ProWritersHub (W7): topic no.5: Let me show you a cute pet I know (chaik)

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


It is another day in my life how are you and everyone around you! I hope you are fine, save and sound. I want to introduce you to Chaik my daughter's pet.


Chaik is a teddy bear 🐻 my aunty bought it for her when we traveled to Lagos State for my sister's wedding when she was 4 years old. She doesn't allow anyone to touch it she Carry's it wherever she goes even when she wants to sleep

I know people will be wandering where the name Chaik come from?
Chaik is a foreign name given to my anuty's dog. The ground mother of Chaik is from USA according to the woman that sold the dog to my aunty even the way Chaik behaved will convince you. Chaik is a kind of dog that doesn't stay in an untidy place or eat on a daty plate, she does not brag but full of actions so many people does not enter or cross my aunty 's geat because of her unless you work with one of us living in the compound Chaik was loved by all even if you travel like a year and comes back she will still recognize you, even when Chaik was pregnant she only gave birth to two puppies. I remember when the mother of chaik died we were there to witness the burial.

So after telling my daughter the story of chaik my Aunty's dog she was very happy and said she likes the name is going to name her bear Chaik that was how the name comes from.

Even now she doesn't play with chiak her teady bear.

how old is it and the breed?

Just like I said before Chaik teddy bear is just five years old now.
And the breed, I will say since is not a living being that can produce it has not produced any thing.

how do we take care of the pet

There is no week my daughter does not wash the teddy bear even she made a dress for the teddy she loves.

the food and what it costs

Just like I said it's not a human being so it does not eat or drink anything.

Finally: when my husband try to burn the teady
bear my daughter was not happy she almost fail sick. When my husband noticed that it was because of Chaik that make her fail sick he immediately went and removed it.


 2 years ago (edited)

Smiles, chaik is actually an inanimate teddy that your daughter loves, no wonder she fell sick when her dad wanted to burn it

Yes @percious123 even refuse to eat. Thanks for your comment.

 2 years ago 

Hope he didn't eventually burn the doll???

No not at all

Teddy bears have always been a favorite gift for children and an adorable companion for all. It's not easy to find the perfect teddy bear, but it's worth the effort.

 2 years ago 

That's true dear, teddies are nice and I had one when I was pretty young

Your are still pretty young what you say 😄😄

 2 years ago 


I remember the day I got my first teddy bear. It was from my grandpa and I fell in love with it instantly. When I was younger, my mom would take me to the store to pick out a new one every time she went on a trip

 2 years ago 

Wow so your daughter loves teddy bear. And she takes of it very well .is good you can buy dog for her.

No @okereblessing she doesn't like dogs

Teddy bears are a true American symbol. They are great at hugging, they can be cuddled, and they are always there for you. These cuddly creatures are a piece of Americana.

 2 years ago 

Ohhhhhhm i love tidy bear i even have one and i bath it often i don't joke with it.yours is five years mine is just 2yrs old is still a baby.
They are non living things but sometimes we develop love and affection for them.

 2 years ago 

They are non living things but sometimes we develop love and affection for them.

Exactly, my teddy bear is my companion. Most nights I cuddle it and sleep. 😂

Teddy bears are loved by all and they are a symbol of love and support. However, teddy bears are not just stuffed animals; they are more than that.

Yes she loves chaik so much

The teddy bear was created by Edward H. Barnum in the late 1800s. He was the owner of a circus and made a stuffed animal to help make his show more appealing


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For: Steemalive

 2 years ago 

I like the name Chaik, and the story behind it which made your daughter decide to give it to her teddy bear. It's good to always find out the meaning and origin of names before giving it to our children or anything we own.

Thanks @luchyl that's true

Teddy bears have been around for a long time and have always been loved. Teddy bears are a reminder of life, love, and happiness.

Grizzly and grand.🐻👏

 2 years ago 

The teddy bear is beautiful. The facial expression of your daughter holding the teddy bear said it all . From what you said, you too love the teddy bear so much.

Wow this is very sweet story that you have shared to us, how your daughter love teady an ordinary foam

There is nothing better than cuddling up with a teddy bear when you're feeling lonely. Teddy bears are perfect for comforting children who are going through a difficult time, but they can also be used to ease the loneliness of adults.

 2 years ago 

Wow, children are always in love with dolls.

Their presents really makes children feel happy and they play with it.

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