ProWritersHub (W6) -Wash your hands regularly to stay healthy

in SteemAlive2 years ago


Hello my wonderful friends how are you guys doing?, I know everything is working well also I know that today's activities was smooth.
I thank God for today who made it possible for to be here this time around to continue this wonderful project that is going on in this community.This time around I will like to discuss with you people some benefits of washing our hands and I know that you guys will be happy to learn from me this time around

What is the proper way to wash your hands

Washing of hands is a very good thing that everyone should be doing regularly to prevent our self from contacting differents diseases.
Some sicknesses people that has been suffering today is caused by lack of washing of hands after touching uncleaned things before taking in foods.which is very bad

There are some many good proper ways which we can wash our hands so that the bacterias in our hands will be flushed out.
Some of the ways are:

  • Washing of hands with running water

  • Washing of hands with detergents such as so-klin, omo, mymy, goodmama etc.

  • Washing of hands with solid soaps and liquid soaps too

  • Washing of hands with sanitizer: this helps a lot to kill the bacterias that is our hands

  • Using of sticks to remove the dirt particles that is our fingers before washing the hands.

What activities should we Wash hands before or after doing them

Wow this is a nice question to answer.
There are so many numerous activities we do that requires washing of hands after doing or handling them to prevent our self from harmful effects and diseases, which can take off man's life and some of those activities that requires washing of hands are as follows:

  • We need to Wash our hands after touching the chemicals that are dangerous to insects, such chemicals are dangerous to man's life so we need to wash our hands after touching those chemicals

  • We need to wash our hands after sneezing

  • After deficating and urinating, washing of hands should be carried out immediately

  • After touching our pets such as dog, cat, monkey etc washing of hands should be carried out immediately to remove the bacterias you contracted from those animals

  • After our daily activities we need to wash our hands because you may go out and shake someone without knowing what the person touches before shaking you.

Why is using running water and liquid soap the best

Wow this is so nice, using running water and liquid soap helps a lot in washing of hands.
The running water helps to flush out the bacterias in the hands while the liquid soaps helps to remove the excess oils and also weak the activeness of the bacterias which refused to flush out also the liquid soaps helps to gives out a good perf after washing the hands

If you do not have Running water from a tap what can you do

Wow this a nice question to answer,if someone did not have a running water From a tap you can get a bucket that has something like a tap in it and pour water inside the bucket and be using it as a running water it will help a lot to serve as a running water from a tap
This is what I mean as you can see it looks like a tap and it can still serve the same work with the tap

What are some diseases that can be prevented by washing hands regularly

There are some numerous diseases that can be prevented when we Wash our hands regularly and some those disease are:

  • Scratches on the skin

  • Stomach pain

  • Vomiting

  • Onycholysis

  • Colored nails

Do people in your area wash hands regularly

No in my area people do not have the habbit of washing their hands regularly
Due to lack of personal hygiene

What can be done to creat more awareness of hand washing

There are some importants things that can be done that will help to creat more awareness concerning hand washing and some of those things are:

  • Teachers should always teach the students concerning personal hygiene regularly

  • The doctors should be going to the health centers and call for meeting concerning personal hygienes

  • Parents should educate thire children about hand washing before and after eating


My wonderful friends i hope you guys have learnt something from this my content.
If you keep doing doing this things that I listed on this my content you will be free from diseases, remember cleanliness is next to Godliness.
I will like to appreciate the community @steemalive for the wonderful topics that was listed also the good senior mentors



 2 years ago 

Yes bro,using a tap is really good for those who do not have borehole,for me I usually tell my brother to pour the water in my hand while I wash it with soap.
Thank you for this post.

Make sure to dry your hands off after washing them and to use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if you are going to be touching a lot of people or surfaces.

 2 years ago 

yeah you are so so funny telling your brother to pour water for you is a good way shaa but at least we should have a running water in our various houses and also the used of liquid some is really important and help in the protection of our hands from certain disease

One way to make sure you are washing your hands properly is to use a sink with a faucet that has a soap dispenser on the side of it.

 2 years ago 

Parents should educate thire children about hand washing before and after eating

It is true that charity begins at home, so if parents instill the habit of hand washing in their children, they'll grow up to stick to the practice

There are many ways to prevent the spread of germs and illness. Hand washing is one of the most important ways to protect yourself from the spread of germs.

 2 years ago 

Exactly but people prefer use of hand sanitizers instead and it's not advisable by me. Handwashing with running water and soap remains the best

 2 years ago 

@precoius123 indeed washing if the hand help in a long way to protect us from. certain disease in ye body and also parent should enact a law in every family this will help in a long way

 2 years ago 

Yes ooo
That law enactment is very important ooo and those who refuse to abide to such laws must be punished accordingly

Overall good presentation 1It's important to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and make sure that you scrub your hands well. This will help get rid of any germs, dirt, or anything else that is on your hands.

 2 years ago 

yeah washing if the hands is really good and also we all should know that it prevents us from certain disease in the body and we should at least wash it 20 times a day I hope you all agreed with what I said

Yeah I'm totally agree with we should wash our hands 20 time a day and also 20 second for each time

 2 years ago 

yeah this will help to kill some bacterias in our body and also protect the body from some various disease and germs

Hmmm because these bacterias are very dangerous for our health and hand wash with soap is the one of the best way to kill these bacterias and germa

 2 years ago 

friend you have done Noble indeed washing if our hands help and also go a long way to protect our Heath also I learnt from what to said about parents enforcing their children to wash their hands that is good of you also from what you said about some disease

Scratches on the skin

Stomach pain



Colored nails

friend keep it up

Yes brother the reason for this is that it prevents the spread of germs and bacteria that could cause illnesses such as colds, the flu, and stomach bugs.

When it comes for personal hygiene, soap and water has really helped us alot.

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