SteemAlive Presents: "My Mistakes in 2021 and My 2022 Resolutions". Contest // 10% for steemalive

in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)


My happy face.

Hello everyone, how are you all doing? Hope you are all beautiful and spackling.



I am here for the contest organized by steemalive which is my mistake in 2021 and my 2022 resolutions, as human we are bound to
Make mistakes because we are flesh.
The flesh has limitations.


  • investing in the wrong business
  • Making friends with the wrong people
  • procrastinating important thing
  • Helping the wrong people.



In 2021 I venture into a business and I invested cash worth 1.5m without direction because I was looking for income to take care of my family dealing on whole sale, like garri in bags , rice in bag, yams and onions in bags. So once I return people will come to my shop and pack them promise to under a week but at the end of it all they will sell all but return like half of the mone, I continue like that till my money kept reducing and you dare not ask them for your balance because the kind of abuse they will ranther to me ask I am borrowing them the money, some time I will be begging them to return my money some will even fight with me for asking them to return my money, until my capital got finished then my friend that is also selling in the market advice me not to deal on supply that I should venture in to stew ingredients and I said ok I went and borrow money from a micro finance bank to start the new business but in this one you see your money but once I'm home the money will just mist, up to the extent I will have to look for money else way to settle the loan. I earn up losing my capital and the loan I collected.

Making friends with the wrong people


I am a very social person because of who I am I gave room to any body that want to be my friend, I make friend with so many people not knowing that I was killing myself, some will laugh in front of me but at my back they said ugly thing about me, they will be coming to my house eat with me, drink with me, some will even come to borrow money from me but in return is gossip, until I will be hearing my secret outside so I decided to be on my own so that I can have peace of mind.



this year I have learnt alot UpTo the extent of helping those I'm not suppose to help, first I help my nephew by paying some one to train him interlocking which almost all the houses are interlock now so I pay for all the bills I was ask to pay and he started going for the training but after 4 month the boss call me that he is no more coming for training and when I ask him he said his stop him from going that I am wicked to send his son to go for such training, and I said to my self is thank you but there is no problem and that was how my money gone because I invested on the wrong person the second person is my neice she came for holiday on the 31st of December 2020 and in January 2021 when it was time for her to go back to the village, she approach me that she wants to stay with me that her father is not sending her to school that please I should help her and I ask for my son opinion and they agree I should help if I can , so I let her stay in my house when it was time for west African examination council I got her register and I paid for all the bills the school requested and she wrote her waec, I even let her manage my business then after the examination she started misbehaving UpTo extent my brother started insulting me calling me all such of names without telling me thank you but inside I started thinking what I have done to deserve the abuse word he render to me but I leave it into God hands to do his will.



2021 I fail in some of the agreement I had with my self, 2021 brought so much tears to me, too much thinking I don't give my self happiness but in this 2022, any negative vibe is out of the way I have promise to do anything that will give me joy, i will be happy with my self no matter what I go through, I don't want even remember my past life, i don't have to please everyone, I just want to leave my life, invest for my future, I thank God Steemit has taught me how to safe which I am working hard on that.



I am learnt a lot of lesson this 2021 which I still regret up till now going out of my way to put smiles of people faces when they don't deserve it, but in all I thank God that I have learnt to move on with my life, leave with my secret without relating to any one, focus on my steemit business without losing focus.

Thank you.


Know me well link

 3 years ago 

We are bound to make mistake but the main thing is that we realise and correct it, i love your 2022 resolution

Thank you ma

 3 years ago 

Your resolutions are very good, work hard to achieve them all

Thank you dear

 3 years ago 

Hi @mesola,

You are such a kind person but most times the people pay you back with evil.It's really annoying to experience such.
I am glad you have learnt your lessons and has made a resolution for the new year.

Goodluck in the contest!!

Thank you my brother, I can never be fooled again

I thank God for helping realize all these things in time. My dear friends are dangerous you have to be very wise next year

Thank you for the advice

My friend , you are such a sweet soul, don't allow their negative mindset to weigh u down, because u are destined for greatness.

Thank you very much

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Thank you I really appreciate

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