Participating in Launching of Food4thought Project in Uyo

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



Hello beautiful people of steemit and @steemalive community. I hope everything is moving on just good. We do believe that, in as much as there is life, there is hope. The opportunity to be alive shows that there are better days ahead.

Food4thought Project

Food for thought is a project initiated by @steemalive community to eradicate hunger through writing. This project was first launched at Aba office where our Amiable leader @focusnow led the move. However, our team coordinator @ijlady was present at the launching ceremony live and direct and immediately adopted the idea of bringing it down to Uyo. The project is aim at stabilizing young minds through writing using a week constant coaching in producing quality post thereby earning good food stuff afterward.

Why we adopted it.

Of course, projects from @steemalive is one that always affect lives. And so, team goal getters from Uyo always supports and strive to see such. We admitted it as strong supporters of the community and as well using such medium to positively affect humanity.

The D-Day

Saturday 7th May, 2022 was the day for the official flag off of the Food4thought campaign. Although I have been away for some good time but got to know everything that happens in the team and community from our team Wattsapp group. I wasn't really in the planning but decided to be a part of the launching. I got there and my team leader @ijelady screamed to received me. I was so excited to meet new people in the team after being off for months.


The team leader was actually addressing us on steemit platform and the project. A full knowledge was pass to us all. Braided T-shirt was used though I didn't get one. It was also made know that we had disappoinments on leaders health, fliers and banner but that didn't stop the official launching.


However, the good news remains that, the project was launch despite the unforeseen challenges that shown up. We were admonish to run with the project in ernest as a fixed day for promotion was agreed. It was a beautiful one as we shared drinks and took pictures together.



The vision of Food4thought is one project that people will really love to engage on. The present state of hunger on the land can be reduce through this measure and this is a call for everyone to get involve.


Know me more

 2 years ago 

It was a great day. I was there.

 2 years ago 

Hi @nsikakedem
Do you know my Joy was complete as I saw you that day, despite all the Challenges we launched Food4thought in Uyo, launching is number 1, taking it to people to achieve it's aim is number 2, i know when you are fully back we will work together as usual.

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?

Thanks so much ma. Sure, we will work as a team.

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