ProWritersHub : Learn how these 3 Telecom inventions has changed our lives forever

in SteemAlive2 years ago




Hola friends y'all are welcome to @prolee's blog. Today I'll explaining to us how some technological inventions have changed our social life today. I'll be running my discussion with the below outlines;

• What life was like before the invention of Electricity, Camera and the Internet?
• How did the three inventions mentioned earlier changed our lives?
• What negative things (if any) came as a result of their inventions?
• What improvements have happened over the years to each invention?


• What life was like before the invention of Electricity, Camera and the Internet

As we all know that we're in the Computer age and our daily activities are been made efficient with the help of these telecoms. Man has experience various age before the Computer age, for example man experienced the stone age, iron age, middle age etc, during those period man's activities weren't going smoothly.

In terms of Electricity, man wasn't able to have any electrical appliances before now meaning power supply wasn't available and home appliances which requires electricity to function was lacking too.

I could remember very well that my Late Grandma didn't have a picture of herself when she was young. When I asked her (at the time she was alive) she told me there wasn't any form of device for taking pictures, it sounds surprising when I heard it but that's the fact. But now the invention of camera has done that well, the inventors have made it even more easier by attaching the camera device to a mobile phone.


We've seen the importance of Internet today before this era getting information has a strong limit since it was done locally. A messenger has to pick the message and deliver it perhaps to someone very far from his town at times this is was carried out by trekking or the use of a horse or donkey. So information was seriously lacking before the invention of the internet.


• How the three inventions mentioned earlier changed our lives

We've experienced development since the arrival of the computer age. Check out few merits this changes has been offering us.

  • Electricity : we've been able to utilize electrical appliances in making our work efficient. I'll be giving us few examples below:
  1. We've been able to put calls across any part of the world with the aid of a phone which is an electrical device.
  2. The use of Kerosene lamp is reducing since we're now having power supply and electrical lamp.
  3. The use of computer which requires electricity to power in carrying out cyber activities.
  4. Other home activities are been done fast now like cooking with an electric gas cooker, the use of Iron to straighten our clothes, the use of washing machines, etc.
  • Camera : a device for taking pictures. As we all know since the invention of this device, we are now
  1. Keeping records of videos for memory purpose.
  2. Taking pictures anywhere at any given time
  3. Taking coverage of events or occasions
  4. Having professions like Photographer, videographers, etc.


  • Internet : the today great assistance. The internet has made some persons what they're today including me, in the various ways;
  1. Information has been passed smoothly to any part of the world since it's invention.
  2. The internet has served as a reliable and fast respondent since it's invention making things easier for it's users.
  3. The internet has provided different professions for different persons all over the world. Today am a blogger, a digital one cos am making use of the internet.


• What negative things came as a result of their inventions

We've seen the merits of the aforementioned telecoms in our life today. There are still some negative effects these inventions have brought about. Check out some below..;

  • A major factor we're all suffering today which seems to be derived from these inventions is Fraud.
  • Yeah... we're having Cyber criminals looking for way to steal people's money through the internet.
  • Since the invention of electrical appliances the local alternatives that was existing before are no longer available and the electrical appliances are more expensive which will deny some persons who don't have much finance the usage. For example some persons having Power supply in their house and others not having cos of NEPA bill payment.
  • Since the internet is like that free room anyone can move in irrespective of the age, it has also contributed heavily to the bad behavior of children. It has exposed kids under the age of 18 to see erotic or sexual pictures or videos which they're are not suppose to view thereby corrupting their minds with lousy act before the invention of the internet it wasn't so.


• Improvements that have happened over the years to each invention

There have been improvements to these telecoms since it's invention.

The Internet wasn't more fast and reliable as it is now when invented. I can remember during my early years when I search a query at times, I do receive a reply which explains that what am looking for doesn't exist but now try formulate a new word by yourself and ask Google, if that word doesn't exist it'll bring a similar word or answer to what you've asked, it always deliver.


The Camera as we know wasn't as portable and good as the one we use today. The pictures produced then wasn't clean as the reality, it was on the black and white format not clear. But today the camera produces good graphical pictures.

At the early invention of Electricity it was based on theory with less practicals and therefore showcases less effect but as time went on till this very date we've experienced great development in electricity and new inventions of electrical appliances.



We've read the discussion on the above inventions. As they have advantages so they also have demerits. But in general we need these telecoms since their importance has done more good than their negative effects. I'll be stopping here so as to give you time to do other activities. See y'all in my next blog.


Regards and 10% pay to @steemalive


the today great assistance. The internet has made some persons what they're today including me, in the various ways;

The internet has changed our lives in so many ways. It has made it easier for us to communicate with others, and has given us access to information that was previously unavailable.

