed alone. Etc.

Draws them Backwards

Here, I mean what would have taken the child 4-5 years to achieve will then take longer years than necessary because probably, the child is struggling through the chosen career/ skill.


This child sees him/ herself as a failure if he/ she cannot breakthrough in the chosen career/ skill or even abandon it. Some will just continue to wander about in life till he/ she finally dies or becomes a vagabond at the end of the day. Etc.

In Conclusion;
As Parents, let's help our kids to achieve their God given goals, destinies in life other than imposing our own failed desires, and lives on them. Let them choose what they want, then we monitor and see if it's attainable. I possible, then we thank God but if not attainable, have a heart to heart discussion with the Child and suggest other alternatives in love. That way, the child will feel responsible for the outcome of the choice. My own opinion though.

Please let us know what you think in the comment section. I greet you all once again.

 2 years ago 

So many youths who are about to enter school need to read this post by you @queensleey so that they will follow their will not family will.

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?

Thanks ma. Unfortunately, many of them know this o.

 2 years ago (edited)

There are many factors that compel a child to forcefully accept to follow the lead of his/her parents in career/ skill choices. They are:

Family name/ Business
Available resources
Labour market
Viability of the course/ skill
Environmental factors,etc.

This was very bad and that is why we have so many unemployed youth working around the street. Please parents we should let our kids study their choice of course.

Yes. Thanks for your contribution dear. I appreciate your time here.

All the aforementioned negative factors unfortunately enough, are existing even now in this country. It's still heartbreaking indeed.

Your well detailed post worth commending. It pays greatly to invest such time in a post, may you keep it up

Thanks for reading, I appreciate your time here.

Wow! A beautiful and well informed post from you @queensleey. Parents choosing career for the children can most time be so disappointing and shouldn't really be encouraged. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for reading.

This is a well research work, I apreciate your work @queensleey

 2 years ago (edited)

I love this article so much. Some parents or guidance always want their children to do their will instead of slowing them to chose their career. That's pretty bad. Nice post you made here.

Thanks dear for your contribution. If only some parents will understand.

Such a great article. Indeed choosing a career should be something all parties need to contribute to. A child needs follow a career part that they have interest in. While parents can guide them in making this decision, they should not be the main people that will do it.

Note: You probably closed your div tag immediately before this image below.


Did you notice that after the image, all your writeup had centered alignment? Always close your divs at the bottom of your article. You can still edit and correct it.

Ok. I will correct it immediately. Thanks for blogging in my page and the correction.

I have effected the changes. I omitted some symbols for bold and italics. I didn't even notice it. My phone is bad. I'm just managing it that's why the pictures are sometimes blur.

This your post is exactly what many parents and young ones on this generation need .

Many of us especially the youths are living lives written by our parents in education, career, skill, etc. Only a few are living their own lives.

Children should be allowed to choose career based on things they love and desire to do not based on their parents forceful decisions.

I tell you. Thanks for your contribution. I'm glad you visited my blog.

Our certificate sometimes define us a!d atimes they don't. Tha k you for sharing. In the place you said


I believe that we need to decide what we need to do do and do it the best. So as to have comparative advantage

You are absolutely correct. For whatever anyone decides to do, let it be dowell. Thanks for your contribution.

You are welcome dear

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