Tech Inventions - a 5 day writing Challenge//The Invention of the internet and How it has changed our lives today by @mesola

in SteemAlive2 years ago

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Hello friends I am going to take to the genesis of the internet with my following review.

What is the Internet?


The Internet is a huge network that link computers all over the world. Between the Internet, people can split information and communicate from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Who invented the Internet?


The Internet is made up of technologies developed by separate individuals and organizations. The prime figures include Robert W. Taylor, who direct the development of the ARPANET (an early prototype of the Internet), and Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn, who make headway the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) technologies

How does the Internet work?


The Internet toil along a series of networks that link devices around the world through telephone lines. Users are equip with gain access to the Internet by Internet service providers. The general use of mobile broadband and Wi-Fi in the 21st century has let this link to be wireless.

Is the Internet dangerous?


The origin of the Internet has pilot into existence new forms of exploitation, are spam e-mail and malware, and harmful social conduct, such as cyberbullying and doxxing. Many companies gather extensive details from users, which some view as a violation of privacy.

What is the Dark Web?


The Dark Web make reference to a series of Web sites that demand special decryption and configuration tools to access. It is most frequently used for purposes that needs strict anonymity, including illegal sales example of weapons and drugs, political dissent in countries with big censorship, and whistleblowing.

Who controls the Internet?


Mean while the Internet is theoretically decentralized and thus lead by no single entity, some argue that tech companies such as Amazon, Facebook, and Google represent a few concentration of Body that have unprecedented impact over the details and money on the Internet. In some countries, recognize parts of the Internet are blocked via censorship.

Is the Internet “making us stupid”?


Whether the Internet is "making us stupid" is over a large area are debated. Some argue the Internet is reverting our brains for something more serious, as seen by slacken off IQ scores, and that new technologies and platforms like the Internet are abuse surveillance spams, the power to focus, and act simple tasks. Others argue that effectively all new technologies all over history have been initially feared, that the Internet gives voice to various populations and equal access to information for the benefit of social advancement, and that changing how the brain works and how we gain and process information is not certainly bad.

Advantages of Internet hide


  • It's Allows collaboration
  • it's Process simplification
  • it's promote business
  • it's make it Easy for Shopping & Banking
  • it's a Freedom of expression
  • it's a Creation of new jobs
  • it's Offers new forms of Entertainment.
  • it's Reduced the Dependency.
  • it gives Access to immediate information
  • very Excellent form of communication

benefits of the Internet for the business


  • You can pass information more easily and rapidly
    Communication giving out and finding is faster
    Business automation
  • High-speed link and mobile internet
    Latest marketing view point to get across more customers
  • More new clients and more attached customers
  • increased customer service
  • Using the internet to control corporate networks
  • it's Reduced costs
  • Its Improves workplace and business productivity

Mostly appreciated

More about me

 2 years ago 

@mesola. Thanks a lot for sharing. Internet is one of the greatest inventions of science. With internet I can visit any part of the world without moving a muscle, moreover I can watch live event from any part of the world, thanks to

The Internet is made up of technologies developed by separate individuals and organizations.

There are many advantages of the internet but they far outweighs the negative effects.
Best wishes

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