Diary Game season 3: going to the market to buy soup items and, letter went to pick my child from school. 6/3/2022

in SteemAlive2 years ago

IFA Atai market Uyo.what3words



Things are really costly in the market. Well, am not surprised because, the Bible has prophesied that critical times hard to deal with, will be here. So, it's one of the signs of the last days. But, no matter what, man must eat. Let me share with you my experience of yesterday.



I woke up as early as 4:am because I slept very early. I was tempted to carry my phone first, but I said no and first prayed to God. After that, my phone remains my closet neighbor. First place I checked was my WhatsApp. I saw series of massages and I read them serially. I also commented on post dropped in our groups. Done with that, I switched over to my Facebook account to reply few massages I got there. I now entered the main deal which is my Steemit page.

Going there, I gat some notifications. I checked, some where votes while others where replies from friends. I replied to their comments too. By 5:30am I started playing some melodies song to prepare my heart for the day. While I was humming the song, I was preparing things for my daughter. By 6:am, I woke her up for normal family worship. After that I bath her and after eating, I took her to school.


When I came back, I saw my landlord packing sand to fill the compound, because of erosion and flood in the compound after rain. I was so happy because last week after rain, I was not able to step out from my room for 2hours due to flood. I discussed for sometime with him and went inside to eat and put other things in order.



During afternoon, I went to the market in my area to buy things for soup. Hmmmm, I was not able to buy the quantity of the things I needed due to high cost of living. So, I bought the ones my hand reach. Immediately I came back from the market, I began cooking because my child will soon be back from school. By 1:59pm, I started heading to my child's school because the parents where asked to come and pick up their kids by 2:00pm.


While I was close to their school, my daughter saw me coming. She ran with joy to come and meet me. She was so excited to see me coming. When we get home, she took her lunch, refresh up and we letter did her homework.




I help her to do her homework during the evening time. Am so proud of her because she is academically wise. After her assignments, I told her to play for a while while I was busy with my phone. Later, we come together as a family, took our dinner and take our night bath. After bathing, it time to rest again. We concluded the day with prayers before going to bed.


Please my Introduction post is here


I was not able to buy the quantity of the things I needed due to high cost of living.

Things are definitely on the high side. I do wonder " will things ever go down". The system doesn't favour salary earners at all. We have to make more money @chichieze.

Nice post.

 2 years ago 

Things will continue to get worst until God's kingdom comes

 2 years ago 

Sure. Its our only hope

Hmmmmmmm, oh! Lord, let thy kingdom come.

It is a nice thing and also a thing of joy for a child setting he/her and see their perant around the school premersive to pick she or him from school, keep it up

 2 years ago 

Wow, wow things are so so expensive . the only thing we can do now to is to always cut our cloth according to our size

Nice diary game with your daughter girl.
She must have enjoyed coming back from school and seeing that the ground is now leveled to free flooding.
Thanks for sharing this content with us

 2 years ago 

Things are really costly in the market. Well, am not surprised because, the Bible has prophesied that critical times hard to deal with, will be here. So, it's one of the signs of the last days.

You're on point my dear sister. Infact, such things gives me joy because its sign that God is hearing our prayers for his kingdom to come.

@chichieze, its like your landlord is a good man. He didnt throw it as a burden to his tenants. Please greet you baby girl for me

 2 years ago 

Alright dear, I will greet her for you

You are wonderful mother, I love the way you take care of your daughter, keep it up

 2 years ago 

Thanks my sweet friend

We have supported this post. Keep on making great content in our community. Always check @steemalive for community updates. Thank you being an active member.

 2 years ago 

Thanks so much @steemalive, I really appreciate your support

 2 years ago 

Things are really costly in the market. Well, am not surprised because, the Bible has prophesied that critical times hard to deal with, will be here. So, it's one of the signs of the last days.

The best we can do is trust God for our daily bread and then apply ourselves to work. @chichieze

 2 years ago 

Exactly, thanks for reading

Really Nice Diary @chichieze.

Flood is really affecting many areas during this rainy season and we are yet to dive into the full season.
Your landlord did well by filling the areas.
Children always have joy when they see their parents come pick them up from school.

Thanks for sharing

 2 years ago 

Wow, I love this your comment, very meaningful. Thanks so much

" During afternoon, I went to the market in my area to buy things for soup. Hmmmm, I was not able to buy the quantity of the things I needed due to high cost of living

The condition of this government is that bad and it's really pitiful.
Only God will help us. Hope you got your PVC ready @chichieze

 2 years ago 

Yes my dear, hmm is signs of the last days

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