in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

Greetings everyone and thank you for visiting my blog again. I want to appreciate @focusnow for this contest. It's actually very personal to me. I don't actually see this as a contest but rather as an avenue to let out some emotional steem building inside of me. There's a saying that

A problem shared is a problem half solved.


Letting people have a glimpse of what we pass through in life is a window to breathe because life can be so unpredictable with it's ups and downs. I'd say I've had my own fair share of life's sucker punches. It's more like when I think it's gonna be ok and a bigger one hits. My life has been full of so much pains, trauma and challenges but what's life without challenges. I've suffered the death of loved ones from my father to my little niece and cousin, to aunt's and uncles. I've been a victim of relationship heartbreaks, arm robbery, fraud, betrayals, delays and many negativities of life but am glad to be alive and stronger.

Some of these came as hard blows. Some were in the past and some are in the present. This contest is about three present sucker punch, so am not going to dwell on the past cos I could write an encyclopedia of all I've been through in the past. Am simply going to take us on a little trip on the present sucker punches am dealing with and I sure do hope I feel better letting these steams off my chest and for you reading this, thank you for lending me your shoulder to cry on cos that's what this means to me.


• Losing six hundred thousand Naira to fraudsters that is about 2,643.steem with the value of steem at 227 Naira
• Battling with a health challenge
• The demise of a dear one


Losing six hundred thousand Naira to fraudsters.

This is the first sucker punch I experienced this year. It's all began last year December when one of my friends mentioned a business she was into that was yielding dividends to her. As a hustler, I had been thinking of possible opportunities to invest in that will yield passive income outside my regular job. I entered the new year with so much vibe telling one of my friends that am going to handle my first one million naira this year but I didn't know I was in for a life time sucker punch.

I didn't have enough money to make the investment so I borrowed five hundred thousand Naira from a senior colleague of mine with the intentions of paying him back after I made profit. He actually charged me 20% interest plus Capital. Meaning I have to pay back six hundred thousand Naira instead of five hundred thousand Naira. I agreed because I was given the assurance that the business was legitimate. On the first of February, he sent me the money which I invested in a company called wiseling two days later. Here is a screenshot of my bank statement.


I invested the entire money plus my own hundred thousand Naira I saved up during the festive period making it a total of six hundred thousand Naira. One month later, one thing led to another and the company folded up and shut down their website. To cut the long story short, We were scammed. I tried logging in to the website to no avail. This is a screenshot of the website even till date we can't access the site anymore.


It was all a sham and here I was in a debt of five hundred thousand Naira. This happened five months ago in the month of March. I almost committed suicide when I got to learn about the scam. I fell sick for weeks. I had to summon up courage to tell the person I borrowed the money from to give me more time to pay up. I couldn't tell my family because they would kill me for that. So I had to bear the whole brunt with the help of a friend. I finally had to open up to my elder brother and he was so mad. He didn't talk to me for weeks but I finally had to apologize. He forgave me but am still left to bear the debt alone. He made no offer for help.

I had to start looking for ways to pay up. I've been able to pay up two hundred thousand Naira with the help of some friends and am still in debt of three hundred thousand Naira. Am saving up my SBDs from steemit so I could sell them off and settle the remaining debt. I had been able to save about 30 SBD, still have plenty to go.


Battling with a health challenge


It's been one month plus since I started battling with my health. It began on the particular week I started crypto academy on steemit. I joined steemit in the month of May and despite everything I did, I wasn't getting the votes. I even got to a point where I counted my posts in one month of joining Steemit to find out that I had 42 posts that paid out with nothing. I mean 42 posts that expired without even 0:01 vote.

I was discouraged but someone adviced me to try crypto academy that it would pay as long as I gave it my best. So I had to borrow SBD from a fellow steemian coupled with the little I had and powered up so that my steem power can be up to the requirement. I had already built my reputation to 50 under one month because I posted consistently not because of the votes because there wasn't any votes coming in. After the powering up, I attacked crypto academy with so much zeal that I did 5 assignment in one week. 3 from introductory classes and two for the beginners class week two. Three of the assignments scored above 5 while two didn't do well.

