Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 2 (Week 4)| The Worst day and the best day of my life by @patjewell

in SteemAlive2 years ago

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We all get them… those good days and those bad days. Even our favorite sport teams get them all too well.

In the end, they are all part of life. I am convinced that life will be extremely boring without them.
I had a rewarding life and today I can thank my Heavenly Father for my good days far outnumbered my bad days.

BUT, then you get those WORST and BEST days. I am not persuaded that we can call them memorable as I had to think a bit. It’s like giving birth. Those unbearable pain is soon forgotten when that baby is put in your arms. Our worst days are replaced with best days and we have to fetch them from our “memory boxes” to relive them again.

On the other hand, if you ask my husband he will answer you without any hesitation that the best day was when he bought his fishing boat and the worst day was when he sold it.

The WORST day of my life

What contribute?

I could have been dead! Crime stats in South Africa is extremely high. In fact by country is rated 19th out of 193 countries and 5th on the list of 54 African countries.

I just started with a Company in which I bought shares. To enable me to do my planning etc. I worked from very early in the morning until late at night and I had to travel from one city to another, +/- 60 kilometers. Travel far, at night and as a woman; that should be enough to raise a red flag.

What went wrong?

As I left the office that evening my mom phoned me. She immediately told me to lock the doors of the cars which I did. I can remember how we actually argued about it as I was travelling on the freeway which I considered to be safe.

When I reached my suburb of residence I took the off ramp to the left. At the bottom of the off ramp was a traffic light which just turned red. I stopped behind another vehicle waiting for the light to turn green.

My phone rang and as I answered I saw someone at the window of the front passenger side. I knew he was after my phone and without hesitation I threw my phone under my seat. I immediately realized that the person saw my handbag on the seat next to me.

The next moment the window was shuttered. I grabbed my handbag and so did he. We started to struggle, not one of us wanted to let go. He punched me in my face, my neck and my arms but I wouldn’t give up. I found myself hitting back. I managed to pull my bag free and started to lean on the hooter of the car with the hope that the people car in front of me will come to my help.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a second man at the window on my side (right hand side) of the car. The difference, he had a gun. I knew I had to get away. With a man half way already in my car and one with a gun next to me my life was in serious danger. These men were not after my phone nor my handbag. No, they wanted my car.

I put my foot on the petrol pedal as hard as I could. I managed to get pass the car in front, skipped the red robot and missed the oncoming traffic. In the process I also lost the man who was half way in my car.

Through this ordeal, the woman I was speaking to on the phone could hear everything. She grabbed another phone and phoned my partner.

I just drove and drove as I wanted to get away as far as possible. Eventually I stopped at a garage. When I reached for my phone and realized there was someone on the line and that help was on its way I just started to cry. I was one hell of a lucky woman.

That is however not where it ended. My body was bruised, my eye was turning blue, my nose was bleeding and so was my hands from fighting back. Because of all the blood I had to take antiretroviral drugs for treatment against HIV/Aids. It made me so sick. For weeks I had nausea, vomiting and fever at the weirdest of times.

Will I ever forget this day? Nope.

What lessons did I learn?

  • Not to travel at night as a woman by yourself
  • Always listen to your mom
  • Always lock your doors
  • Never to park closer than 2 meters from the car in front of you
  • Not to speak on your phone in your unless it has Bluetooth
  • To lock your handbag or other parcels safely in the boot of your car and not where it can be seen
  • These days people don’t want to get involved and will rather stay in their cars where they are safe
  • To trust your instinct
  • To pray as hard as you can and
  • No matter what, life goes on!

"So I thought to myself that now is time to choose
I can pick myself up or I can give in to the blues
So I swore in my heart that I was never gonna lose
I would crawl until I made it 'cause I got something to prove -
Alec Benjamin - Worst Day Of My Life Lyrics "

The BEST day of my life

This such a difficult one for me as;

➡I am married
➡I have kids
➡I have grandchildren
➡I have a successful business

I cannot afford to write about one as I will have the other jumping on up and down. The safest would be to keep it formal so let’s got for my BEST day business wise.

What contribute?

As an IT company serving the real estate industry we had to be innovative and we had to give excellent service.

In 2006 my business partner came up with a brilliant idea. Let’s develop a mobile application whereby real estate agents can manage their listing anywhere and at any time.

In those days there were no such applications available as it was with the birth of Symbian Operating Systems.

