The Diary Game Season 3: Betterlife//My Diary for July 15th Activities//@aizeeck//100% Power Up

in SteemAlive3 years ago


Good Evening Lovely Steemians!
How was your day? I strongly believe that it went well, and that really call for giving Jehovah God, a special thanks. I had a successful day too.
The success I had is what inspired me to write it down as my diary for the day.
I woke up as early as I could, did my morning spiritual duties wherein I thank Jehovah God for a successful night rest and at the same time ask Him for help in the day's plan.

My plan for the day was basically to do some house chores.
The first of it all was to water my little plant.
This little plant in the pot gives a beautiful flowers on regular basis but for some days the buds weren't opening for new flowers to come out. I decided to water it which I think might help the buds to break open for the flowers to come out.
After watering the plant, I did some laundry work since I will be at home. At least, my being at home allows my to monitor the cloths and to bring them in whenever it starts to rain.
My next activity was an interesting and important one. It is the writing of my achievement 3, on content etiquette. I wrote the task about Plagiarism! It's a word I have heard but I have not written anything about it. Writing something about it affords me the opportunity to learn more, which was the outcome. I invite you to check my write up on plagiarism via this link Achievement 3

These and many other things were my activities for the day and I thank Jehovah for the success.
I really thank you so much for reading my diary and I hope you enjoyed it.

Written by @aizeeck

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