Pancasila is The Basis of The State of Indonesia - Encyclopedia @fantvwiki

in Teachers & Students23 days ago

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Pancasila is The Basis of The State of Indonesia

Hello Literacy friends, best regards to you all.

On this occasion, I continue to learn to provide posts that have educational value to all readers, and I will continue to try, especially for users in the Teachers & Students Community, a community that is expected to be a gathering place for Steemians who want to learn and know a lot about education, as well as a place to find reading material that might be useful among teachers and students, especially teachers and students in Indonesia.

This post is also a reading that I discuss when teaching in class, especially 4th grade elementary school students, and I am quite happy to share all the basic material that I will share later.

In this chapter, we will discuss the material in the Pancasila education lesson at the elementary school level, a compulsory subject in Indonesia, which aims to assess, analyze, and solve nation-building problems from the perspective of Pancasila which is the basis and foundation as a guideline for Indonesian society.


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Summary of the birth of Pancasila in Indonesia

For the people of Indonesia, the word Pancasila is not so Foreign, a word that became the Indonesian nation. Pancasila is a characteristic that shows foreign countries about Indonesia globally so that it becomes a big country that has a good personality and upholds human values as a whole without discriminating people from the differences they have.


Free image source from - BPUPKI session

Before the independence of the Indonesian nation in 1945, the leaders of the Indonesian nation consisting of a group of intellectuals formed a small committee to formulate the basis of the state. These intellectual figures are divided into two, first, the establishment of the Investigative Agency for Preparatory Efforts for Indonesian Independence or in short (BPUPKI), and the second is PPKI which stands for the Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence. From here the foundation of the Indonesian state was created, or rather on June 1, 1945, to be later ratified on August 18, 1945, one day after Indonesia proclaimed the independence of the Indonesian nation which fell on August 17, 1945. That is why Pancasila became the basis of the state because it was compiled and designed by influential figures from intellectual circles by considering all aspects and human values and ideals of a newly independent nation.


Ilustrasi : Foto pribadi saya

The meaning and content of Pancasila

In its history, Pancasila is a combination of *Sanskrit, the classical language of India which according to the story has been used for thousands of years in several parts of the world and is characterized as the language of classical Hindu philosophy that is often used, especially in Indonesia.

Referring to its meaning, Pancasila consists of two words that are connected. It's a 'Panca' and 'Sila'. Panca means five and Sila means basis upon principle.

There are five basic/basic that have been formulated and endorsed by the Research Agency preparatory efforts for Indonesian Independence at that time. Each of the five basic sounds of the country is a view that continues to be relevant to today's life to be realized as the ideal of the country. The five basic sounds of the state that were approved as the foundation of the state, and until now continue to be maintained as the identity of the nation are as follows :

  1. The first is the : Belief in the one and only God.
  2. The second precept reads : A just and civilized humanity.
  3. The third one reads : The unity of Indonesia.
  4. The fourth precept reads : Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives.
  5. The fifth is Social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia.

The five sounds of Pancasila have their respective meanings and interpretations that have been mutually agreed upon and cannot be separated from each other. The values contained in pancasila become guidelines and legal bases formed in Indonesia through the country's Constitution. The five sounds of Pancasila are also represented by Image symbols that reflect the five policies of the country. So that it can be a reminder to the people of Indonesia and become a symbol of the country that is held in high esteem by all the people of Indonesia until now.

The image symbol of Pancasila representing the five foundations or principles of the Indonesian state is as follows :

The First Pancasila Symbol: 1. Belief in the one and only God.

The purpose of the first Pancasila symbol with a star symbol, which reads Belief in the one and only God is that the Indonesian people put God in the highest place in the belief of the hearts and souls of the people of Indonesia. Regardless of the choice of beliefs that the people profess as beliefs, the people must have a religion recognized by the state such as Islam, Protestant Christianity, Catholic Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Confucianism. So that in their lives, people can bring good values of their beliefs into everyday life.
The second Pancasila : 2. A just and civilized humanity

The purpose of the second precept that describes the interconnected chain is that all Indonesian people hold each other tightly, to then work hand in hand to maintain attitudes and morals as human behavior to respect each other and maintain manners. So that the people of Indonesia have good morals and good sense based on religion, norms, and culture.
The third Pancasila : 3. The unity of Indonesia.

The meaning of the third Pancasila symbol with the image of a banyan tree is meaningful, that is a tree that has strong roots and stems, as well as dense leaves. Indonesia is expected to be a shady and safe place to take refuge for all the people of Indonesia. The roots of the banyan tree symbolize a solid unity so that the people can continue to maintain the unity and unity of the Indonesian nation and at the same time a home for the people of Indonesia with any ethnic and ethnic background.
The fourth Pancasila : 4. Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations amongst representatives.

In the fourth precept of Pancasila, there is a picture of a bull's head, this image symbolizes a strong animal but close to the community, so this symbol symbolizes the calm of the Indonesian people to be able to help each other, deliberation, mutual assistance, and wisdom. This animal is also synonymous with animals that live in groups, and this becomes the philosophy of the bull.

Fifth Pancasila : 5. Social justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia.

The last is the meaning of cotton and rice in the fifth Pancasila, this is interpreted as a symbol that symbolizes prosperity and well-being. Cotton is often used as a material for making yarn for clothing as a basic requirement, Rice is the daily food of the people of Indonesia. In other words, this symbol represents the ideals of the nation to meet all the needs of the people in a fair and prosperous, so this foundation continues to be relevant until now as a hope that continues to be achieved and improved where the front.

In addition to the meaning of the five Pancasila, each precept has application values to be worked on by all Indonesian people. In another section, I will try to describe the application of Pancasila values to all of you. As a form of knowledge that might be read and known by Steemian friends from other countries about Indonesia.


Illustration : my personal photo, gotong royong is a characteristic of the Indonesian nation related to Pancasila

In the end, the values of Pancasila are the ideals of the founding fathers to remind the people of Indonesia to always achieve these ideals. Great expectations will continue to be achieved so that later it comes to progress that creates prosperity, security, and justice for the Indonesian people.

So this simple post, hopefully useful for anyone who is ready to read it.

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 23 days ago 

Edukasi yang sangat sempurna dalam menjelaskan nilai nilai Pancasila, jadi teringat masa dulu waktu masih menjadi guru PPKN dan waktu masih sekolah dulu masih mata pelajaran PMP

 23 days ago 

Ya, PMP (Pendidikan Moral Pancasila), pelajaran yang membentuk Ideologi Rakyat Indonesia.

Terima kasih atas pujiannya ibu Dewirusli.

 23 days ago 

Rasa Nasionalisme saya kembali bergelora..

 23 days ago 

Semoga selalu terjaga dalam Nasionalisme yang masih sama bang fajrularifst.

 23 days ago 

Thank you very much for publishing your post in Teachers and Students community

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@ myteacher


Pancasila sebagai dasar negara kita, kita patut untuk menghormati setiap nilai-nilai yang terkandung di dalamnya. Selain itu, Pancasila ini juga lahir dari sebuah proses yang panjang, para tokoh dan cendikiawan berkumpul untuk menyusun landasan negara kita.

 23 days ago 


Terima kasih atas waku yang anda berikan untuk melakukan verifikasi pada postingan ini.

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 23 days ago 

Terima kasih.

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 23 days ago 

Terima kasih.

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