prowriters hub week 005|bribery and corruption-how it affects our society today by @morgan76

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)
hello steemian hope you all are doing well and streaming on. I welcome you all to my blog once again. today work want to take part in this wonderful contest organized by @steemalive for the prowriters hub week 005. I will be discussing o the topic

"bribery and corruption-how it affects our society today."

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bribery and corruption

bribery is also the act of giving someone money to do the wrong thing, for example, taking the wrong person to jailed because the amount the are being paid.
I my country is also now as "shut up mouth"
many people are involved in bribery especially the custom official, because of bribery,a lot of people are passing though a lot.

Corruption: is being dishonest or characterized by those people in power or the leaders in our society.
this corruption is mostly see in different kinds of forms, which are the bribery, lobbying, embezzlement and nepotism the are seen as corruption also the law of every country but it done by people are supposed to protect the law.

why is bribery and corruption common

I believe bribery is common because of people love money, all the bad things happening around us is because of money is involved, either the are being paid by the politician, that why you see corruption is going because of the money involved in it.
I also believe corruption is common because of everyone is fighting for there own benefits and how y become rich faster and through this process the will do anything to get what they want which can also make someone take bribery just because of the money the pay him.
the are a lot of people who do anything because of money.

how bribery and corruption occur in my country

in my country "Nigeria" the rate of corruption is so high we can't do without corruption and we are use to it because is something that happened every day of our life and it takes place in different countries not only in my own country, because corruption and bribery happened in different countries and below are the ways corruption take place in my side.

  • voters: many people who go out to vote are involved in bribery the don't really go out vote but because of the money the will go out vote the wrong person just because of the money which is very bad.

  • the examiners: the examiners today are not like before now before you write any exam you write have to pay for the pepper you want write
    if not you will be giving a little time to write the exam.

  • greedy: people are involved in bribery because of big eye, the are not ok with what they have the are still in looking for more that why they collect bribery and do what the are not supposed to do.

why it is wrong for public officials to involve in bribery and corruption

is not good for public officials to involve there self in any form of bribery or corruption because they are fighting over it, so if the get involved in it, that means the are encouraging the people who are under them to do the same thing and that is exactly what is happening in my country, the leaders who are leading us the once involved in bribery and corruption and the when a leaders is involved those things what do except from the people under them, the will definitely join them.

consequences of public officials who involved themselves in brovv

  • any public officials involved in any way of bribery and corruption should be punish or saved for 3 years.

  • if any public officials is being involved in bribery and corruption the should leave the office immediately.

  • and if the are being cought the should put it in News both radio and social media so that everyone will be informed about that official.


corruption and bribery is everywhere but the are not supposed to be done by the leaders in the country, there are a lot countries that are being corrupt but the leaders are fighting over it not going to the back to corrupt the country.

Special mention

 2 years ago 

This bribe is really bad and it goes a long way to contribute to corruption.

People do engage in this bad practice due to greediness and sometimes it might be hardship of the country.

Thank you @morgan76 for this nice post 4times7.

 2 years ago 

You are right @ogwo a lot of people are involved in it that is why you do anything in country because of bribery.

 2 years ago 


 2 years ago 

Bribery and corruption is becoming a monster in the present world especially in our land. There are lots of reasons why people get involved in bribery and corruption namely greed, avarice, insensitivity etc.

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 2 years ago 

you are right @samuel20 bribery in our country is becoming something else, a lot of people are involved in it which is very bad, and I don't think the can stop it because bribery is mostly done by the leaders.
Thanks for going through my article I really appreciate.

voters: many people who go out to vote are involved in bribery the don't really go out vote but because of the money the will go out vote the wrong person just because of the money which is very bad.

Yes you are right because of our love for money they will used money to buy our votes and when they win the election, they will also wants to take the money back ,the money they gave us during elections time and I think is high time we stop taking money from politicians and support those who are ready to die for the country and thank you for sharing with us and I wish you all the best in life.

 2 years ago 

and that is why we always vote for the wrong person, instead of us to vote the right person we are looking for money that can do anything for us.

