Let me show you a cute pet I know

in SteemAlive2 years ago

I happily welcome you all to my blog once again and is my delight today to write about a cute and adorable pet I know.

Let me introduce to you my neighbors cute pet called Mimi by name.

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Mimi is a beautiful and adorable pet that everyone in my compound loves, she plays with everyone and hardly gets angry.

Mimi is 7years old and has given birth to 12 sets of puppies, most times she gives birth to 6-7 puppies at once and this is as a result of how the owner is taking care of her.
Mimi falls into the American Eskimo breeds and this breed doesn't grow too tall or too fat, it's hieght ranges between 38-51cm.
American Eskimo breeds look alike, wherever I see them I will think that it's Mimi I saw.

The American Eskimo Dog are considered an ancient dog breed due to thier recent admixture with wolves, there lifespan is just 12-15 years.
Mimi makes a good companion with the owner and the children in the compound.

How do they take care of Mimi

From the above picture we can see that Mimi is very neat because it is well taken care of, Mimi belongs to a single lady name Mavis and she loves Mimi, she baths Mimi twice a week with quality soap and other necessary things for bathing a dog.

Mavis always takes Mimi out for a walk in the evening which is one important thing every pet needs, because it helps them to be strong and happy.


I will say that Mavis spoils Mimi when it comes to food especially when she just gave birth, Mimi eats jellof rice, indomie and often Mavis buys Amala and ewedu for Mimi which amounts to 15steem per plate.
So Mimi eats quality food that's why she's always looking healthy and strong.

Some facts about Mimi

Mimi have been providing huge financial support for it's owner because in every set of Mimi pet Mavis makes not less than 300 thousand Naira which is equivalent to 3000 steem, and this helps to support her in some financial expenses.

Mimi is getting old and her child bearing level has reduced and the owner is not happy with her again, she wants to sell Mimi out and we all are sad about that.
The owner doesn't care much about Mimi again the last time Mimi gave birth she left her for a party without giving her food and I was sad about, she still deserves the love and respect and care because she's still a lovely pet.

Lesson learned

I learnt that some people have pets not because they want it but because they want money once the pet stop giving them money they will now detest or not like the pet again.

Other people loves animals and they like taking care of pets so they don't mind if the pets give them money or not they take good care of thier pet.some will even cry when the pet grows old and die.
I love pets and will have one in the future.


Yes o. Many people now like dog as pet and others keep it for money making. That's why they keep dogs for their puppies. They sell them to make money. The local breed can be raised and sold to operators of bars and restaurants called "dog meat joints". Some people consume dog The meat is quite expensive. I will never eat it.

 2 years ago 

Is it that you don't like dog meat, it's very delicious when prepared the right way

I'm in love with it

 2 years ago 

@precious123 she does not like dog meat, mbok, we know it's delicious but they aren't to be eaten #Dogslifematter.

 2 years ago 

See protest for dog nau

 2 years ago 

Protest is understatement, I will prosecute you join.

 2 years ago 


The pet is really a nice pet,
I will to have such pet when ever I have my own pet

This needs a bear hug!🐻🤗 And a resteem! Done.👍

 2 years ago (edited)

The owner doesn't care much about Mimi again the last time Mimi gave birth she left her for a party without giving her food and I was sad about, she still deserves the love and respect and care because she's still a lovely pet.

This isn't fair ooo, Mavis shouldn't do that to Mimi please. Mimi is just so cute and neat

Please help me tell Mavis not to dispise Mimi, she should still be the good boss she was, atleast she has gained enough from the innocent dog

 2 years ago 

It is a glaring veracity that Mimi is been taken proper care of, looking at the colour and body tells that the owner takes proper care of the dog's hygiene.

Mini is very productive, giving birth in due time, thus offering the owner the opportunity to sell the puppies to make more money. That's a good business indeed.

 2 years ago 

Wow,you really have a cute pet dear,also with a very good and nice name Mimi,I will like to have this dog as my pet.

 2 years ago 

Such a cute dog.awwwh why will the owner be that heartless. Living a dog that just gave bith to a party. Please bring mimi for me joor

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 2 years ago 

Thank you for showing me this cute pet, Mimi. I just like the color, it's beautiful.

Other people loves animals and they like taking care of pets so they don't mind if the pets give them money or not they take good care of thier pet.some will even cry when the pet grows old and die.

I'm in this group, ah! I remember last year when a Keke driver mistakenly rolled over the leg of a family friend's puppy, it hurt her so much that her shout pierced my heart. The way I rushed and carried it and started massaging the leg and crying at the same time asking God to save it. Unfortunately it didn't survive it, I held it in my arms as it had its last breath 😭😭😭. All through that day I couldn't hold myself, I cried as if I lost a dear friend. 😢
I love pet dogs and can't stand seeing them being hurt 😍😍.

 2 years ago 

I love pets but do you think Mavis sees Mimi as a pet? I don't think so. To her, it's her money making machine. That's why she's no longer in love with Mimi. What do you think?

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