7days writing challenge//My Immediate Neighbors and Workmates//@beautybb//24/8/21

in SteemAlive3 years ago
My second day in this great contest.

Today i want to write about my immediate neighbor and workmate.
Firstly i will like to write about my immediate nieghbor.

Darasimi Tiawo my immediate nieghbor

Her name is Darasimi Tiawo but i call her Dara, shes from ondo state, shes a mother of one, and shes a loving person.

She works as an accountant in fidelity bank plc.

Dara as i call her is my neighbor next to my flat, she packed in a year ago, and immediately she packed in we became friends because she is a loving lady, she was pregnant when she packed in, as a result of that she was disturbing me so much, i can't cook and eat alone, once she smells my food you see her jumping into my room, i can't forget one night by 11 pm,she texted me on watspp asking me if i have okra soup, as God may have it, i had okra soup in my freezer and I gave it out to her.

Finally she gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, and disturbance continued,whenever she want to go to market she keeps his son for me, even when am busy.

One thing i love about her is that she is a giver, she doesn't think of only herself, she loves people around her so much, because if shes a stingy type she wont be my friend.

Now let me talk about my immediate workmate

Glory Ekpekor my immediate workmate

Glory Ekpekor is a native of Umuelendu in 7up Aba Abia state.

Glory Ekpekor is my school mate and my workmate, we have been together for 14 years now, we meet during my nursing school days in the year 2007 at Royal hospital and maternity home Opobo road Aba Abia state.[What3words](https://w3w.co/song.families.surnames Where i did my practical nursing then. and we become close friends, that people call us "partners in crime" because whatever she knows i know, whatever she does i know, wherever she goes i know, likewise she knows all my hooks and ends.

Finally we graduate on 12/11/2010, and our friendship didn't end there, we separated a bit because we got work in different places.

But after few months we came back together again, she was already working in Egon clinics, because of the way she missed me, she didn't hesitate to alert me immediately there was an opening in there Clinic, and i passed the interview and was employed, we came back to be together once again, it was a happy period for both of us.

We were together till 31/8/2019 when i got married and relocated to Lagos state, i missed her so much, i have not been able to get a close friend like her here in Lagos, tho we still chart, and call each other, but distance has changed so many things, like going for outing together, and other things.

Reasons why Glory Ekpekor is special to me

  • when i got admission into school of Nursing, i knew not where to start and what to do, people around me where mocking me, but Glory took a special interest on me, and helped me understand where to start and what to do.

  • My first day in the theater, during a sugery of Myomectomy which is a process of removing fibroid, due to that was my first time of seeing such blood flowing, i slumped, others were making jist of me, but Glory carried me out of the theater and took me to the hostel and gave me water to drink,i got back to my feet, this one act of kindness made her special to me.


Whenever or wherever you are, so many people will be around you, not all will be usefull, take time to pick out special ones, and keep them close to you.

Thank you for reading my post.

Still me @beautybb.

 3 years ago 

Hi @beautybb,

Thank you for participating in the contest.You have done well by telling us about your best neighbour and workmate.

Glory and Darasimi must be very kind ladies.Who knows how often you disturb them too.

Continue to make original contents on Steemit.

 3 years ago (edited)

My own disturbance is unmeasurable, thats y the friendship worked out,@samuel20 thank you for stopping by.

Wow! Your workmates must really be a loving and caring friend. You both almost look alike. Nice post you got.

 3 years ago 

Thank you dear,she is a good friend.

Nice composition @beautybb.

 3 years ago 

Hi @beautybb,

I must confess you did a clean write up here. I jealous your pattern of writing, it's so neat and precise. What marvels me most is that you're even a new member. I admire your writing keep it up, @prolee cares.

Whenever or wherever you are, so many people will be around you, not all will be usefull, take time to pick out special ones, and keep them close to you.

That's what my friend once told me. In fact he said, "Many friends are like Junior WAEC, till today we don't exactly know why we wrote such exam"
Anytime he tells me that, I do laugh, cos it sounds funny but that's true. So like you said we should be wise when selecting our friends.

 3 years ago 

That you for the commendation. I appreciate so much

 3 years ago 

Nice composition. I love your format. Glory and Darasimi must be very king ladies indeed.

Now back to your format. Please teach me 🙈

That was really an emotional write up. Its not always easy to bear when we relocate away from our friends and our environment. Please dont forget to alway keep your channels of communication open.

 3 years ago 

Sure my king

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