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RE: ProWritersHub (W6): Getting help from extended family members - My story

in SteemAlive2 years ago

Such a terrible experience with this particular uncle. Am really sorry. Experiences like yours are so common. Some uncles do not actually want to see you succeed, although I have heard of uncles and aunts that are nice, but they are few. I am very happy that you are making it now even without their assistance.

I have uncles like that. But one thing I promised myself is that I will be the change I want. What I mean is that I wont like to behave like some of my uncles, now that I am an uncle to my sisters kids.

 2 years ago 

Am happy to have you as my Boss. Though I haven't met you in person. But you have been of so much help for me. May Jehovah bless and keep you for me and others who are benefiting from you.

 2 years ago (edited)

The little I can do, I dont refrain from doing it. I want to re-write the bad history of uncles. Am already helping my sisters kids in little ways.

There is this uncle of mine, he has more than 10 pieces of land. He has built a standard duplex years ago. Even in this COVID hardship, he completed another 1 story building. But I remembered when I went to ask for assistance, when I lost my former office. In fact after the visit, he made me feel that I should be helping him financially.

Since then, I forgot the address of his house. That was early 2020

 2 years ago 

I agree with you on this @focusnow
The ability to sail through disappointment and frustrations from relatives keep us stronger and determined for the future

 2 years ago 

Only one of my uncles, of more than 8 of them asks you how far. Not that he will give you money ooo. He will give you hope. He has more than hope to give, but he always gives hope. Hahahaha. @precious123

 2 years ago 

Great uncle is what you are and I know you want to be like your wicked uncles lol

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