Say "No" to domestic violence (part2)

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


One of the alarming issues this days happen to be domestic violence. It has become so rampant becoming a source of concern as lives are lost through this medium. Distinguish people, let's share some thoughts on this.

Dangers of Domestic violence

I had shared some beautiful thoughts on what domestic violence is and some things that can instigate it in one of my post link. To everything done, the side effect as to be considered. My careful examination hasn't indicated any positive effects of domestic violence except the negative ones. Considering this, the effects goes down a long list.

  • Damage: Where there is violence, there is bound to be damage. In a home were there is violence, house equipments will definitely not be in good sharp. Television and other things takes a different condition afterward.

  • Divorce: In a marriage setting, where a wife and the husband are victims of domestic violence, such marriage will absolutely not last. Someone will have to walk away from the marriage if life is taken to be important.

  • Injury/wound: There is never a fair fight. People that are involved in domestic violence are likely to be left with scars and wounds. Many get disfigured and wears new but ugly look which could be disgusting. Others experience a life time pains and constant visitation to hospital.

  • Death: Who can tell when death is around? The truth is no one. The statistics of people that lose their lives through this medium is very high. Some people have their partners down in health just from a blow they think wouldn't have led to death. Where there is violence, there is a strong present of death.

How to avoid domestic violence

It takes some sense of discipline and maturity from everyone to get rid of violence at home. Far from this, such will be a dominant factor. Here are but a few ways of avoiding domestic violence.

  • Respecting everyone at home as respect is a reciprocal.

  • Treat others the way you would love to be treated.

  • Take one another to be human like you, understanding that what pains you can as well pains them.

  • Manage your words never to use hurting or provocative words on one another.

  • Avoid curses and abuses as this hurts emotionally.

  • Avoid unnecessary argument.

  • Pray to God against spirit of violence.


It's never ideal to be involve in what you can actually avoid. This so called domestic violence can be reduce if not eradicated. This can happen if everyone choose to positively adjust in different homes. An healthy home can be built if the people involved chooses to.


Know me more


Amazing information! Thanks for providing it.
Domestic violence is a serious issue, and it's worth spreading awarness

An average of 24 people per minute are victims of rape, physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner in the United States. Women are most likely to be victims of violence, but there are situations when men experience violence from their partners. And it's a very serious problem because, as it's written in the post, it may cause damage, physical consequences, and dead. Once I was writing a paper on the psychological consequences of domestic violence, and here is the source where I read some valuable info on that topic. There are a lot of other sources with different statistics, and reading all that is hard. It's important to spead awarness and encourage people not to be silent when they witness something like that or become witnesses.

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