Let's get on a journey to meet the poor men in the world

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)

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Greetings awesome and sound minds of our beloved steemit platform. It's a privilege to come your way again through this article from me. I would love you to join the chariot and let get somewhere.

Who is a poor man?


People have different understand as to who a poor man is. To some, he is a man that doesn't have valuable things. One without money.
For the purpose of this article, a poor man is that man that lacks ideas on how to add value to humanity or solve people's problem. He is that man that doesn't have answers to anyone's question.

Let me throw some light on some key words used in my definition to clear the air as to why these best quantify one to be a poor man. Permit me to used man in a generic term for everyone.

Right Idea


Show me a poor man and I will show you one without right ideas. The right is stressed because not all idea are positive. A man that is poor is one that lacks idea on the next positive move to make to grasp the paper money. One that has lost his taking abilities. As far as the earth remains, idea over everything is required. Some ideas are innovative while others are inventive but which ever way, one can still gain. People generates ideas and market them still to make money. To creatively think doesn't required money as people believe money is required to make money.



The value you add to someone can generate money for you. Think of adding value to people lives which could be through services or selling products. A skill gotten forever stays in you and can constantly generate good money for you as you extend value through your services. Ask yourselves, what do I have to offer that people are in need of? When that is settle, a constant way of making money has just been discovered.

Solve people's problem and answer their questions


There is a whole lot of questions in the minds of people everyday on who, what, where and how to get in touch with their needs. Availing yourself to be the link to the source to which such need can be met can pay you big time. You can connect someone or render services to someone and that answers his or her questions. Most people doesn't know where they can get an electrician, plumber, tiler but you can pay yourself by doing the connection.

Here is the poor man


  • One that lacks idea on what to do to generate the paper money

  • One without any means to add value. Paper money flows in the direction of value. Since it moves from one hands to another, constant and steady value generation is require to continually have.

  • One without answers to people questions. One without any connection of any sort.



Anyone that truly need to be rich, mustn't leave in the street of people that are like the aforementioned state as money doesn't grow on trees but is attracted. Think, create value and get answers to people questions above all stay positive and money will be pursuing you.


Know me better

 2 years ago 

Poor means, passing over opportunity repeatedly, my own definition is that poor is not out of money but out of value so @nsikakedem, i agree with the points you have here

I need to add value to people's lives

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