 2 years ago 

wow what a great post I really love this from what you had said earlier
There have been improvements to these telecoms since it's invention.

The Internet wasn't more fast and reliable as it is now when invented. I can remember during my early years when I search a query at times, I do receive a reply which explains that what am looking for doesn't exist but now try formulate a new word by yourself and ask Google, if that word doesn't exist it'll bring a similar word or answer to what you've asked, it always deliver.thus is completely true and I totally agree with it friend you have done well keep it up I really appreciate

 2 years ago 

Yeah friend improvements have been made which is heavily assisting man's activities hence everyone wants one of these telecoms.

Big friend I'll advise you to make use of these character (>) when quoting someone so as to differentiate it with your own text. This is how you would have quoted my text or someone's own...👇


This will be your review...👇


Then you can give a line space before writing yours so as to ensure they're demarcated.

I believe this will be of help to you... thanks for coming around friend.. I'll like to see more of your commitment.

The invention of the camera changed photography and today, we are able to take pictures and videos from our phones and share them with people all over the world. The internet is a massive network that connects people all over the world and has brought about many advancements in communication.

 2 years ago 

The invention of the internet, camera and electricity has really improved and standardized our system of living. Today we are now making cool money with the internet just like we are doing here in this platform

 2 years ago 

You've said fact @emmanu, those telecoms have done and are still doing good to us.
Thanks for coming around.

The internet is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family across the world. The camera allows us to capture memories on film and share them with our loved ones. Electricity was a great invention that allowed us to do anything from lighting up our house to listening to music.

 2 years ago 

This is a great post friend. Electricity, internet and camera are great innovations in science and technology. Like you mentioned, they keep improving over the years, now cameras can clear pimples and scars on someone's face unlike cameras of 10 or 15 years ago.

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 2 years ago 

Exactly Chief Sam....the cameras now can smoothen ones face and you'll even ask if you're the one..😀. Thank God for technology.
Thanks for coming around.

It is now possible to do almost anything at any time. The invention of the internet has allowed us to get information at our fingertips, making research and finding information much easier.

 2 years ago 

The internet has served as a reliable and fast respondent since it's invention making things easier for it's users.

You right @prolee information have been passing round the world without stress on like before people find it hard to pass information to others.
welcome back bro.

The internet has also helped us break down barriers that were previously keeping us from achieving our goals.

 2 years ago 

Yeah you're right, internet also help us to learn faster, in the modern Days student used there phone to a lot of things and also to solve their assignment.

 2 years ago 

Very true friend. Information is now very easy to spread with the help of the internet. Thanks for coming around, I appreciate.

 2 years ago 

Internet is very impor, and a lot of people is making money through it, people also learned through internet.
Welcome back long time, hope you back fully.


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 2 years ago 

These 3 inventions have changed how we live. Cameras have made it possible to save and enjoy memories. The internet has connected the world and made it a global village. We just have to be careful so that we do not fall victim to internet fraud.

I enjoyed reading this article, which is why I have included it in my Creative Digest for this week. Check it out:

 2 years ago 

Yes when something is new, it will not really serve well but as time goes by, as people start using it. They will complain on some things that will help the inventor to make necessary changes. Some experience person's can also share ideas. That was what happened to electricity, camera and today is better and every year, there is more improvement.

Congratulations, your post made it to the top

 2 years ago 

Yeah there are great Improvements now on these telecoms and I believe many inventors are still working on new modifications. Thanks for coming around.

 2 years ago 

Thank you

Such innovative post..
My dad was a photographer and he used the analog version of the camera.. I remember how we used to wait for days or probably hours to get the printed copy of a photograph..
Now it's almost instantaneous..
Technology really did us good 👍😊.

 2 years ago 

Yeah the image production is very fast now. The Photographer doesn't need to visit his shop before he could print the picture out, right there he'll run it out with the help of a Camera gadget. These inventions has helped man a lot.

 2 years ago 

My dear, you've said it all
Technology in camera, internet and electricity has made life fun and worth living
I keep imagining if this platform would have existed as almost all posts needs pictures

When the world was without electricity, the invention of this technology was a huge step in human history. The invention of electricity has changed the way we live and think.

 2 years ago 

Exactly it wouldn't have existed, the new modifications on telecoms has brought good than bad to us. We appreciate the inventors of these devices.

The invention of electricity is something that many people take for granted. The idea of the modern day light switch and the ability to turn on the lights or charge your phone with a plug is something that seems like it would have been a simple idea to come up with.

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