SteemAlive Presents: ProWritersHub (W5) - rewarding a team of dedicated contest writers | Learn how these 3 inventions changed our lives forever (Electricity, Camera, the Internet)! | by @justiceanietie

in SteemAlive2 years ago

A beautiful day to all the steemians, Wishing all a great day ahead. I want to share my idea and experience on Electricity, camera and internet.
These 3 things has changed our life in a positive ways.


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I remembered when I was growing up when there was no constant light. I was still small and was asleep when I woke up everywhere was dark around 6:45pm in the village, little did I know that my mummy dropped hot pot of soup closer to the bed, when I woke up I put my leg in the pot of soup with the hotness the soup burned my leg till today I still have the scars and the memory.

Electricity is so helpful to everyone’s life. I could remember when I was using lantern the flame is not even wide, it can only show you the surrounding of the lamp and it wasn’t even bright plus the smoke will be disturbing your eyes.

When I began to use electricity I can tell you the difference is clear. when the bulb is turned on, the darkness is departed every where becomes bright even pin on the floor can be seen.

Electricity is good which with its energy, life itself becomes beautiful music is pop on and the rhythm makes the mind and the brain to think clearly.

This has enable us to cook our food, sow or dress by using the electric machine, cool our drinks with ease. Etc.


Camera: Imagine capturing someone in a picture, keeping memories of people. Sometimes we set our camera in such away that when capturing it will review every detail in someone. Like pimple, rashes, scars even marks with the mind of editing it to it best.

Aside from the mirror we used, our phone camera to look at our faces to know the particular look it's wearing. Life is beautiful with camera cause it keep memories.

Analog Camera



In those days when analog camera was in place, according to my partners! Before they want to take you a picture, it's just like a war.

This picture will take a long time before they will deliver it. Not to talk about passport! Where they used to stand 2 persons before the camera man will snapped. But even with that, there were means of keeping memories.

But there were challenges faced by camera men in time past. Some of these challenges are

• Consistent buying of film
• The film must not be exposed to light
• Snapping and cutting people's head.
• Customers eyes closed. Etc.

Many times we can see that after snapping, in time of developing the film, you will discovered that all has spoiled. All these was the major challenges faced during analog camera and that was the reason for Digital camera.

Digital Camera


Digital camera has done well and its importance in our life can not be measured. Because of the invention of digital camera, today the world has gone digital even our hand set now can be used to keep memories.

Now once you take someone a snap shot, you will immediately look at the outcome and if your customer doesn't like it, you can retake the snapshot.

Some advanced country now take records of what is happening even without a witness to be there, this is because of camera and internet inventions.

Today, many has used the Internet/camera to make video calls across the globe which is very nice but other still used it to commit frauds.


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Internet is the interconnection of two or more components as well as phones for sharing of resources and this is carried out through network.

sometimes I wander life without internet, like when you want to see a definition of something you go to Oxford dictionary and start searching from words to words whereby you can open your internet and ask questions and within a second your answers are ready.

How about business transactions, exchange of ideas or drawing of business plan wouldn’t have exist except meeting one on one with paper drawing.

how about entertainment, like comedy, music even meme where could we find them ? Maybe get some CD plates or watch them on television. I love watch everything with my phone or laptop than television.

Imagine life without internet how would we access our old time friends online? Chatting with friends near and far, exchanging meme and pictures it wouldn’t have been possible and life would have been very boring. loneliness would have been the other of the day

The Internet has really help all this things to be possible even aided bank transactions at the comfort of your home. You can make use of your phone to transfer money, pay bills and even recharge your phone. All this is through the help of the net.

But today many person has turned to use the Internet for fraud and it seems like their daily hustle. Through the help of the Internet, your bank account can be wiped off with just a phone and a connection.

People Facebook are hack and used to fraud the followers of that person. In all this we can not say the net should band because it's good but all of use should only mind the way we give out our details and make your you know the link you are clicking from your phone.


In all Electricity, Camera an the Internet has changed the world for good and we can not go back to darkness.

