Local Business Review: Gods Favour Electronics Co. 19 Pound Road Aba, Abia State Nigeria.

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)



I gladly welcome you to Gods Favour Electronics Co, a business that sells everything you need in your kitchen. I decided to do a review for this business because I have bought things from them severally. The last time I came to this business few days ago, I came to change my gas burner. But today, I visited again to purchase some golden spoons that I saw in my last visit and to capture images for this business review.

This review will feature some of the goods available in this shop. But before then, here is the siting of this business on Google map.

Gods Favour Electronics Co on Google Map


Gods Favour Electronics Co - About the business

Gods Favour Electronics Co is a business that sells kitche utensils and other household wares. It is located at 19 Pound Road Aba. Once you come this shop, you can quickly upgrade your kitchen with everything needed to make it modern. While shopping here, I was able to notice a number of goods on display which included the following:

  • Gas cylinder
  • Burner
  • Sets of plates
  • Flasks
  • Kettle
  • Pots
  • Spoon and fork
  • Frying pans
  • Water containers
  • Oven

These and more are the goods available in the shop. I was able to capture some of them and I would like to show you in this review. Lets look at them


Goods forsale at Gods Favour Electronics Co

Here are some of the goods I was able to capture.

1. Ceramic plates


I saw these colorful ceramic plates and i loved them. I had to capture them. These plates are popular in restaurants and other eating houses. At home, it can be used by all and even for guest. When I asked the price, the small deep ones are NGN500 (2.8 Steem) while the flat ones are NGN600 (3.4 Steem).

2. Gas Cylinders


Gas cylinders are one of the things sold by this business. When you arrive at the shop, there are many sizes and shapes of gas cylinders. They also have many accesories including different types of burners. I could not ask about the prices of all the cylinders. But I asked about 12kg and I was told its NGN18000 (102.8 Steem)

3. Golden Spoons/Forks


This is the kind of spoon you use to serve special guests and visitors. The spoon was what I even came for. The quality is so great. The spoon is not too heavy, but not too light. The gold plating is solid and does not look like something that will wash quickly. The price for each is NGN450 (2.57 Steem)

4. Silver Spoons/Forks


If you do not like it golden, how about some silver spoons and forks. One thing about these spoons is the quality. When you touch it, you will see the difference between most of the average spoon you find in the market. The silver spoon is a bit cheaper than the golden spoon. It was sold at NGN3000 (1.7 Steem)

5. Set of Glass cover plates


These are the kind of plates you bring out when you have a special guest to entertain. Its pure stainless plate with a glas cover. That means the guest has the opportunity to see through the plat and appreciate the food they are about to enjoy. The price is NGN4000 (22.8 Steem)

6. Knife Set


This is a complete set of kitchen knives. Whatever you want to cut, there is always a knife designed for it. Whether its fruits, vegetable or meat, you just reach out for the most suitable knive from this set and make your cuttings easy and nice. The Price for this set is - NGN3500 (20 Steem)

7. Colorful Deep plates


When your guests are many, then you need a sizeable, but decent plate to dish out your meals. Well, then you go for these bigger plates. They can hold more food, and still look great to your guests. I really love the bright blue color of this one. The prize for this 3-piece set is NGN 4500 (25.7 Steem)


My rating of Gods Favour Electronics Co

Shopfront of Gods Favour Electronics Co

Like I said, I have come to this shop to buy severally. I have bought a gas cylinder, burner, water bottle and other things from this shop. So I can really rate their business as follows:

1. Shopping Experience: Very great. Its really a busy place, so keeping everyone happy and satisfied wont be easy. But I can tell you that the Madam and her sales girls are doing a great job. They make sure you find what you are looking, and they are really nice to customers. The last time, I was offered cold water, because it was a hot afternoon. Great shopping experience.

2. Pricing: EXCELLENT. One reason I keep coming back is because I have compared prices. This place has a very competitive pricing strategy.
3. Quality of Goods:THE BEST. In this part of the world, when you say a product is Chinese, we mean its inferior. This business does not sell that kind of product. All the goods here are of excellent standard. When I checked the spoon for example, I knew it was very different. Even the Cylinder i bought her is still in great shape. So quality here is great.
4. Location: EXCELLENT. This business has one of the best locations, just 3 minutes walking distance from Aba main Park. So even if you are coming in from Lagos or Kano to shop here, it is easy to come in, pick up some stuffs and leave. Excellent business site.

The Golden spoons I bought



Gods Favour Electronics Co is a place you can come for all your kitchen utensils. They are doing very well in this business. Everything your kitchen needs is probably here. So try to check on them the next time you come to town.

Note: 1 Steem = NGN175

All images are original and captured with my Infinix S5 device

 2 years ago 

This place is absolutely beautiful,wish I was in Aba,I would have visited and also purchased those golden spoon and fork. Nice review @focusnow

 2 years ago 

The golden spoon is very beautiful. This Shop just like you said is in a very good location. I know that they will be making big sells in a day? I really need both the golden and silver spoons. This was another excellent work from you. I am learning and from you, thank God am improving gradually

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 2 years ago 

I am in love with the golden spoon, the shop is very big and has a lot of quality goods

  • How do you see the set of plate in green?
    The ceramic plates are of high quality, no wonder you gave them high rate
    I will love to read more of your business review


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 2 years ago 

Indeed Aba is a really place to be, look at the wonderful and beautiful kitchen items they sell there, please sir my birthday is coming soon, if you can buy some golden spoon 🥄 for me and golden plate, i will appreciate it🤗🤗😂😂😂😂😂.
People like us that they didn't born with silver spoon, is not bad that they use golden And plate for my birthday ooh..

God’sfavour electronics is really loaded with goods.
Meanwhile, the spoon you bought is it the one they always refer to as being born with a silver spoon??

There all seen goods are so beautiful . But those ceramic plates and colourful deep plates as well as those set of glass cover plates , it's would be most people choice .

 2 years ago 

This is very impressive, their shop is well loaded with kitchen utensils, I may check it up some day

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