7 Day Writing Challenge Day4- Table Manners(Etiquette) by @noraandy 26-08-2021

in SteemAlive3 years ago


This is a behaviour that is required of a person while eating at a table or in a gathering,this includes using utensils. As a child there are some attitudes your parents kick against while you're eating.

Some parents take it as a point of duty to teach their children certain behaviours while eating at home. Some children learn this at school.

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Back then in my secondary school it wasn't easy to abide by the table rules of eating without talking or using utensils asides playing with utensils or drumming with plate. But with time and much floggings, i was able to know which hand to hold my fork or knife or which meal to use spoon and how to arrange them on the table.


Early stage is when you are a child and even though you eat in your house or in a friend's house, as a child, good table manner is very important.

We know that most things you know now is what you learnt as a child (magnetic brain is automatic in kids) and it helps you later in the future.

The groundwork of table manners begins when the child begins to speak and use utensils (cutlery).

Table Manners For Kids

Every meal time acts as a stage for kids to learn the act of good table etiquette. Starting from using their utensils properly to waiting for everybody to be served. They can learn how to be patience and practice good table manners.

Basic Things To Teach Kids


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  • Wash your hands and face before coming to the table or a place where food is being served. Don't play and come down to the table with dirty germs filled hands.

  • always talk with closed-mouth. Avoid talking or singing or shouting while chewing.

  • Don't overcrowd your mouth. Take small bites.

  • Always be polite.

  • Use utensils and napkins. Except situations like pozza and hamburgers.


  • Offer to help. Ask if you can do anything to prepare for diner either at home or someome else's home.

  • Do not bring electronics.

  • Avoid interrupting.

  • Do not reach out for something. Use please pass this for me.

  • Tidy up. After meal, clear and clean your dish and the table.


  • It brings out the confidence in you when faced with people on a table.

  • It raises your Prestige.

  • Understanding how to use the eating utensils shows people you are eating with that you are polite.

These are few talks about table Manners and I hope we all get to adapt or practice this. Thank you for Reading.

This is me


Using manners on the dining table is very important. I like your write up and it is very educative thank you for sharing this piece with us ma.

I really appreciate the time you've taken to go through it. Thanks my friend

Always welcome ma.

 3 years ago 

I really enjoyed this Table Manner Etiquette. It reminds me of those days when I first went on a holiday to my Uncle's place and the difficulties I encountered setting the table for him to eat. I will always make mistake because I was afraid to do it. Thanks for waking my memory.

You're welcome my friend.

Table manners are very good for everyone. Sometimes when on doesn't have table manners,the person behaves awful.

I appreciate your effort to teach us and the kids too ...

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