Steemit Engagement Challenge Season 2 (Week 4)| The Worst day and the best day of your life - A true life story! by @pandora2010.

in SteemAlive2 years ago


Week 4 has arrived for the challenge that this community is carrying out and I wanted to participate by remembering the bad moment I had when they took my grandfather to the hospital and talking about the happiest day of my day.


Photo taken by @pandora2010, with the PicsArt application in Cabimas-Zulia-Venezuela

I'll start by telling you about the worst day of my life, which was the day my grandfather was taken away because he was feeling bad.

¿What contributed to that worst/best experience of the day?

Seeing my grandfather sick and hearing me say God bless you daughter!, my heart was going to jump out and I couldn't stop crying because I saw his sad eyes and I saw that he didn't have the strength to walk.

¿What did you do wrong or right that day??

That day I learned that I did something wrong and it was that out of desperation I told my uncle that he was bad and that they would leave him alone that my grandfather wanted to tell me something and had stopped talking to him for a few days.

¿What lesson(s) did you learn from that worst/best day experience??

I learned that with rebellion I was not going to achieve anything positive and in the end I was the one who was harming myself by filling my mind with rage.


My great-grandfather. Photo taken by @pandora2010 with Nokia phone. Cabimas-Zulia-Venezuela

How that happened around his birthday, I always asked my mom and my aunt about him, she told him that my grandfather was about to turn a year old and he was still hospitalized, his birthday arrived, which was July 27, and at 1:00 pm they called on the phone to my mom that my grandfather had died, I don't know how to explain it but that day I heard his voice and he told me that he won't cry that he will always take care of me.

Now I will tell you about the best day of my life and it was when I saw my classmates happy at our graduation leaving behind the pandemic and the situation in the country.


Photo taken by @pandora2010 with Alcatel phone. Cabimas-Zulia-Venezuela

I really never imagined that I would be able to organize my graduation in the company of 10 other children, but thanks to several members of steemit I was able to make it a reality.

¿What contributed to that worst/best experience of the day?

That day, with the support of my mother and other representatives, they made the decorations and I arranged for my classmates to be present to celebrate our graduation day together.

¿What did you do wrong or right that day??

It is not for nothing but everything went very well, I made sure that they received their diploma in the hands of their parents who were in charge of us being responsible and respectful.

¿What lesson(s) did you learn from that worst/best day experience??

At that moment I learned that having the trust and support of my loved ones I could do many things and that supporting others is the most beautiful satisfaction one can feel.


Photo taken by @pandora2010 with Alcatel phone. Cabimas-Zulia-Venezuela

With this photograph my participation ended, hoping that you like it and give me your support.

I invite @elnegro23, @adeljose and @tocho2, here I leave the link of the contest.

Before I say goodbye, I want to thank you all for the great affection you transmit to me through your support and comments. I also want to leave you my achievement1 for those who want to know more about me.


Photo taken by @pandora2010, with the Background Eraser application in Cabimas-Zulia-Venezuela

Many Blessings...🙏🏻

 2 years ago 

Good to see your entry for the challenge.I feel your pains after losing your grandfather who loves you so much.Such is life.Your graduation party was a blissful day for you.Your mum and friends came around to celebrate with you.It's a happy day,a joyful day.@pandora2010

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Thank you for those words and also for accepting my participation.

Best regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

 2 years ago 

You are so much welcome.I am glad you have moved on after the loss.I wish you success in subsequent educational career probably your higher institution.What profession would you chose??

Hola amiguita 😘..
De seguro tu bisabuelo te estará cuidando desde donde esté, tu aptitud fueron las ganas de ver a tu ser querido bien y tu tío entendió y te aseguro que se alegro tu amor y preocupación hacia su papá.
Felicidades por ser una niña responsable y obediente que de seguro tu mamá está muy orgullosa de ti 👍, sigue esforzándote para que logres tus objetivos.

Muchísimas gracias por esas lindas palabras y por brindarme su apoyo, deseo que se anime a participar 🤗❤️
Saludos cordiales.
Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻

Ok my friend you have shared with us your best and worst days, but in life death is inevitable as one day we will live this world as long as humans are mortal

Best of luck

You will have some truth but it still hurts when a loved one dies.

Thanks for your support.
Best regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

So true

You are welcome

Viste la alegría que uno siente al graduarse? Aún te faltan muchas Graduaciones en tu vida princesa, todos los éxitos para tí

Si amiguita es muy bonito🤗❤️
Gracias por el apoyo.
Saludos cordiales.
Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻

I know how people feel when writing the worst day of their lives. But what i want you guys to know is in everything always have faith and look upon God

That's what I do, I have faith in God's love.
Thanks for the visit.
Best regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

Okay dear

Saludos @pandora2010, que bonito has redactado y presentado tu post, te felicito.

Todos tenemos alguna vez algunos momentos buenos y otrso malos, lo más importante es tener la capacidad de recuperarnos para continuar con fé y esperanza en todo momento.

Hasta pronto.

Ya lo estoy entendiendo que no todos los momentos son felices y que debemos aceptar y enfrentar eso momentos tristes y doloroso.

Gracias por visitar mi participación.
Saludos cordiales.
Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻


Sorry for the loss of your grandfather. Death is very alarming thing that just causes sadness on the family members of the deceased. Thanks for standing strong in such a tough situation and choosing to move on with life.

Congratulations on your graduation 🎓. Glad to learn of such a positive impact of Steemit in your graduation celebration with the rest of the children and friends.

Thanks for sharing and all the best in the contest.

That's right, we should always move on.
I really felt very happy to be able to graduate in the middle of the pandemic.

Thanks for the visit.
Best regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

The experience that you have gained from the difficult days of your life should actually be in the life of each of us. In fact, you are right that nothing can be achieved by being angry. From the good out there. The chances of getting worse are better. The presentation of your post was good. Thank you.

I'm glad you liked my participation.

I could God that joy always reigns for all of us.

Thanks for the visit.
Best regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

I learned that with rebellion I was not going to achieve anything positive and in the end I was the one who was harming myself by filling my mind with rage

This is a very good lesson to learn. Rebelling doesn't always give us what we want. It rather causes problems divide in the family or amongst a group of people. I'm happy to see you then you lesson.

I did learn it but sometimes when I don't achieve something my rebellion returns 🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂

Thank you for supporting me with your comment.
Best regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

Hola bella.

Tu bisabuelo partió físicamente pero él sigue allí presente para cuidarte y alegrarse por tan linda jovencita en la que te has convertido; que bueno que lo conociste yo no conocí a los míos.

Tu mejor día fue de alegría y que buena organización tuvieron para celebrar una gran meta.

Dios te bendiga.

Así lo creo amiguita mi bisabuelo siempre estará conmigo.

Si ese día me sentí feliz ver feliz a otros.

Gracias por la visita y el apoyo.
Saludos cordiales.
Muchas Bendiciones..🙏🏻

 2 years ago 

Your grandfather must be a good man. Chei, see how death took him away . But death is a price that we all must pay. And I wished you mentained a good relationship with him earlier.
your best day is one of it's kind. Covid19 changed the world's situation but am glad we are now out from it. The graduation is remarkable

Receive a cordial greeting.
You are absolutely right and that was the best thing about my graduation day that while others complained and spent their time locked up depressed, thank God and steemit I was able to get a smile from both my classmates and the representatives.

Best regards.
Many Blessings..🙏🏻

 2 years ago 

That's our prayer in all our endeavors. We want both God a d people around us to smile for us. But if possible, let all the people around us to be in the same position with us to avoid jealousy

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