WriteAright 2.0! entry 04|stay healthy by drinking alkaline water by @emmanu

in SteemAlive2 years ago

Hello steemians, I hope you all are fine and doing awesomely well. I welcome you all to my 04th entry of this week WriteAright challenge that is organized by this amazing community @steemalive to keep there members engaged weekly. In this my article I will be emphasizing on water and it's benefits. I will also talk on alkaline water and it's health benefits so be calm and read.


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Water is a transparent, and inorganic fluid that has no odour, taste and colour. It contains chemical elements like hydrogen and oxygen. It has an essential capacity to dissolve other substances and it's scientific name is H2O.

Importants of Water(H2O)

Water is very essential to human not just to human but to animals and plants. Here I will tell you all the important of water to human,plant and animal and they are listed below:

importance of water to human

  • Waters helps the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to human cells
  • Water help to keep the body hydrated always
  • Water helps to normalize blood pressure
  • It is a producer of saliva and mucus
  • Water helps to protect human tissues from damaging

Importance of water to plants

  • Water is very necessary and important for photosynthesis to be carried out.
  • Water helps to maintain cell turgidity of plants for structure and growths.
  • Water helps to transport nutrients and organic compound through out a plant.

Acidic Water

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Water is said to be Acidic when the PH level is below 7 and also when carbon-dioxide is combined to the water during precipitation.
Acidic Water has no health benefits rather it has more negative effects to human health and below are the negative effects:

  • It causes damage to the organs
  • It causes body weakness
  • It causes diarrhea
  • It causes shortness of breath etc

Alkaline water

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Water is said to be alkaline when it's PH level is higher than the neutral which is 7. Normal water is said to be neutral which is 7 while but alkaline is higher than it with a PH level of 8 or 9 and with this it can neutralize acid in the body. Alkaline water also contains alkaline minerals and ORP(Oxidation Reduction Potential) and the more the negative ORP value is the more the more antioxidiziing the water will be.

Health benefits of Alkaline water

Alkaline water is very beneficial to human health even more than the ordinary water and below are some of the benefits;

  • Alkaline water keeps the body more hydrated than ordinary water
  • It improves bone health
  • It increases longevity etc

my source of water

Here we have different sources of water and they listed below

  • Borehole water
  • Tap water
  • Rain water
  • Table water etc


It is very important to drink water daily especially alkaline water because of it's benefits. Man also needs water to carry out there day-2-day activities. It is recommended that every one should consume at least 4 liters of water daily so as to stay hydrated always.
Thanks to everyone that took there time to go through my post and @steemalive for going through my post.


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 2 years ago 

Hello @emmanu, good afternoon to you dear, how are you doing this afternoon?

Water help to keep the body hydrated always

Water is very important to the body and when you deside to take it regularly, you will see a good chance in your body system and your skin will look so good.


Thanks for sharing...

Here all might likely ,known that water is an essential substance . And water is as well very crucial for our body system . Alkaline water or good water really needful for human body system surviving . Thank for sharing

Alkaline water is healthful, wish to drink it always

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