ProWritersHub (W7) - My Dreams For a Better World|| Let's Dream Together

in SteemAlive2 years ago



Hello my people, it's been a long time since I last posted on steemit. But then I thank God it didn't take me forever to post again. Without wasting much of our time here today am gonna quickly rush into some mightily important stuffs I'd love y'all to know about. Guess what it is? Yeah from the topic above you would easily know what I wanna say.

Today we live in a world full of problems; confusions, distrust, disasters, pain, uncertainties and dissatisfaction etc. These here are just a piece of the whole lots of problems in the world today.
But at the same time the world has also experience a lift from hardship since the arrival of science and technology in the history of Mankind. Now the main reason this article is about to be revealed.
My Dream for a Better World.



Don't be carried away by the sudden mention of settlement, sometimes I like to be unpredictable when sharing my dreams with people - reason best kept secret. We can't talk about the world without pick pointing what the world really is, though our terminologies may differ but at least they mean one same thing (The World). Now, here comes my own definition of the world: The world means the earth, the countries in it, the mountains, the ocean, the atmosphere and the people including everything natural and artificial things that exists in it. Sure it's that simple, hope that's what you know the world to be? If so let's keep sailing. But hey! I also know that the world means something slightly different from the first definition too, the world also means my environment, my city, my state and country. Yeah it does! This kind of world is what I want to talk about (you can't change the whole world without changing the world around you first).

Settlement is one of my major problem with my city - Uyo.



Settlement in my City is quite questionable in a number of ways, the urban settlement in Uyo is faulty. Laws should be passed by government to harness orderliness concerning human settlement in the state.

There is one major problem I have with the scattered settlement in the State. The problem is that they have eaten up space. Akwa Ibom is fast growing in terms of population coupled with the fact that development is fast driving inward, the population could be triple what we have today in just 20yrs coming. Hence, there is need for intense settlement planning by the institution that handles housing affairs in the State. Lands are being misused by both citizens and government, building estates is now the business of the day. Everyone is rushing to invest in real estate but yet the planning is so poor when considering the generation unborn.



Presently in Nigeria we consume more than what we produce, and that has been our day to day sermon in the country. We have consumed and even consume farmlands unaware. It's bad, it's infectious, it's seriously injurious to our state of survival. In Akwa Ibom the effect of building houses on farmlands is already affecting us badly considering the hard strokes of hunger being lashed on our backs by the terrible, trembling and staggering economy of the nation.

Even at the scattered settlement in Akwa Ibom the cost of living is fast strangling less privileged, they have no where to live and some are willing to work hardly for survival but due to illiteracy they only have knowledge of farming but where are the farmlands? They are the ones whose efforts would feed the whole nation but poor urban settlement has eaten up farmlands thus, they become helpless and move from rural to rural searching farmlands to work and earn their living.


My dream is to become an architect or an urban and regional planner so that I could help prove to my people that what is happening now is wrong, the land wastages can be so bad as time goes on. I would proffer solutions to most of these plan unknown wrongness by:

  • Enlightening my people on the advantages of building apartments which do not scatter around but a tall building that contains people just as bungalows would. I would tell them that these tall buildings saves land area for other purposes while working same as any other building would work.

  • Enlightening them on the dangers of scattering settlement, and also show them the benefits of focusing settlement on a particular environment leaving the other of the state for agricultural purposes.

  • Building infrastructures where it will not where necessary to encourage rural-urban business connection.


If time would allow, I could write more than these about my dreams because I have more than hundreds of dreams concerning the world around me. Thanks for your time on my article today, I really appreciate.


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For: Steemalive

 2 years ago 

Enlightening my people on the advantages of building apartments which do not scatter around but a tall building that contains people just as bungalows would. I would tell them that these tall buildings saves land area for other purposes while working same as any other building would work.

This is beautiful idea .i think if we should adopt it .it will go a long way to help us in future. Infact all your dream for better world are all fantastic.

Thank you ma'am, if all dreams could come true maybe we'd be living in a better world. Thanks for engaging in my post.

 2 years ago 

Yes,it is really one of the best idea which he has brought out,enlightening people on the problem of building apartment will really go a long way to help build a better world for the future.

You have made some really important point here, settlement and farmland.
These are things that affects us here a whole lot.

I know few people who want to go deeply into farming but securing a productive farmland has always been an issue.
Thanks for enlightening us.

Thanks for seeing from my own point of view.

 2 years ago 

Yes,no one wants to go into farming,they are all looking and putting all their mind in white collar jobs,and at the end they end up being disappointed.

Wao, beautiful piece. Good to manage scarce resource like land. I am aware there are laws on control and management of land. The problem is that the government lacks the will to enforce the laws.

You see, we know there are laws and there are not executed, if laws were executed in our state then we would have seen where faults are and mend it for man's good.

 2 years ago 

Yes,they are really running low in this part,they should enforce a law to come over the use of lands and also they should bring out machines that can make farming very easy and faster for everyone.

I have more than hundreds of dreams concerning the world around me

My dear every one has thousands of dreams, anyways, may God help you to fulfil your dreams.

Thank you ma'am, I join my faith with yours and say Amen!

 2 years ago 

Your dream for a better world is something every one dreams for. But, it's obvious that things have damaged and because of our imperfect state, we keep on failing.

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The reason why we are still at this point is because there is no determination. Thank you ma'am for engaging.

 2 years ago 

wow you really have a better dreams to achieve in life indeed you will be great only if you determine this in life and focus on you studies this your dream will indeed change the world and bring more happiness to it at large

My dream is to become an architect or an urban and regional planner so that I could help prove to my people that what is happening now is wrong

wow I really love this dream one of my best friend keep it up see you achieve it in Jesus name 😁

Amen! Thanks Bro... I don't give up on dreams... I work towards making them a reality... But only God can Approve

 2 years ago 

yeah that's determination and also with God all things are possible and made easy be hard working and see your dreams be achieved okayy

Okay, thanks

 2 years ago 

Wow,you have really listed the good ways to make this world a very better place for everyone of us,you have spoken well by saying that we consume more than we get in the country and these has really been a big problem to us all.

Yes bro, embrace production for a better Nigeria. Thanks for engaging in my post.

If time would allow, I could write more than these about my dreams because I have more than hundreds of dreams concerning the world around me

My brother just like you, we all have millions of dreams because no one wants to suffer. Wish you the best in your dreams.

 2 years ago 

Yesoooooo,there are millions and millions of dreams that we all have but it all depends if time permits us all.

 2 years ago 

We all have dreams of which we would want to change if it were to be within our power, most of the situation of things at hand isn't impressive and it's damaged beyond repair

Yes there are damaged beyond repair... But then we can't sit back and watch it continue the way it is. Thanks preshy

 2 years ago 

You're most welcome

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