 2 years ago 

before you write any exam you write have to pay for the pepper you want write
if not you will be giving a little time to write the exam

This is so sad. It so terrible that even in the lower levels of education, that sad reality is manifesting. Students are even warned not to write until the teacher brings them answers because they paid for it. I believe those in authority can do something to improve the quality of education in our country. @emmanu

 2 years ago 

Yes sir, you are right now in some government school is a must, because if you don't pay the will not take your answer script and you will definitely failed that pepper, which is very bad now some students don't read because they have it in mind that the will pay for the answer.

 2 years ago 

It's not just in government schools but in private schools too,just that in private school is more expensive since there students are not much

 2 years ago 

you are right @emmanu it happen every where but not in all school, some school allow there student to write the exam themselves.

 2 years ago 

I don't think if that school exist in Nigeria,all schools accept money from there students for malpractice

 2 years ago 

I have noticed some school own by a Dipper life person, the don't collect money for malpractice that was why we said so.

Thereby perpetrating corruption. Tell me difference the product of examination malpractice can make if entrusted with public office in future. It's high time the law makers prescribe death penalty for examination malpractice.

 2 years ago 

I'm not sure the can do can do that even if the can see the ones in the city what about the school in the village.

 2 years ago 

The rate of malpractice in Nigeria is very high and I think it can not be controlled. Students no longer read or prepare for there WAEC they know depend on Expo and some go a long way to do impersonation

 2 years ago 

the examiners: the examiners today are not like before now before you write any exam you write have to pay for the pepper you want write
if not you will be giving a little time to write the exam.

I actually experienced this part myself, if you see the way students were mistreated just to pay for examination malpractice
It was now a do or die affair

 2 years ago 

Omo even in my time but actually I didn't pay for all paper and I really made a lot of money that time.

 2 years ago 


We'll just keep getting the money but Neva pay, actually it's that money I used to get my first phone

 2 years ago 

Omo me thank God say I pass the exam because I didn't pay for all papers and I was afraid that I'm going to failed but the grace of God I end up with good results.

 2 years ago 

That's it
What is meant to be will always be

 2 years ago 

Yes ooh,if only you can believe it will work for you.

 2 years ago 

Paying for examination malpractice is very necessary because teachers are aware that the students don't know what to write and no teacher wants there student to fail

 2 years ago 

The are the one who make the students to feel that way, because if the have made it clear that the will be no malpractice definitely the students will be sit-up.

 2 years ago (edited)

Corruption is a common occurrence in many countries around the world. Bribes and extortions are some of the most common ways for corruption to occur. Countries with high corruption rates include Afghanistan, Egypt, and Russia. In China. #4times7

 2 years ago 

yeah, you are right corruption is everywhere in the world and sometimes it one of the things that bring bad news about a country.

 2 years ago 

The bible foretold that in the last days men will be lovers of money and extortioners, so it doesn't marvel me to see bribery and corruption everywhere and this has cause so many injury for humans.
But the question is will it continue this way?

 2 years ago 

that is what I'm asking myself every day because it growing everyday, but I pray God should help us to overcome it.

 2 years ago 

Yes only God has the power to stop it, because it God that created humans so He has power over us, and the good part is that he's an honest God, so he has promised in his word the bible that very soon He will destroy wicked ones and evil will be no more.

 2 years ago 

but, I also believe that if we have a better leaders who is closer to God I think it will be better, because ones the leaders stop bribery it will be hard for other to involve in bribery.

 2 years ago 

I don't think any Government can do this you know why?

You have a quality post here @morgan76
Bribery and corruption is really affecting the society.

that means the are encouraging the people who are under them to do the same thing

I so much love this point
Keep up the good work

 2 years ago 

yes, the are the one who are mostly involved in bribery especially in election time they will use money to buy vote that is why we always have the leaders.

 2 years ago 

This bribe of a thing. It has eaten deep in some people that they can not do without it. Especially the police and some in charge of employment. Even at the airport the thing is someting else.

 2 years ago 

you are there, like it have gotten to the point that when you going to look for job with good results you will still pay for it just to get the job.
Thanks for engaging.

 2 years ago 

No be small thing oooo. The thing is something else

You made a mistake here bro👇

bride and corruption

Instead of bribery.
Nice post bro, keep it up 🤝

 2 years ago 

Thanks you very much for that, sleep just dey my eye for night but no wahala I will take the correct right now.
Thanks too for going through my post.

Alright bro😂
You are welcome

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