Today with the help of the net, i can blog online and get paid from the comfort of my home.

 2 years ago 

all you said are right your post make bigger sense from my and I learnt more thing here from what you saidInternet is the interconnection of two or more components as well as phones for sharing of resources and this is carried out through network.i totally agreed

You are welcome

 2 years ago 

my pleasure

 2 years ago 

Internet is very important. Thanks to the inventors. Can you imagine how uncomfortable I was in the village where there was no internet connection hmmm i wanted to turn to monkey climbing trees looking for network.

Lol 😆 that is why we must embrace good things and think ahead of what to do in order to change the world.

Thanks for your comment.

Yes no doubt internet is important but electricity is also used for many purposes such as lighting, refrigeration, and cooking. Without electricity, people would not be able to work, go to school, or even drive their cars.

 2 years ago 

I agree with you.

 2 years ago 

Imagine capturing someone in a picture, keeping memories of people. Sometimes we set our camera in such away that when capturing it will review every detail in someone. Like pimple, rashes, scars even marks with the mind of editing it to it best.

Do you know that the camera is also one of the key features of this platform, without invention of camera we wouldn't be able to post amazing pictures on steemit

Yes oo and this has really help the world.

Do you know electricity is also one of the most important needs in our lives. It provides us with light, heat, and power that we can use to help us get through our day

But the internet also has done great things for us and has been a huge part of our everyday lives. It's been able to help change the world for the better, but it's also been able to do some really bad things.

 2 years ago 

Hahaha, this is funny ooo

I was still small and was asleep when I woke up everywhere was dark around 6:45pm in the village, little did I know that my mummy dropped hot pot of soup closer to the bed, when I woke up I put my leg in the pot of soup with the hotness the soup burned my leg till today I still have the scars and the memory.

Heeew, sorry o, but permit me to ask, did your mom pour the soup away? Did they beat you?

Thank God for the invention of electricity. Had it been there was light, that wouldn't have happen. Sorry

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Hahaha, the truth is ; my mum did not thrown the soup away! We had to manage and eat it like that but thank God for electricity.

 2 years ago 

I love your presentation. It is clear and understandable. These inventions have changed our lives. Let me quickly react to this:

Some advanced country now take records of what is happening even without a witness to be there, this is because of camera and internet inventions.

This is much true of CCTV cameras. They are used to monitor and record events live. In many public places, it is used to fight crime as the camera captures everything, including criminals. I really hope it will be put to good use in our cities. @justiceanietie

Wao! Thanks for contributing to this wealth of knowledge. I just hope our country grow fast in technology.

 2 years ago (edited)

wow I love the one you discuss about the invention if internet indeed internet has been doing great to us and also our forefathers really suffered before the invention of this three things thanks you have done well

Thank you for your time sir.

Yeah through internet we have the ability to do anything, to be anywhere, to talk to anyone. It's a whole new world and it's only getting better and better.

 2 years ago 

yeah I agreed bwith that

 2 years ago 

Chief Justice you've written facts here and I read to acquire much from your content.

Imagine life without internet

I mean it would have been something else, life without internet..??..ah..!! It's poor. Thank God for this technology era.

Guy no be jock ooo!
I went oit of data this afternoon, hmm i regretted allowing my data to finished before my noticed.

Life was something else!

 2 years ago 

Things are now going smoothly better than before.

Electricity is a staple in the modern world. From powering our computers and phones to running our washing machines and refrigerators, electricity is a necessity.

 2 years ago 

Yeah it is...
It has been doing well in different aspect of our daily living.
Thanks for coming around.

You are most welcome and yes I'm agree with you so keep working hard good luck have a nice day

Electricity is the most important need that people have in their everyday lives. Without electricity, people would not be able to live their lives the way they do.

Absolutely true

 2 years ago 

I agreed with that

 2 years ago 

Yes, electricity is really useful to our everyday life as it goes a long way to give us light which serves on many good purpose.

You are welcome

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