The Diarygame season 3; Actofkindness shown my @caleb-marvel

in SteemAlive2 years ago (edited)


Hello friends, happy weekend to you all. Thanks to God that is Saturday night oooh, and today is the watching-night of tomorrow which is Sunday and the first day of the week...



Hello friends, my greatly distinguished members of the @steemalive community greetings to you all. I remain you humble servant @caleb-marvel A. K. A Always at your service and am here to share with you all, how I was able to render some selfless service to the people around me in the cause of today's living.



"Oh my God, today is thank you for another Saturday morning like this". When I woke up around 6:21am, that was what I said to myself. I was planning to go for my Saturday routine "Road work" so i said my prayers and after praying, I just felt like to relax a little. After sometime, I decided do just do my home work-out and not going our again due to some reason. So when I came outside, I saw my neighbor break the shell 🐚 of periwinkel so I decided to go to see how she is doing it because I don't know how to do it and I haven't teasted it for for once. When I got the she was like, "Marvel, how are you doing today? Please set down." So I sat down and was looking how she was doing it. So as time goes on,I now went to look for my own stone and sat close to her as I asisted her in doing it.


After that, I know told her that she is going to teach me how to cook the afam soup that she said she want to use it for.
So she acepted as she went to watch the periwinkel with salt and water for several times until it was clean. So she now came back and entered her kitchen to prepare it. So I accompanied her as also asisted her to blend the pepper 🫑 as she show me that different steps for cooking the soup. She also showed me the mean leaf that is the head of the Soup.
After cooking, she made eba and called he to come and eat. My dear, I really washed my hands and jump inside the Soup, but I was scared of the periwinkel because I have not eating it once. So I asking her how to eat it, she started laughing 🤣🤣🤣 but at the end she told me how to eat it. After eating, I now went back to my house to some things.



Looking at the time it was about 12:09pm when my elder Brother ask me to help he and go to the fuel station to buy fuel ⛽⛽. So I picked up the gallon and went to buy the fuel. on my arrival, we now changed the oil in our gen because the oil was bad. So After changing it, we now took it back to where it use to be and we put it 0N.
Afternoon entering the house, few minutes later my brothers wife now beg me to assist her In pealing of the coconut 🥥🥥🥥

after that, I now went to buy mike and cold water that I will use to drink my gari.

After drinking it, I know went ahead to complete what I was doing before which took me till around 4:30pm when I head my neighbor trying to start her generator but it refuse to start.

I went outside to assist her, and I discovered that the oil in the gen was bad and the plug is bad
also, so she was contemplating on what to do some I went inside my house and removed the one the was inside the gen.



Around 5:00pm I now went outside and look for where they are selling generator parts. After buying the plug I now came back and fix it in the gen and the gen started working.
After that, I now went inside my house and bath as I prepare to go for choir rehearsing. When I came out from the bathroom, I decided to carry some clothes that I will use for tomorrow service because we had two services tomorrow and for that I will sleep in the Church till tomorrow because of the 6:00am service. After my arrangment I now enter road straight to the church, when I got there they have already started some I quickly join them.

After the choir practice, I now did some set-up against on Sunday before I went to the Vicarage to rest for the night. After eating rice and beans, I now pick up my phone to work on some things before going to bed. And presently I decided to drop my diary post for May-15-2022 before going to bed. And I know that in less than 4hrs from now, we will be getting up to prepare for the service.



Show somebody and #actofkindness today, put smile 😊 in somebody's face and don't expect anything in return. Please stay well and safe, that for checking on my diary. Stay safe and God bless you all... Happy sunday to you...


My humble self


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 2 years ago 

Thanks very much, @juichi, I really appreciate you actofkindness towards my kind...

 2 years ago (edited)

You are kind in nature. I really appreciate this quality in you. May God bless your kind heart. Please did you kiss the periwinkles?😂😂😂. You longer longer I will tell your mom for you. You went and eat somebody's soup.

Club status#5050
 2 years ago 

My dear, I really kissed the periwinkel but I was scared of it at first...

My Dear, you can tell my Mum. .... Let her come and punish me naaaa.... If only if she have not given food to other person's children... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

 2 years ago 

So you are proudly saying this Abi? I will punish you myself.🏌️🏌️🏌️🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺🤺

 2 years ago 

Hahahah..... Come naaa.... 😝😝😝

 2 years ago 

Is good to be kind. I hope your neighbor gave you some soup for helping her to cut that periwinkle

 2 years ago 

She prepared food and we ate together

 2 years ago (edited)

It was indeed a day of actofkindness, from morning till evening, now you can cook Afang soup and you can eat prewinkle, good things is always achieved during showing others kindness

 2 years ago 

It's a good one oo, I really appreciate it.....

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