I spent sleepless nights, I burnt the midnight candles and that was when the health challenges started. I guess it was worsened with the fact that I didn't have money to feed well. So I broke down. I was always dizzy and slightly feverish. I had to travel to Lagos to stay with my elder brother. When I got to Lagos I didn't bother going to the lab because I had fallen sick earlier and the lab said I had shortage of blood. I jokingly told @focusnow that crptoacademy was sucking my blood because it was very tasking and it's a pity that after all the hours of hard work, it's as if my best is not good enough. Thank God for the support of steemalive with crypto academy open happiness to support those that didn't do well in the homeworks and also the free lecture they give to help us do the assignments.

The symptoms I was feeling was familiar to the previous symptoms I had some months ago when I was duped, so I assumed it was just blood shortage as said by the lab. I bought fruits, complan milk, blood tonic and was taking them but it persisted. A friend adviced me to take pumkin juice which I did. I got better but anytime I venture into crypto academy, I would break down again. So I had to miss crypto academy for one week to rest my head. Even though I engaged with contests. I just can't stay without steeming. The symptoms persisted and was becoming serious so I had to go to lab last week and was diagnosed with malaria and typhoid and my blood was shorting than it had previously with all the pumkin juice and all.

I had to settle for medication. Got some drugs and was taking them but they seem too heavy for me. I had to report to the pharmacy again on Sunday because I fainted in the kitchen trying to fix something to eat because of the effect of the drugs. The doctor had to redirect me on how to take the drugs. My brother and relatives were around me all this while supporting and helping me to recover from this health challenge. Just when I thought I was recovering, the third sucker punch came that threw me into another round of pains. It was the last straw that broke the camel's back for me. I got a devastating call. Some precious to me just died.


Demise of a loved one


This is a short but tragic story. It started last week when I got a call that my friend was sick and hospitalized. This is my friendship of fourteen years. We met each other in our hundred level in the University and since then have been through thick and thin. The friendship hadn't been rosy at all. We fight, quarrel and reconcile like all friends do but we've had each other's back. My friend had been sick and I wasn't even aware because I had been away battling my own health challenge. We hadn't been in close communication lately.

When I got the call of his health challenge, it was already critical but I was able to talk to him briefly on phone. We didn't speak for long because he was very weak and couldn't talk. I sent my regards and the little financial support I could muster for his treatment. The next time I called his sister, she said he couldn't talk but we did a video call just to see his face. He looked very weak and was on oxygen. The next day I called again and she said he was better, that he got off the oxygen, walked around and was talking. I was so excited hoping for the best only to hear the next day that he had a relapse and before I could say Jack Robinson, he was dead.

That morning I tried calling the sister but she wasn't picking only for me to get a call later in the evening from a friend. I had prepared custard and fried egg to eat so that I could take my drugs. I dropped the food on the table and went to get my phone. I saw my phone ringing and picked it up. The person on the other side was crying and I was tensed, I asked her why she was crying and my fears were confirmed. My best friend had kicked the bucket.

Forever in my heart

I couldn't believe my ears. I cut the phone in shock and said it was a lie. I started calling my pastor but he couldn't pick the call. His wife did, she tried calming me down but it wasn't working. I started praying. I prayed for long calling my friend to come back to life. I went outside walking in the streets praying and crying. I couldn't eat the dinner I made, I had to throw it away hence I couldn't take my drugs. I didn't believe he was dead. I only said he went to get a message from God and would come back. With this notion, I was able to sleep a little that night because I lived in denial. I said by tomorrow they would call me to tell me he woke up. I was hoping for a miracle but it didn't come.

Reality dawned on me the next day. He didn't wake up and hasn't woken up even as I write this. I was devastated. I cried and cried and cried. Everything around me reminds me of him. I cried till I fell sick again. I couldn't eat anything. My cousins were very supportive. One of my friends even had to come over to my place to spend the night with me. I couldn't take my calls. I couldn't sleep. I dried up in two days. I've been a shadow of myself since Tuesday. I couldn't do anything on steemit.

