in SteemAlive3 years ago (edited)

Greetings Great Steemians

I still remain with the username @advokate,
Here I am today to share with you my experiences and challenges when I signed up steemit till this day.
I commend @ngoenyi for creating this opportunity that could be helpful to steemians.

Firstly, I never regret joining steemit, no matter the challenges I had which range from trying to understand my login keys, understanding the platform, how to apply tags, poor votes on my posts, and the pains of not winning a contests after participating, haha, all these experience made me stronger and they built me up.

I will never seize to thank this my good brother and friend @armstrongdiho, I call him my mentor because he introduced me to steemit in Rivers State University campus, he told me about steemit then my android phone was faulty and I couldn't register until a month later, I came upon with another android phone and we were already on vacation, we couldn't meet for him to teach me how to use the platform.

I called @armstongdiho on phone, he told me the name of the steemit site for registration and I registered by following the instructions in the site.

My mentor @armstongdiho guided me on how to write my introductory post by sending me a format on WhatsApp and I independently wrote my introductory post, my first challenge was how to apply markdowns and tags in my past, since he was teaching me how to post through WhatsApp, I never understood what he was expressing, he tried to tell me that my tags should be related to content of my post, all his effort in trying to teach me how to use tags and markdown through WhatsApp was proved aborted because I never know that in tagging I don't need to put # to the word I am using for tagging, the # key is automatic as soon as I input the words I want to use for tagging. Sourcing my image gotten from the internet and creating a link was another great challenge at this point, I never knew that I have to apply it this way source. I became frustrated but I had no option than to observe what other people are doing in their post, Upon that I had to wait until I meet with @armstrongdiho again in school campus in other to guide me on how to tag and apply markdowns, source my image gotten from internet, create links. Finally I met him and he helped me arrange my introductory post, applying the necessary markdowns, and using the correct tagging, he taught me how use steemit platform, I learnt a lot from him that day and I felt fulfilled.

Secondly, I thought steemit was a platform where I can post anything I like, get a compulsory upvote from curators, Hmmmmm I realised that my thoughts on steemit were wrong and not true, I got disappointed because my introductory which is my Achievement1 and my second post were really poorly upvoted unlike other steemians posts.

I reported to my mentor @armstrongdiho asking him why are my not being upvoted like other steemians, is there anywhere I am getting things wrong in my post, I almost cried because I felt like an underdog and like I was being ignored but this never stopped me from posting because I still had some atom of hope, I worked more harder, giving steemit some benefit of doubt that maybe one day it's my turn to smile. Fortunate for me, in my third post booming upvoted my post and I felt like dream come true, this was when I started getting some sense of belonging in steemit, the upvote from booming gave me momentum to explore on steemit. My fourth and fifth postwas poorly upvoted but it never discouraged me from steemit until I participated in a contest that stated that I should write on what I love about my country, in this contest I emerged as 3rd position, this contest took me a the whole night to write my post, I started by 6:00PM in the evening and I finished writing my post at 5:00PM the next day, this contest took me time to write because I was still learning how to use the platform very well and I had to make my work creative, site the source I borrowed my image from, although, the outcome of the contest encouraged me because belenguerra supported me with upvote from booming and also steemcurator01 also gave me a good upvote.

Another challenge I had again was the results of some contest, Maybe I am not in the right position to say this but this is one of the biggest challenge I had, seeing some people emerging as the winners of a contest which I really feel they don't deserve, when there are better participants, although I know that the contest host is the master of his or her sea, he or she decides what happens in a contest but in some of the contest most participant try to put in their best in creativity, in coming up with quality and original content, at the end when the result is out, we will never see them as one of the winners, people that emerge as winners, their work cannot be compared to some participants that partook in that contest, I believe that this is discouraging and is killing the morale of some participants, this has happened to me severally, I felt the pain but I am a man with an open heart and I just cheer up and congratulate the winners, I just believe that they are lucky and that they should also feel the flames and bask in the euphoria too, I feel they are humans like me with feelings. Lately I have changed my mindset knowing and believing that anybody can win a contest because we are all steemians and who ever wins should be congratulated by others and accept it on a good fate but my advice to every contest host is that

they should please ensure that the persons that emerges as winners are the best participants in that contest, I believe this will encourage hard work.

Firstly, My candid advice to those who are correctly facing the same challenge and those who may face it in future is that they should first of all bear in mind that steemit is a platform that adds value to its users but not get rich soon platform where anything you post you get upvotes from curators.

Secondly, read guidelines on how to post, apply tags, markdowns and learn to site your work from the internet where it is borrowed your image before you start posting, read the FAQ in steemit.

Thirdly, one need to have an open mind, prepare a good mindset to congratulate who ever the contest host announces as the winner of the contest you partook, keep working hard, just believe that one day it's your turn to win.

Finally, Keep posting quality and original content on steemit that is totally free from plagiarism, sometimes not for the sake of the contest or upvotes but for the sake of other people's thought on your ideas and you might learn more from others and educate others too.

Currently, I got into my final year in school, I have been assigned a project supervisor, I barely partake in some of the contest or post on my blog unlike before because of my seminar work in school, my seminar work requires much of my attention at this time in other to get approved so that I can start preparing for my protect work soon.
I promise to come back stronger than before when I am done.

To everyone that took their time to go through this post, I so much appreciate you.
Thank you ones again
Special thanks goes to

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