The diary promo: I help @okere-blessing to write and complete her achievement2 task, after Sunday service. (10/4/2022)

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)

@chicheze is ready for Sunday service

Hello friends


Just like other Sundays' i woke up in time to prepare our Christian meetings that will start by 10:30,am. Being in a presence of God, one needs to be punctual not so? That's alright, now what was my first Activities in the morning? Let's find out.

Morning Time


I woke up as early as 4:00,a.m to complete the post I was making the previous night before sleep snatch me away. Done with the post, I used another 1 hour to read, comment, check and verify few posts in our community. It was already 5:55,a.m. time for morning worship. I comfortably did that with my family members. Since, our study will begin by 10:30,a.m, I quickly prepare our breakfast, bath my child and gave her food to eat.

As a Hustler, I quickly grab my phone to write another post before going to the meeting. By 8:55,a.m, another post is ready. I now drop my phone, brush my teeth and do other necessary things. By 10:30 dot, I was at the Kingdom hall. I was a bit late cause I missed the first song, but meet the first opening prayers.

The lessons from our Christian meetings


  • We should always trust Jehovah's way of doing things as they best. Though Jehovah doesn't need our approval before he acts or after that. But knowing it too well that he has our good interest at heart will make us to trust him.

  • We should trust those who he kept to oversees us. You know today, Jehovah will not speak to us directly from the heavens. But he has earthly representatives which is the elders in the congregation. Jehovah trust them, that's why he gave them the work. So, if we don't trust them, it simply means we don't trust God himself.

  • In the near future, Jehovah will bring an end to this bad system of things. Is only those who have unshakable trust in Jehovah now, that will be saved. Why??? It will be easier for them to accept any directions from those representatives then. Our faith, will save us.



After our 2 hours meetings, I returned back home to write my summary work as a Moderator in Steemalive Community. By 3:45,p.m, @okere-blessing called me that she is coming to write her achievement2 task. I told her that I am busy anyway but, she should come. She was happy and thanked me. Before 5:30,p.m, she was already in my house with her friend who came along with her. I was happy to see that she has made an attempt, I correct her where she needs corrections.

When it was time for her to screenshot her wallet, I showed her how to do it. I told her that I won't do it for her so that she can learn it and teach others. At last, she was able to complete it. Please put your hands together for her as you read her achievement2 task

@chichieze, @okere-blessing with her friend



Tim for dinner. I went straight to the kitchen to arrange my dinner. After cooking, I enjoyed it with my daughter. After eating, I rested for 3 minutes before taking another bath. I tried making another post, but sleep said no. So, I have to call it a pretty Sunday night.

I encourage us to continue to train the people you brought here to gain there stand.

💯 set for @steemalive


Achievement1 task

 2 years ago 

You are always ready to assist newbies and they are doing very well @chichieze, no wonder @okere-blessing is always happy to come out for promotion.

ClubPlagiarized?SteemExclusive?Used Bidbot?
 2 years ago 

Haha, yeah, I love her zeal

A hustler indeed you are. Not only that, you are a time manager. It's not easy these day to balance time for God, business and the family.

Yes, the lessons learned at the meeting about trusting those who Jehovah puts in oversight position will help us to scale through the "great tribulation". Matthew 24:21. More to that, we show Jehovah that we trust in his wisdom of doing things.

I enjoyed all the time you spent with your friend assisting her in preparing her Achievement 2 task.

On a lighter mood, was it "time for dinner "or did you use the soft drink Teem or "Tim for dinner". 😂

 2 years ago 

Hajajajaja, I did not use anything my brother. Thanks so much for your nice comment. I really appreciate it

 2 years ago 

I was a bit late cause I missed the first song, but meet the first opening prayers.

Late comer, early morning hustler. Post don carry you waka. @chichieze, am glad to know that you helped a newbie in writing her achievement2. And as you allowed her to do it herself, believe me, she can not teach others. Thats lovely

 2 years ago 

Exactly my dear

Keep doing the #thediarygame. Congratulations your post has been upvoted by The team Industrious seven. We are supporting the quality posts by using @steemcurator06. Happy steeming :)

The account was operated by @goodybest

 2 years ago 

Thanks so much dear friend

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