As I write this my heart is heavy but I got the consolation and strength to come here and share this sucker punch because @focusnow encouraged me to let it out. I want to thank him for the support and also @ngoenyi for her support too. One of my friends had a dream last night and my friend came to him telling him that he is in a better place and that God was the one that called him home. Life is full of mysteries and we can't question God. Am glad he is resting in peace and I have to put myself together to continue with life until we meet to part no more


I have outlined three challenges, for the first, am still in debt of three hundreds thousand naira. A donation from anyone who is able to let go of some steem or SBD would go along way to help me settle my debt and also am appealing to steemcurator01 for a bouyant upvote, it can go along way. I couldn't tag the steemcurator01 on this post because we are asked not to tag them but if the appropriate persons can make my ordeal known to them and they choose to help, then I would be forever indebted to their benevolence. If I save up to hundred SBD and sell them off at the price of three thousand Naira each, I'd be able to pay of my debt. I've been able to save about 30 SBD as I mentioned initially.

My health challenge is improving as am still taking my drugs.

Then my friends demise is weighing down on me but I think with time I will be fine. A little check up on how am doing from your end would be appreciated. I really need shoulders to cry on and encouragements to move on.

My life had really been full of sucker punches but each punch had only made me better and stronger and I intend to pull through and also be an encouragement to others who are or may pass through sucker punches too.

Thank you for your patience through this long tale of my sucker punches. It means alot to me that you read through to this point. Your comments are welcomed and I look forward to seeing you on my blog again as we steem on.

 3 years ago 

This is quiet sad. I wish you quick recovery and may God grant you fortitude to bear. Amen.

 3 years ago 

Amen. Thank you for ur prayers and kind words

 3 years ago 

My dear,am speechless,because me am tired of everything,but there is hope,our Heavenly Father will not leave us or forsake us,He will continue to renew our strength.

As for your dear friend, yes hes dead but there is hope of resurrection and this will give us all the opportunity to see our dead loved ones.

My dear cryptoacademy is another case,me am very sick now,because of sleepless nights.

Be happy the Lord is your strength.

 3 years ago 

Amen. Thank you so much @beautybb. Your words exudes hope.

Pls try and get some rest and sleep. It's well

 3 years ago 

My dear,am on some things that will help my life sha,thank you and take care.

 3 years ago 

Your story is so touching honey but hey we can get through this ok.

Sometime around August last year, I got a work as a marketer in a Bitcoin company in umuahia. My duty is just to bring investors to the company and I get 5%of the person's investment dear, could you believe that over the space of 1month my clients investments including mine was over 2million naira.
Consider the pandemic and everything It was hard for people to bring out their money and invest but because of trust they had on me I got the money and met my target, guess what sis boom I went to work on a fateful morning the office is locked.

To cut the long story short, the company have folded and they made away with the whole money.

I slept in police stations as Al my clients were dragging me up and down, I attempted suicide but couldn't but today am still strong and fighting

It was a blessing in disguise because I got to met the person that introduced me to steemit @kadosh2340 in that platform.

You see dear life can not be predicted but we can't stop fighting ok.

We are strong together
Share no more tears because you will still smile through steemit and pay off your bills ok.

 3 years ago 

Woooow. Life is indeed trying. Sorry for your pains. Glad you pulled through.

Thanks for reaching out to me. I appreciate your kind words

 3 years ago 

We're strong together sis

I knew something was wrong with you, that was why I checked on you when I noticed you commented on a post.

I sympathize with you over your loss. Just try to let go. I have felt such pain like you do now once. But what can we do? If tears was possible to bring back a loved one, we definitely won't be having any dead person.

Please I beg in the name of God to hold yourself and be fine if you want him to be happy wherever he is. We Love you from here 💜.

 3 years ago 

Thank you so much Nina. The lord is my strength.

Some experiences in life seems to be tougher than others. It's quite unfortunate that you are passing through all these alone. My heart really goes out for you, I feel for you eventhough I may not understand fully how you feel.
May our comforting God Jehovah, grant you His spirit bear up.

 3 years ago 

Amen. Thank you so much

Waooh, What a story. Its really painful to loose such a huge amount of Money. We are sure you survived the ordeal to learn your lessons. Thank you so much for not giving up @alexanderpeace

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