in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)




Good day to you all, my wonderful steemit friends in the steemalive community, how are you all doing today and how is the weather condition in your various dispensation. The joy of the Lord is always our strength and we fear na evil, because God is alive we have the full confidence in facing tomorrow.
Am here this morning to share which you how I spent my 2nd day in the hospital with my Daddy that was operated on because of HERNIA. My dear people I must confess that hospital is not a place to spend a day ooh.




My dear people is was not a full experience because from the previous day that I came to the hospital the previous day to see my Daddy that they did operation for, from previous day that I went till 12:00am I didn't sleep and it continues because I can't sleep when there is drip in my Dad's Body so I was awake through the night and I used that opportunity to verify some post and I also wrote a How God saved my Dad during the Operation.
After writing the post, I decided to keep myself busy by watching movie so that I will not sleep because I was looking after my Dad till in the morning. Around 6:43am my Mom now work up and told me to that we should pray so that I can go and sleep, but after the Prayers I went out to sit down at the front of the hospital so that I can fill the sun light because I have been inside the hospital room since I arrived.
I sat outside for some time as i checked on some notifications in my phone, because I went back inside. Few minutes later I had a woman crying and speacking the Benin language and all I observed was that she weeping because she lost her love one. Few minutes later,

an ambulance 🚑 now came inside the hospital as I came out to observe clearly. When I got out I now say many people that gathered outside without for them to bring the dead body from the mortuary and when they brought the body, many person's now started crying and was just standing outside and thinking of my own life because there come a day in every man's life that men will gather to celebrate you and they will still gather to cry for the person also.
That why every body need to be careful in the life that we live.

Few minutes later, I asked one of the nurse that what happened? So she said that before I came yesterday evening, that's when the rush the lady inside the hospital but during the treatment at night, she passed on. She said that the lady is was very beautiful and she has hight but now she is gone 🤔🤔🤔🤔 this life is nothing ooh.

As time goes on, I now went inside and saw the some nurses that came to check on my Dad, check the B.P and the temperature. But as time goes on, some other nurses came to inject him, one thing with my Daddy is that he fear injection more than Gun 🔫🔫. So he started refusing them so I gat to stand up from where I was sitting and went to hold his hand so that they can inject him.
My dear it was not a funny experience at all oooh 🤔🤔🤔.

Few minutes later, my Uncle now came to check on us and he stayed for few hours before he Left so I followed him out to get some food.



After buying the food I now came back and gave my Mom some food to eat, it has been long that I ate food from the nylon, so I bought my own rice in the nylon and started feeding from it.
But when my Mom saw me she now started shoutting at me that "why will I go and buy food in the nylon and but for her in the take away plate" ☺️I smiled at her and I told her that let her allow me to enjoy my self oo.


My Mum can worry for african ooh my dear people, every small time she will say I should go and sleep when am not filling sleep or she will bring up an old issue that has happened for ages and I don't want to hear those things because they are not encouraging at all "not a good vibes to talk about".
So my dear people, I just gat go out for sometime just to avoid some unnecessary talk ooh, my dear people e no easy ooh.



Around 6:00pm my Mum now went out to buy the food that we will eat and I took her to please help he buy a big bread 🍞 and groundnut that I will be eating small small small at night so that I will not sleep.


When she went out, my Dad now manage to tell me to download one old classical music by HANDEL MESSIAH: TITLE- "HALLELUJAH CHORES" as I was playing the video for him, he started singing the lyrics of the song and using the other hand that they didn't fix drip to wave to God and he was thanking God for his life.
The Hospital is very far from our house in the village so I have been in the hospital since when I came, but what to do naa,,, my dear all is on God oo,,,, all I pray is for quick recovery.
When my Mom came back, I now decided to take some bread and groundnut to eat 🤔🤔 oh my God na Caleb be this? That was the thought 💭 that was coming to my mind because all my plans for this week where aborted but I thank God in all that he has been so good to us.
To keep my self busy my dear, I started watching movie after checking to see if there are any post for me to verify in the @steemalive community, but at that moment I didn't see any unverified post.
So I continue what's movie till the middle of the night when Mum started disturbing me to sleep, so I ask her if I will sleep and there will not be anybody awake to be checking on my Dad to know if he want to wee or make some turnings, so I told her to sleep that am not ready to sleep yet. Suddenly she started ooh, that I don't use to hear word that am trying to be stubborn to her and instantly I know where she is going to and the only remedy was just to live her in the room and I went to stay with the nurse in the receiption.
Just to calm the talking spirit 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣, brother e no easy ooh, I stayed there till few minutes past 1am this morning before I finally went back to the room and I tried to make a post but my mind didn't carry it so I started playing some cool music till around 3-4pm when I decided to sleep.



It's not really easy ooh, my dear friends and beautiful personalities, I want to appriciate everybody to your prayers comment and Up-votes on my privious post.
Am still in the hospital, but be pray for his quick recovery so that I we can go home and I will fall back to Asaba and continue with my work.


My humble self

 2 years ago 

My Joy now is your Dad is getting himself gradually. Thank God for his life, he will come out successfully from the hospital in Jesus name Amen.

 2 years ago 

Amen ooh.. thanks dear.

 2 years ago (edited)

Life is like rose that come out in the morning and fade away in the evening, your Dad is a British Man, they don't like chemical, is good you are there with them o the he will accept the injection
Please can do well in making your post in smaller paragraph so that it will be easy to read

 2 years ago 

Thanks very much Mom, I do appreciate your care

 2 years ago 

Our lives appears just like a mist today, and disappears tomorrow. Thats why its important that we live a genuine life right now because, no one knows tomorrow.

May Jehovah console the bereaved family and may he sustain your father on his sick bed @caleb-marvel

 2 years ago 

This sayings of yours:

My dear people I must confess that hospital is not a place to spend a day ooh.

Reminds me of the days i spent with my cousin sister in teaching hospital here in Aba. Mosquitoes everywhere, cases of emergency emerges and even the outcry of those that lost their loved ones in death. My dear, sorry for that. Please, always stay around you dad to console him. He needs you now.

Most times, I try not to think so much about death because the fact that we will all die some day after struggling so much with life really scares me.
I’m glad you’re dad is getting better, I pray God perfects his healing.

 2 years ago 

Amen ooh.... Thanks very much for your care.... We do appreciate you my dear

You’re welcome

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