Our mobile application

What went right?

Each year, members of the Computer World Chairmen's Committee identify the organizations whose use of information technology has been especially noteworthy for the originality of its conception, the breadth of its vision and the significance of its benefit to society. These identified organizations are asked to contribute a case study.

From the Laureates in each of the categories, a distinguished panel of judges selects finalists. These finalists are then honoured at a special ceremony where the winners is the also announced. It is known as the “red carpet” of the IT industry.

Sybase South Africa and Hewlett Packard South Africa nominated us for our mobile application and a case study was submitted. To our surprise we were elected as finalists, a first for South Africa in the world of IT.

We were invited to attend the price giving ceremony in Washington DC, America. It was an event out of this world where we were treated like celebrities.

We lost against the Chicago Stock Exchange!

Wow! Us, this little company from a country hardly known lost against a company with billions of dollars backing them.

Will I ever forget this day? Nope.

The award ceremony in Washington

What lessons did I learn?

  • If you have a dream, go for it
  • Never underestimate yourself
  • Innovation in life and in a business is crucial for success
  • Don’t give up
  • Enjoy what you do and the rewards that comes with it
  • Minions can swim with whales

"I didn't know if you knew
So I'm taking this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today
Taylor Swift - The Best Day"

I invite;


Everyone has one day or the other which could be referred to as worst day, it's actually a day when we have actually thought all hope is gone

Thank God for saving your life.

A day of joy will swallow many days of sorrow. A day when we get married, achieve one thing or the other after going through a lot of challenges.

Thank you for sharing this with us. I like the lessons you learned from your worst and best day of your life.

Kind regards!

Hope is gone... That is indeed how one feels on bad days. But then, a smile can appear in an instinct again.
A day of joy will swallow many days of sorrow.... I love this saying of yours!
It is true after all, every dark cloud has a silver edge.

Thank you for reading and engaging with my post. You rock!

could have been dead! Crime stats in South Africa is extremely high. In fact by country is rated 19th out of 193 countries and 5th on the list of 54 African countries.

It seems quite dangerous to me. Although crime occurs in almost all countries. The impact seems to be much greater in your country.

You have beautifully presented the moment of your bad and best day among us. Your happy day was very special. Thank you so much for sharing your valuable post with us.

Best regards 💝

It was me who must say thank you for visiting and engaging with my post.

Crime is for sure bad in South Africa. It is mainly due to the high unemployment percentage which is understandable.

My happy day was indeed special (•ิ‿•ิ)

Great post, resteemed and upvoted on @southernafrica

wow...that's a really great experience ma'am. I am touched and saddened to hear this news. I also can't understand if Ma dares to hit the robber... this experience is very extraordinary and certainly a very meaningful lesson.

Awh thank you my friend!
I don't think it is always the right thing to fight back but in my case I suppose it just happened and it all happened so quickly.
Thank you for your support!

You have described the worst experience so well that i felt scary. It is no lesser than a haunting movie story. J salute your bravery .

Good luck

Thank you! I suppose it was a case of survival that kicked in.
I am not so sure it is always the right thing to do. In fact they are forever on radio and national television telling us to hand everything over and step away.
I suppose I was born a fighter in life. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Thank you for the interaction. It is appreciated!

 2 years ago (edited)

On the other hand, if you ask my husband he will answer you without any hesitation that the best day was when he bought his fishing boat and the worst day was when he sold it.

🤣🤣 I can't stop laffing

You are one hell of a strong woman,
As young as I am, i have understood that life is of two side, it is like a coin, the good die and the bad side and as you have said the good side heals the bad side. And to also hold on to good memories during challenges because challenges are inevitable

What a story, you should wore a movie about your life or better still a book.
Greetings and blessings maam

I'm sure my hubby is going to laugh with you when he read this post. (•ิ‿•ิ)
Thank you for the engagement with my post.
I love your comparison between life and a coin. There is always a 50/50 of having a good or bad day. I'm just so glad that for me the odds on landing on good days are far better than landing on bad days.
As for that book about my life... maybe one day (•ิ‿•ิ)

I can't wait to read the books

Now it is “books” and even book anymore 😊

 2 years ago (edited)

Yeah books, thinking. it might have episodes. A book might not contain your story, a version 2 might be compulsory


 2 years ago 

My phone rang and as I answered I saw someone at the window of the front passenger side. I knew he was after my phone and without hesitation I threw my phone under my seat. I immediately realized that the person saw my handbag on the seat next to me.

Hmmmm I was shocked ooo. Doe it mean that those men who stopped by the traffic light are criminals? Thank God for giving you straight to fight back an safe your life.

With you leant is very good. Listening to our Mom is a good thing because they have our interest at heart.

If you have a dream, go for it
Never underestimate yourself
Innovation in life and in a business is crucial for success
Don’t give up
Enjoy what you do and the rewards that comes with it
Minions can swim with whales

You have motivated me Ma, I will go for my dream business right now without understating myself.

Thank you for stopping by my friend!
Yes, those men were indeed criminals. A couple of weeks later there was a sign erected as you turn of the freeway "High alert! High risk for hijacking!"
It gave me goosebumps when I saw it the first time. I was indeed lucky.

NEVER doubt in yourself nor you abilities. It is the worse thing any business person can do. I know you can do it!

 2 years ago 

NEVER doubt in yourself nor you abilities. It is the worse thing any business person can do. I know you can do it!

Sure I can. Am planning to start up a business. I trust God and myself that I will be able to carry it out. Thanks for your encouraging words.

Thank you for the visit my friend!
Have you seen my business lessons on Steemkids?
Just follow my advise, believe in yourself and trust. If you can do that you are half way there.
Good luck!

 2 years ago 

Really? You wrote a business lesson in steemkidss Community? Alright, I will check on it to know what to do on my new business. Thanks so much for the reminder
Lesson 9 The rest of the lessons are at the bottom of the post.
It will for sure help you 😊

 2 years ago 

Woaooah, thank you very much ma'am. I will read now.

 2 years ago 

What a world! First of all, I want to commend your determination in rescuing yourself from those guys. Sometimes when we act on impulse, we never know what good we are doing for ourselves. You are very brave, intelligent and you have forethought. Gosh! Someone like me will faint out of fear. The lessons are obvious. I am glad you survived it.

About your best day, you look gorgeous on that gown. It is an attraction. Apart from what took you there, no one will see both of you on that pic and will hesitate to give you the contract.

Those lessons are real, believe in yourself and your abilities and then go for it.
I love your spirit. You can easily identify opportunities and go for it.

I couldn't take my eyes off my screen while reading this entry. It has made my day. Thanks for sharing.

Life throws us curve balls. It all depends on what we make of them. I know that sometimes you feel you cannot cope with them but I compare them to motherhood. When that first baby is placed in your arms the lioness in you wakes up.
The same with life. Your life and those of your loved ones counts from that first cry you gave as a baby.
You have to fight and you cannot give up!

I'm glad you like my dress. At they knew we were proudly from Africa. (•ิ‿•ิ)

if you ask my husband he will answer you without any hesitation that the best day was when he bought his fishing boat and the worst day was when he sold it.

OMG this is so hilarious 😂😂😂. I'm so sorry about your bad day, trust me I know what it feels like to be attacked by arm robbers, it's not a nice experience at all. But thank Goodness they didn't succeed. As for your best day, I will say WOW that was a dream come true! Thanks for sharing with us here, I wish you success!!!

Thank you for stopping by my friend.
My hubby is going to enjoy your laughter. That I can ensure you about (•ิ‿•ิ)

What is our wonderful world turning into if we must be on the lookout all the time? It is so sad. Who is to blame? Our governments or mankind? It is a question I keep on asking myself.

It was indeed a fantastic experience and something that only happens ones in a lifetime. (•ิ‿•ิ)

You're absolutely correct we must always be alert and be aware of our environment. Well for my I'll blame both the bad Governance and the Mankind for the wickedness that is happening around us, but let's just hope for better days ahead, where love will supersedes everything.

Truly that experience was out of the world. Infact If it was me I would've feel on top of the world. 😁😁

Hope and believe! Indeed all that we can do.
Have an awesome day! ☕

Your story is so touching, and I most say you are a strong woman for you to be able to escape from those robbers. Sometime God allow something to happen to us so that we will learn from our mistake and make amends. traveling in the night is very risky most expecially for a lady. But I'm glad that you were able to overcome all the challenges.
Thank you for sharing your best and worst day with us. It was really great reading through your article. I wish you all the best.

It is for me to say thank you for reading and engaging with my post. Thank you! 🎕
You are right there is always a lesson to be learned. Sometimes we just don't understand them even for years to come.

You are always welcome ma🤗

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